小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:17:35





:现代澳大利亚的形成The Making of Modern Australia-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



威廉·麦金尼斯(William McInnes)主持的社会政治纪录片,由美国广播公司(ABC)在2009年出版-英语旁白Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by William McInnes, published by ABC in 2009- English narration   



《现代澳大利亚的建立》于2009年3月发布,是战后澳大利亚跨平台人民的历史。最初是一个交互式网站,现在也是ABC TV上由四部分组成的主要电视纪录片系列,以及由系列叙述者William McInnes撰写的同名书籍。我们的历史,《现代澳大利亚的制作》网站允许澳大利亚人上传文本,图像和家庭电影。用户已经在生活记忆中奠定了丰富的国家历史剪贴簿的基础。电视连续剧和书籍借鉴了在线收集的故事。随着越来越多的澳大利亚人添加他们的故事,《现代澳大利亚的制造》成为一种更丰富,更有趣的资源。故事按地理位置,时间和主题分类。由ABC和澳大利亚教育服务局提供的教育门户网站也已合并到该网站中。这个交互式资源吸引学生和老师在线学习,并为我们的生活史贡献自己的力量。[编辑]??澳大利亚儿童???第1集-澳大利亚儿童广播:2010年7月22日,星期四澳大利亚以热烈的繁殖欲望庆祝第二次世界大战的结束。在1946年至1966年之间,人口从750万激增至1150万。这就是“婴儿潮”时代,这一代儿童的摇滚乐叛乱会席卷战前的保守主义,并永远改变一切。电影和电影?家庭电影档案中的镜头让人想起了一个简单得多的时刻:孩子们在户外自由漫游,宣誓在学校宣誓“快乐地服从父母,老师和法律”。但是,还有一些残酷的回忆:一个苏格兰孤儿回忆起多年的被忽视在天主教仁慈修女会的照顾下?“毫不怜悯”;一对布里斯班夫妇回忆起纪律严明,性别角色陈旧的教室;一个原住民女孩被从她的家庭和文化中带走,并“融入”了白人社会。但是,当“婴儿潮一代”开始拥有自己的孩子时,童年时代发生了变化。女孩在学校呆的时间更长,母亲去上班并探索了抚养孩子的其他方法。1940-1岁和50岁以上的身体,户外童年正在逐渐消失。今天的孩子们是``数字原住民'',他们被充斥着即时信息和娱乐的世界所淹没,但是在快速变化和更复杂的城市生活方式中,有些东西已经丢失了吗?发生在我们的童年。[编辑]?一个原住民女孩被从她的家庭和文化中带走,并“融入”了白人社会。但是,当“婴儿潮一代”开始拥有自己的孩子时,童年时代发生了变化。女孩在学校呆的时间更长,母亲去上班并探索了抚养孩子的其他方法。1940-1岁和50岁以上的身体,户外童年正在逐渐消失。今天的孩子们是``数字原住民'',他们被充斥着即时信息和娱乐的世界所淹没,但是在快速变化和更复杂的城市生活方式中,有些东西已经丢失了吗?发生在我们的童年。[编辑]?一个原住民女孩被从她的家庭和文化中带走,并“融入”了白人社会。但是,当“婴儿潮一代”开始拥有自己的孩子时,童年时代发生了变化。女孩在学校呆的时间更长,母亲去上班并探索了抚养孩子的其他方法。1940-1岁和50岁以上的身体,户外童年正在逐渐消失。今天的孩子们是``数字原住民'',他们被充斥着即时信息和娱乐的世界所淹没,但是在快速变化和更复杂的城市生活方式中,有些东西已经丢失了吗?发生在我们的童年。[编辑]?开始有自己的孩子,童年开始转变。女孩在学校呆的时间更长,母亲去上班并探索了抚养孩子的其他方法。1940-1岁和50岁以上的身体,户外童年正在逐渐消失。今天的孩子们是``数字原住民'',他们被充斥着即时信息和娱乐的世界所淹没,但是在快速变化和更复杂的城市生活方式中,有些东西已经丢失了吗?发生在我们的童年。[编辑]?开始有自己的孩子,童年开始转变。女孩在学校呆的时间更长,母亲去上班并探索了抚养孩子的其他方法。1940-1岁和50岁以上的身体,户外童年正在逐渐消失。今天的孩子们是``数字原住民'',他们被充斥着即时信息和娱乐的世界所淹没,但是在快速变化和更复杂的城市生活方式中,有些东西已经丢失了吗?发生在我们的童年。[编辑]??澳大利亚梦???第2集-?澳大利亚梦广播:2010年7月29日,星期四澳大利亚人对拥有自己的房屋的痴迷在我们的文化中根深蒂固,甚至有一句话可以形容?澳大利亚梦:第二次世界大战后立即开始,一直持续到今天。起初,“梦想”是温和的?像其他人一样,在郊区有一个两居室的住宅,有足够的土地供素食者使用,还有一个供孩子们玩耍的地方,但后来人口激增,郊区四处蔓延,时尚改变了,也是。如今,“谦虚”的澳大利亚房屋至少是战后模型的两倍。曾经有可能以年薪的三倍购买房屋,现在是九倍。和wThe Making of Modern AustraliaLaunched in March 2009, The Making of Modern Australia is a cross-platform people's history of postwar Australia. What began as an interactive website is now also a major four-part TV documentary series on ABC TV and a book of the same name, written by series narrator William McInnes.Under the slogan Your Story; Our History, the Making of Modern Australia website allows Australians to upload text, images and home movies. Users have already laid the foundations of a rich scrapbook of the nation's history within living memory.The TV series and book draw on stories gathered online. As more and more Australians add their stories, the Making of Modern Australia becomes a richer and more entertaining resource. Stories are catalogued by geography, time and subject.An education portal presented by ABC and Education Services Australia has also been incorporated into the website. This interactive resource engages students and teachers to learn online and contribute themselves to our living history. The Australian Child Episode 1 - The Australian ChildBroadcast: Thursday 22 July, 2010Australia celebrated the end of the Second World War with an enthusiastic urge to procreate. Between 1946 and 1966, the population exploded from 7.5 million to 11.5 million.This was the era of the "baby boomers", a generation of children whose rock 'n' roll rebellion would sweep aside pre-war conservatism and change things forever.Evocative film & home movie archive footage recalls a much simpler time when kids roamed free in the great outdoors and swore an oath at school to "cheerfully obey their parents, teachers and the laws".But there are also cruel memories: a Scottish orphan recalls years of neglect in the care of the Catholic Sisters of Mercy – "with no mercy"; a Brisbane couple remembers classrooms with harsh discipline and antiquated gender roles; an Aboriginal girl is taken from her family and culture and 'assimilated' into white society.But when the 'baby-boomers' started having children of their own, childhood was transformed. Girls stayed at school longer, mothers went to work and alternative methods of child-rearing were explored.The physical, outdoor childhoods of 1940’s and 50’s are fading memories. Today’s kids are 'digital natives' plugged into a world awash with instant information and entertainment.But amongst the rapid change and a more sophisticated urban lifestyle, has something been lost?This episode of The Making of Modern Australia explores what has happened to our childhood. The Australian Dream Episode 2 - The Australian DreamBroadcast: Thursday 29 July, 2010The Australian obsession to own your own home is so entrenched in our culture, there's even a phrase for it … The Australian Dream.It