纪录片《等不到的道歉》军事历史纪录片 迅雷百度盘下载 豆瓣8.9-1080P下载
二战期间,多达20万女性被强迫成为日军慰安妇。 《等不到的道歉》深入追踪三位来自中国、南韩及菲律宾的老太太,细述当年被迫为慰安妇经历;即使皱纹满脸,步履蹒跚,她们仍坚强乐观,坚持四出奔波指证七十年前日军的罪行,只希望于有生之年获得日本政府道歉,或鼓起最后的勇气与亲人分享这秘密。一场与时间竞赛的社会运动,三位老太太就是最有力的证人。 《等不到的道歉》拍摄七年,自2016年世界首映,巡回欧美加放映,感动人心。
The Apology follows the personal journeys of three former "comfort women" who were among the 200,000 girls and young women kidnapped and forced into military sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. Some 70 years after their imprisonment in so-called "comfort stations", the three "grandmothers-Grandma Gil in South Korea, Grandma Cao in China, and Grandma Adela in the Philippines-face their twilight years in fading health. After decades of living in silence and shame about their past, they know that time is running out to give a first-hand account of the truth and ensure that this horrific chapter of history is not forgotten. Whether they are seeking a formal apology from the Japanese government or summoning the courage to finally share their secret with loved ones, their resolve moves them forward as they seize this last chance to set future generations on a course for reconciliation, healing, and justice.
导演: 熊邦玲 Tiffany Hsiung
编剧: 熊邦玲 Tiffany Hsiung
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 加拿大
语言: 韩语 / 汉语普通话 / 他加禄语 / 日语 / 英语
上映日期: 2017-03(韩国)
片长: 105分钟
又名: ???? / The Apology
第21届釜山国际电影节 釜山影迷大奖
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