小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:30:24





:生活的形状:完整的旅程The Shape of Life: Complete Journey-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



由乔纳森·布斯(Jonathan Booth)和彼得·科尤特(Peter Coyote)主持的自然纪录片,由《国家地理》杂志在2001年出版-英语旁白Nature Documentary hosted by Jonathan Booth and Peter Coyote, published by National Geographic in 2001- English narration   



《生命的形状》讲述了所有动物生命的开始的迷人而壮丽的故事。这个数字高清系列节目使用创新的摄像头技术捕捉罕见的生物,并通过令人惊叹的计算机动画揭示令人惊叹的细节,讲述了正在重写生命之书的生物学,遗传学和古生物学的革命性发现和科学突破的故事。该系列庆祝进化的辉煌和挣扎,展示了八种生物设计,这些设计几乎是所有动物生命的基础。Sea Studios的基金会和国家地理电视[编辑]的合作生产??起源???科学家们相信,这是有史以来第一次,他们收集到了充分的证据,这些证据指向了一个单一的动物群体,其中包括所有生物,包括人类。克里斯蒂娜·迪亚兹(Cristina Diaz)和米奇·索金(Mitch Sogin)等研究人员认为,这种“动物平安夜”最有可能的候选对象是仍然存在的一组生物:海绵。海绵是Porifera门的成员,被认为是最古老的动物门。Porifera这个名字在拉丁语中意为“持孔人”。海绵是唯一能分解成其细胞水平就能奇迹般地重新组装并复活的动物。这些看似无生命的生物也是奇妙的泵,过滤掉大量的水,仅收获几盎司的微观食物。我们怎么知道海绵是我们的祖先?事实证明,其基因中的所有生物都具有其进化史的线索-数不清的世代传承下来的一组独特的获得性遗传变化。这一事实使米奇·索金(Mitch Sogin)可以比较和对比海绵,苍蝇,鱼,青蛙,人类和其他生物之间特定的遗传差异集。他发现海绵确实是动物界的起源,并为所有动物的追随奠定了基础。??生活在移动中???当我们想到动物时,我们想到了运动。出人意料的是,多样化而优美的动物运动芭蕾可能始于刺胞,包括珊瑚,海葵,海笔和水母。除少数例外,所有这些动物均具有神经和肌肉。由于刺胞动物是拥有这种复杂性的最简单的动物,因此其直接祖先很可能是最早将神经和肌肉的力量捆绑在一起,使其能够移动并表现出可辨别行为的动物。确定的形式和形状。大多数特征是触角带有刺细胞,用于捕获猎物。刺胞动物的刺痛来自称为线虫囊的细小,通常有毒的鱼叉。通过触摸或某些化学物质触发,??最初的猎人???寻找食物的最佳方法是出去寻找食物。但是要进行狩猎,您需要能够前进。为了前进,您通常需要一个带有配对感官的头部才能知道要附着在对称物体上的位置才能到达那里。科学家认为,扁虫状动物是第一个与头部,大脑配对的生物感官和尾巴,第一个前进,因此第一个寻找食物和伴侣。双边设计的突破是巨大的。它赋予了这些生物巨大的优势,使其比只能坐着等待食物进食的动物更具优势。The Shape Of Life tells the gripping and magnificent tale of the beginnings of all animal life. Using innovative camera techniques to capture rarely seen creatures and breathtaking computer animation to reveal stunning detail, this digital high definition series tells the stories of the revolutionary findings and scientific breakthroughs in biology, genetics and paleontology that are rewriting the book of life. The series celebrates the splendors and struggles of evolution, unveiling eight biological designs that are the underpinnings of nearly all animal life. A Co-Production of Sea Studios Foundation and National Geographic Television Origins For the first time ever, scientists believe they have gathered substantial evidence that points to a single animal group of creatures that gave rise to all animals, including humans. Researchers such as Cristina Diaz and Mitch Sogin think that the most likely candidate for this "Animal Eve" is a group of creatures that still exist: the sponges.Sponges, members of the phylum Porifera, are considered the oldest living animal phylum. The name Porifera means "pore bearer" in Latin. Sponges are the only animals that if broken down to the level of their cells can miraculously reassemble and resurrect themselves. These seemingly inanimate creatures are also fantastic pumps, filtering tons of water to harvest just a few ounces of microscopic food.How do we know sponges were our ancestors? It turns out that all organisms in their genes carry clues to their evolutionary history -- a unique set of acquired genetic changes passed on through countless generations. This fact allowed Mitch Sogin to compare and contrast specific sets of genetic differences between sponges, flies, fish, frogs, humans and other organisms. He discovered that sponges, indeed, were the start of the animal kingdom and laid the foundation for all animals to follow. Life on the Move When we think of animals, we think of movement. Surprisingly, the diverse and graceful ballet of animal movement may have started with cnidarians, a group that includes corals, sea anemones, sea pens and jellyfish. All of these animals, with few exceptions, have nerves and muscles. Because cnidarians are the simplest animals to possess this complexity, their direct ancestors were very likely the first animals to bundle the power of nerves and muscles together, enabling them to move and exhibit discernible behavior.Cnidarians are also the first animals with an actual body of definite form and shape. Most feature tentacles with stinging cells used to capture prey. The cnidarian's sting comes from tiny, often toxic harpoons called nematocysts. Triggered by touch or by certain chemicals, nematocysts fire out of the stinging cells at lightning speed. The First Hunter The best way to find food is to go out and hunt for it. But to hunt, you need to be able to move forward. And to move forward, you usually need a head with paired sense organs to know where you are going attached to a symmetrical body to get you there.Scientists believe that a flatworm-like animal was the first creature