began immediately after the Second World War and continues to this day. At first 'the Dream' was modest – a 2 bedroom dwelling in the suburbs just like everyone else’s, with enough land for a vegie patch and a spot for the kids to play.But then the population exploded, the suburbs sprawled, the fashions changed, and 'the Dream' did too. Today a 'modest' Australian home is at least twice the size of the post-war model. It used to be possible to buy a house for three times your annual salary, now it's nine times. And where once "home" was about shelter and security, now it's also a means of accumulating wealth and status for which many are finding it impossible to pay.In this episode a cross-section of Australians tell stories of the Australian Dream; Olive and Roger still live in the tiny home Roger built with hand tools when the war ended 65 years ago; Carol has lived in a succession of renovated houses before finding her 'dream home', but a life-long contact with asbestos building materials has resulted in a life-threatening illness; Kevin in outback New South Wales tells us he was the first aborigine to receive funding to build a house, a tiny weatherboard cottage which has been 'home' for he and his wife, their eight kids and a plethora of relatives and friends; Sophia and Joe reflect on how their dream to profit from owning multiple properties turned into a nightmare in which they lost everything; and 90 year old Dolly, who’s rented all her life, reminds us that you don’t have to own it, to live in your 'dream home'.Remarkably, no matter how high the prices go, the Australian Dream endures. Successive Australian Governments have kept it alive by providing special grants to first home buyers and generous tax incentives to new investors.But there are 22 million people in Australian today and we’re struggling to accommodate them. Predictions are that in 2050 there will be close to 40 million, and no doubt most of them will have ambitions to own their own home. The Australian Heart Episode 3 - The Australian HeartBroadcast: Thursday 5 August, 2010Falling in love is a dance we all know the steps to. But what happens when the first flush of romance is over?In the 1940s and 50s, the rules of the game were strict, but clear to everyone... you got married and stayed married. Then came the swinging sixties and the sexual revolution. Today, you can live with who you want, when you want and how you want.But is finding love any easier? Australians today are marrying less and marrying later. And it's easier than ever to jump ship - 43% of all marriages end in divorce.Have we lost the mystery and allure of romance in our pre-packaged world?Through intimate stories, personal photos and historical archive couples - old and new, straight and gay, singles and divorcees openly share their secrets of the tumultuous changes in Australian love life. Stories include lovers who met after the war and are still together, immigrant ship-board romance, 'single, unmarried and pregnant' in the 60s, the impact of the Pill and the Sexual Revolution, divorce and 'open' relationships in the 70s, 'coming out' in the 80s, the modern woman of the 90s and internet dating.Humorous and revealing interviews combine with romantic images from the past to tell this amazing history of the Australian heart since World War Two. The Australian Soul Episode 4 - The Australian SoulBroadcast: Thursday 19 Aug, 2010The Church once dominated the Australian landscape.Of all the great shifts in Australian life since World War II, perhaps religion has travelled farthest. Back in the 1940s and 50s Australians dutifully attended church and Sunday school. Christianity had a firm grip on the Australian soul. But from the late sixties, bad boys and girls were finding spiritual fulfilment elsewhere and the Churches struggled to keep up.Nowadays only about 8% of Australians go to church every Sunday and over 18% say they have no religion. So are we a nation of lost souls?Combining astonishing historical archive film and the revealing personal stories and photographs from people, both inside and outside the church, this episode explores the struggle for the Australian soul since the end of World War Two.Encapsulating the era: an Irish catholic family experiences sectarianism first hand in the 1950s; a nun is touched by romance during the flower power of the 1960s; a priest is radicalised by the Vietnam war in the 1970s; a good catholic girl closes the door on organised religion when she is scorned for an extra marital affair; an Aboriginal woman tries to maintain the ties to traditional beliefs and two protestant boys both at the Billy Graham Crusades in the 1950s embark on entirely different future paths.Each story illuminates the dramatic moments in the changing nature of the Australian spiritual landscape.This Episode has captions.   





