:潘多拉魔盒Pandora's Box-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
由亚当·柯蒂斯(Adam Curtis)讲述??并由英国电视台(UKTV)在1992年出版的历史,社会政治,技术纪录片-英语??叙述History, Sociopolitical, Technology Documentary narrated by Adam Curtis and published by UKTV in 1992- English narration
在15年的时间里,亚当·柯蒂斯(Adam Curtis)一直致力于20世纪及以后政治的文化历史。1992年,他制作了潘多拉魔盒(Pandora's Box),这是六个政治寓言,寓意政治和技术官僚理性的后果(通常是危险的),特别是当用来粉碎常识和清楚地报道事实时。柯蒂斯对公共关系和旋转医生已经成为掩盖现代历史真实本质的方式-并没有什么对于现代官僚极权主义的新形式如此重要,杜克塞特“秩序”已经填补了法西斯主义和共产主义留下的基础。换句话说,“开明”的问题解决方案在最先进的国家中受到青睐,但被用来模糊民主的冲动。[编辑]??工程师的阴谋1917年推翻了沙皇的革命者认为科学是其新世界的关键。实际上,它最终为数百万苏联人民创造了一个令人迷惑的世界。在这项轻松的调查中,一位工业规划师讲述了她是如何决定人们想要厚底鞋的,只是发现在建造工厂的时候已经过时了。[编辑]???永恒的边缘“ Strangelove博士”所基于的冷战时期的人们。这些人相信世界可以通过对恐惧的科学操控来控制-恐惧是美国兰德公司的数学天才。最后,他们的异象是科幻小说中的幻想。[编辑]??绅士联盟30年前,一群经济学家设法说服英国政客,他们拥有万无一失的技术手段来使英国再次强大。潘多拉魔盒(Pandora'sBox)讲述了他们的实验是如何使该国更深入地陷入经济衰退的传奇,并询问-他们的游戏最终是否会升起?[???再见]?蚂蚁夫人太太关于科学与社会的现代寓言,关注我们对自然的态度。例如,当DDT使美国科学家的战后英雄只在1968年被其他科学家推崇时,该让科学家成为社会或政治变革的主要推动者吗?在一个科学真理出现之前,在各个阵营之间发生了什么样的内斗?当它出现时,它到底有多真实?[编辑]??黑人力量看看加纳前领导人夸梅·恩克鲁玛(Kwame Nkrumah)如何展望新的工业和科学时代,如何使非洲着火。他梦想的核心是成为巨大的沃尔塔大坝,产生足够的力量将西非转变为先进的乌托邦。但是随着他宏伟的实验逐渐成型,它带来了恩克鲁玛无法控制的危险力量,他慢慢地看着自己的科学大都市陷入了腐败和债务之中。??A是原子能。深入了解核电的兴衰。在1950年代,科学家和政治家认为他们可以用无限的核能来源创造一个不同的世界。但是事情开始出错了。美国和苏联的科学家被迫建造了数十种潜在危险的植物,随后发生了三英里岛和切尔诺贝利的灾难,改变了这种无形燃料的安全性的观点。For 15 years, Adam Curtis has concentrated on a cultural history behind the politics of the 20th century and beyond. In 1992, he made Pandora's Box, six "fables" on the consequences (often dangerous) of political and technocratic rationality, especially when used to crush common sense and a clear reporting of the facts.Nothing concerns Curtis more than the way public relations and spin doctoring have become ways of masking the true nature of modern history - and nothing is so vital to the new forms of modern bureaucratic totalitarianism, the dulcet "order" that has come to fill the ground left by fascism and communism. In other words, the "enlightened" problem solving favored in the most advanced countries, but employed to obfuscate democratic impulses. The Engineer's Plot The revolutionaries who toppled the Tsar in 1917 thought science held the key totheir new world. In fact, it ended up creating a bewildering world for millionsof Soviet people. In this light-hearted investigation, one industrial plannertells how she decided the people wanted platform shoes, only to discover thatthey had gone out of fashion by the time that the factory to manufacture themhad been built. To the Brink of Eternity Focusing on the men of the Cold War on whom 'Dr Strangelove' was based. Thesewere people who believed that the world could be controlled by the scientificmanipulation of fear - mathematical geniuses employed by the American RandCorporation. In the end, their visions were the stuff of science fictionfantasy. The League of Gentlemen Thirty years ago, a group of economists managed to convince British politiciansthat they had foolproof technical means to make Britain great again. Pandora'sBox tells the saga of how their experiments have led the country deeper intoeconomic decline, and asks - is their game finally up? Goodbye Mrs Ant A modern fable about science and society, focusing on our attitude to nature.Should we let scientists be the prime movers of social or political change when,for instance, DDT made post-war heroes of American scientists only to be put ontrial by other scientists in 1968? What kind of in-fighting goes on betweenrival camps before one scientific truth emerges, and when it does emerge, justhow true is it? Black Power A look at how former Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah set Africa ablaze with hisvision of a new industrial and scientific age. At the heart of his dream was tobe the huge Volta dam, generating enough power to transform West Africa into anadvanced utopia. But as his grand experiment took shape, it brought with itdangerous forces Nkrumah couldn't control, and he slowly watched his metropolisof science sink into corruption and debt. A is for Atom An insight into the rise and fall of nuclear power. In the 1950s scientists andpoliticians thought they could create a different world with a limitless sourceof nuclear energy. But things began to go wrong. Scientists in America and theSoviet Union were duped into building dozens of potentially dangerous plants.Then came the disasters of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl which changed viewson the safeness of this invisible fuel.
文件名 ...........: Pandora's Box 01 The Engineer's Plot.avi
总大小 (MB) ...: 391.29 MB
Duration ..............: 00:44:06
视频编码 .......: DivX 5.0 编码
分辨率 ..........: 704 x 528
画面比例 .......: 1.33:1
比特率 ......: 1112 KB/s
帧速率 ..........: 25 帧速率
品质因素 .....: 0.119 B/px
音频编码 .......: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
音频比特率 ......: 128 KB/s
声道数 ............: 2 Ch
采样率 ....: 48000 Hz
发布人: ...........: Unknown capper, released at UKNova.【Technical Specs】——
File Name ...........: Pandora's Box 01 The Engineer's Plot.avi
Total Size (MB) ...: 391.29 MB
Duration ..............: 00:44:06
Video Codec .......: DivX 5.0 codec
Resolution ..........: 704 x 528
Aspect Ratio .......: 1.33:1
Video Bitrate ......: 1112 KB/s
Framerate ..........: 25 FPS
Quality Factor .....: 0.119 B/px
Audio Codec .......: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
Audio Bitrate ......: 128 KB/s
Channels ............: 2 Ch
Sampling Rate ....: 48000 Hz
Ripped by ...........: Unknown capper, released at UKNova.
Further Information
Wikipedia page
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
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