to develop a head, brain, paired senses and a tail, the first to move forward and thus the first to hunt for food and mates. This breakthrough in bilateral design was enormous. It granted these creatures huge advantages over animals that could only sit and wait for food to float to them, e.g. sponges and polyps, or simply pulse aimlessly through the water in search of a meal, e.g. jellyfish.Modern representatives of this pioneering ancient design are the flatworms -- a group of animals in the phylum Platyhelminthes. This unsung group includes such animals as freshwater planaria, psychedelic marine polyclads and parasitic tapeworms and flukes. Platyhelminthes may not be famous, but they certainly aren't rare. About 20,000 kinds of flatworms are alive and well today, in fresh and salt-water environments and other nice damp niches, like the insides of other animals. The Conquerors For hundreds of millions of years, animal life resided only in the oceans. And then about 400 million years ago, fossil tracks suggest that an animal called a eurypterid left the water to walk on land. Maybe it was fleeing enemies, maybe it was searching for an easy meal, or maybe it was seeking a safe place to lay its eggs.Eurypterids were members of a larger group that would invade the land many times over -- a group known as the arthropods. Defined by segmented bodies, jointed legs and hard exoskeletons, arthropods comprise over 80% of the animal species living today. Many are familiar, such as crabs, lobsters and of course, insects.Paleontologists have recently discovered that arthropods invaded land not once but many times. Fossil evidence shows that different groups including insects, millipedes and centipedes, spiders and scorpions -- all came ashore on their own at different times.With appendages adapted for walking, breathing, pinching, sensing and ultimately flying, arthropods have achieved amazing success on land. Indeed, the development of flight was the tour de force of the arthropod insect branch and perhaps the single most important adaptation that allowed them to eventually dominate every habitable ecosystem on Earth. Survival Game Behind the beautiful shapes and colors of seashells is the story of how a group of animals called molluscs evolved in order to survive. The wide variety of molluscs includes clams, oysters, snails, mussels, squid, and octopus. The word mollusc comes from Latin meaning "soft," a good description of the group's fleshy bodies. Of course, in an ocean filled with predators, a soft body is easily eaten. The early molluscs that happened to develop hard shells not only managed to survive but also succeeded in launching an ever-escalating 500 million year old battle between themselves and their predators.Molluscs have survived throughout the millennia by having an immensely adaptable body plan. One example of this is demonstrated by today's Nautilus. The ancestors of Nautilus evolved buoyant shells, a trait that allowed them to launch off the seafloor and become swimming predators known as cephalopods.As each generation struggled against increasingly clever predators like vertebrates, the cephalopods accumulated more and more sophisticated innovations through evolution. One adaptation lay in speed. In creatures such as squid, the shell became smaller, moved inside the body and all but vanished. Another adaptation lay in brainpower. Octopuses and cuttlefish think, learn and react to their environments in ways surpassed only by vertebrates. If you have a soft body without a shell in the middle of the ocean, being clever is certainly one worthwhile strategy for survival. Ultimate Animal It's easy to believe that animals like us, creatures with heads, eyes, and brains, are the crowning achievement of evolution. But are we really? Echinoderms like sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers have no head, eyes, or centralized brains, yet they have proven themselves worthy competitors. In fact, they can live in places inaccessible to many other animals.Echinoderms evolved like no other animals on Earth. Most animals evolved bilateral bodies equipped with a head, central nervous system and brain. But echinoderms opted for a different path. They adopted a five-part symmetry with no head to lead the way. Their bodies seem little more than a skeleton made of tiny little plates and water. They don't use large muscles working on large body parts like other animals. Instead they move on hundreds of tiny, water-filled tube feet