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Video 画面比例: 16:9   

帧速率: 25   

音频编码: AAC   

音频比特率: 128 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

音频串流: 2ch   

音频语言: English   

分集时长 Avg.: 55min   

Part Avg. Size: 760Mb.   

Writing application: Avidemux 2.5.3   

Format: Matroska   

来源: DVB-T【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: x264 core 93   

Video Bitrate: 1800 kbps   

Video Resolution: 1016x572   

Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9   

Frames Per Second: 25   

Audio Codec: AAC   

Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

Audio Streams: 2ch   

Audio Languages: English   

RunTime Avg.: 55min   

Part Avg. Size: 760Mb.   

Writing application: Avidemux 2.5.3   

Format: Matroska   

Source: DVB-T   







Further Information      

Official Website   


Release Post      

MVGroup.org (ed2k)   

MVGroup.org (torrent)   


Related Documentaries      

Richard Flanagan: Life after Death   

John Bishop's Australia   

First Australians   

Untamed Australia Season 1   

Tony Robinson Down Under   

Desert Heart   


Constructing Australia      

Australia Revealed      

Australians at War   







**** Hidden Message *****

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查看完整版本: 纪录片部落--纪录片《[ABC纪录片]现代澳大利亚的形成TheMakingofModernAustralia-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载》高清百度云1080p下载