- [凪麿] 湘埖議蝶匯爺 / One Day in September-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (8鐙指鹸)
- [NHK] 弌勸弥錐隻祭邵鶺痛責春 / NEWSLINE.FOCUS.2017-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (8鐙指鹸)
- [Discovery] 涼徨 / The Original Vampire -射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (13鐙指鹸)
- [NHK] 厘断嚥富定Jump議50定 / ボクらと富定ジャンプの50定-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (16鐙指鹸)
- [IMAX] 吏才峠催議販暦 / Mission to Mir/艶阻選男催-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (8鐙指鹸)
- [IMAX] 桟白諮表揮 / Ring of Fire-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (10鐙指鹸)
- [History Channel] 釦躯今嘱雰叉杞垓需 / The Russian Navy - A Vision of Empire-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (11鐙指鹸)
- [NHK] 7了匯軟伏試議汽附溺繁 / 溺7繁おひとりさま みんなで匯wに頂らしたら-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (8鐙指鹸)
- [BBC] 穐浣満犀貍由雫賞佛 / Evita The Making of a Superstar-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (19鐙指鹸)
- [HBO] 黛悶働送芝 / Naked States-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (12鐙指鹸)
- [Discovery] 垢殻寄融篤 畠鹿 / Extreme Engineering -射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (9鐙指鹸)
- [BBC] 匯功服徨嗤謹海 / How Long Is a Piece of String? -射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (8鐙指鹸)
- [BBC] 哺議赤箸 / The Joy of Winning-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (12鐙指鹸)
- [鏡羨] 繁送 / Human Flow-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (9鐙指鹸)
- [凪麿] 舞老 / The Immortal's Play-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (15鐙指鹸)
- [凪麿] 壅需安帽略仭 / One Day in Auschwitz-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (7鐙指鹸)
- [凪麿] 及眉吸忽議凖治 / Ruins of the Reich-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (10鐙指鹸)
- [鏡羨] 囁壇 / Yumen-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (10鐙指鹸)
- [義諮忖鳥怏] 芙氏僥社才弌俑 / La sociologue et l'ourson -射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (11鐙指鹸)
- [凪麿] 繁窃射 / Anthropocene: The Human Epoch / 繁弊砕l麼仇白 / 繁窃弊-射村頭彿坿1080P/720P/360P互賠炎賠利徒儻跡和墮 (11鐙指鹸)