operated by a hydraulic system that doesn't produce high-speed movement. Most move so slowly that, by our standards, they appear to be nearly stationary.Scientists and now filmmakers have managed to bring these animals to vibrant life -- all through the use of time-lapse photography. When sped up, these animals spring into action competing for dominance, fighting for food, and hunting down prey just like lions on the Serengeti. Explosion of Life In the 4.5 billion year history of Earth, a mere 10 million years seems rather insignificant, the equivalent of two months in the life of a 75 year-old man. Yet, during a 10 to 20 million year stretch of time, beginning about 540 million years ago, life evolved at an explosive rate. Scientists call the period the "Cambrian Explosion."Paleontologists believe that before this explosion began, the only animals on Earth were sponges, cnidarians and ancestral bilateral worms. Yet by the end of the Cambrian explosion, all of the eight major animals body plans in existence today, along with 27 minor ones, had emerged. And no new body plans have developed since.A group of animals called annelid worms developed during the Cambrian Explosion. Today, about 15,000 species of annelids exist including earthworms, marine bristle worms, and leeches. Scientists believe that burrowing worms play a vital role in maintaining life on Earth by recycling plant and animal remains into carbon dioxide gas. This gas helps modify the climate of the biosphere. Before active burrowers appeared, organic remains became buried in sediments and depleted the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Actively feeding worms however, recycle buried organic material in a timely basis releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. With sufficient carbon dioxide in the air, land plants can thrive and the oceans remain free of ice across much of the planet. Bones, Brawn and Brains As we go through our lives -- driving cars, exploring the Internet, studying the world around us -- it is hard to imagine that we're related to Earth's other animals. It's even a stretch to see what connects us with the rest of the chordates, a group of about 50,000 species including the vertebrates like fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds, mammals and ourselves. But indeed, all chordates, from the worm-like amphioxus to Homo sapiens have three common features.Each of us has a single hollow nerve bundle running up our backs that blossoms into a brain in the head of most chordates. Each also has a stiff rod, called a notochord, that contains fluid-filled cells sheathed in fibrous tissue. (In humans, as in most vertebrates, the notochord becomes part of the structure of the discs between the vertebrae of our spines.) The third trait shared by all chordates is the presence, at some stage of life, of gill slits in the throat. (Human gill slits close up while we're still embryos.)Chordates, and particularly back-boned vertebrates, have achieved incredible success on Earth. Scientists attribute much of that success to evolutionary modifications in their genetic make-up. Vertebrates have many more genes than our invertebrate relatives. The additional set of genes have allowed us to develop complex body parts -- the backbones, skulls, jaws, teeth and sophisticated brains -- that have enabled vertebrates to dominate land, sea and air.Before we as humans gloat over our success, we must remember we are not the sole survivors of this great journey of evolution. We are part of an epic story much larger than ourselves.   





视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L5.1   

比特率: 2 897 Kbps   

Video 分辨率: 1280x720   

Video 画面比例: 16:9   

帧速率: 25.000 帧速率   

音频编码: AC3   

音频比特率: 384kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

音频串流: 6   

音频语言: english   

分集时长: 47mn      

分集数: 8   

体积: 1.09 GB   

来源: HDTV   

发布人:: DiCH and PiX@a.b.tv【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L5.1   

Video Bitrate: 2 897 Kbps   

Video Resolution: 1280x720   

Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9   

Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps   

Audio Codec: AC3   

Audio Bitrate: 384kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

Audio Streams: 6   

Audio Languages: english   

RunTime Per Part: 47mn      

Number Of Parts: 8   

Part Size: 1.09 GB   

Source: HDTV   

Ripped by: DiCH and PiX@a.b.tv   







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