小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:37:26





:火山口湖Crater Lake-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



罗素·萨德勒(Russell Sadler)主持并由PBS在2006年出版的自然纪录片-英语旁白Nature Documentary hosted by Russell Sadler and published by PBS in 2006- English narration   



当地评论员拉塞尔·萨德勒(Russell Sadler)熟悉的声音使叙事感动,始于古代山的爆炸。Mazama。通过神话和科学的3D动画,火山爆发后,现在称为火山口湖的形成就栩栩如生。是黑社会的莫多克族首领劳劳(Llao)发脾气造成了破坏,还是地心深处变化的无法承受的压力使熔融的熔岩冲破了数千英尺的花岗岩?这部电影详尽地介绍了这两种解释,没有克拉马斯/莫多克部落的书面记载,作家约翰·达林和制片人弗雷德里克和辛西娅·萨尔巴托用其他欧美探险家的来信和叙述来丰富了部落的口述历史。美洲原住民是否朝着火山口湖朝圣还是在恐惧中避开还是有争议的,但他们绝对认为该地区是神圣的。欧洲人最初看到该湖的记录来自一群有点滑稽的可能的寻宝者,他们的贪婪导致他们远离人迹罕至的地方。领导饥饿而迷失了方向,骑着马走出树林,从那难以置信的陡峭河岸掉入湖中几步之遥。他将自己的生存归因于survival子的固执。片刻之后,随着湖水壮丽的美景使人们屈服,该组织的烦恼暂时化为乌有。此后,湖水不再是涌入西方的定居者的秘密。最终,这个消息传到了衣阿华州一个农场男孩的耳中,他长大后搬到俄勒冈州,并率先领导一个有组织的平民党到其海岸。威廉·格拉德斯通钢铁(William Gladstone Steel)随后的大部分余生都在州政府和国家政治人物的办公室中度过,提出他的请愿书,以保护火山口湖作为国家公园。伐木和采矿利益成功地使他的努力脱轨,即使他们越来越接近白宫。直到环境保护主义者西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)当选总统后,在正确的时间在右耳说出一句话,使所有钢铁公司的努力都成功了。罗斯福总统签署了创建火山口湖国家公园的法案,尽管他本人从未亲自去过。但是,令人惊讶的是,来自世界各地的人们蜂拥而至密封的火山口,只是注视着这个地方令人难以置信的美丽。在1950年代开辟一条不错的道路之前,这次旅行变得更轻松了,到达湖泊无非是艰巨的过程,涉及到一英里又一英里的车辙,陡峭的步道和抬高头发的血统。现在,我们邀请所有人相对轻松地前往火山口湖的海岸和悬崖,亲眼目睹令人叹为观止的美丽,仍然让游客惊叹不已。The familiar voice of local commentator Russell Sadler keeps the narrative moving, beginning with the explosion of ancient Mt. Mazama. Through myth and through scientific 3-D animation, the formation of what we now call Crater Lake comes to life, in all its volcanic glory. Was it a temper tantrum of Llao, the Modoc chief of the underworld, that caused the destruction, or was it the intolerable pressure of deep changes in the earth's core that brought molten lava bursting through thousands of feet of granite? The film presents both interpretations, painstakingly detailed.With no written accounts from the Klamath/Modoc tribe, writer John Darling and producers Frederick and Cynthia Salbato augmented tribal oral history with letters and accounts from other European American explorers. Whether Native Americans made pilgrimages to Crater Lake or stayed away from it in fear is debatable, but they definitely regarded the area as sacred.The first records of Europeans seeing the lake come from a somewhat comical group of would-be treasure hunters whose greed led them off the beaten path. Starving and disoriented, the leader rode out of the trees and came inches from falling down the incredibly steep bank into the lake itself. He credited his survival to his mule's stubbornness. Moments later, the group's troubles temporarily melted away as the stupendous beauty of the lake literally brought the men to their knees.After that, the lake was secret no more to settlers pouring into the West. Word of it eventually reached the ears of an Iowa farm boy who grew up, moved to Oregon, and became the first to lead an organized party of civilians to its shores. William Gladstone Steel then spent much of the rest of his determined life haunting the offices of state and national politicians, presenting his petitions to protect Crater Lake as a National Park. Logging and mining interests successfully derailed his efforts, even as they reached closer and closer to the White House. It wasnAt until the conservationist, Theodore Roosevelt, was elected to office that a word in the right ear at the right time made all Steel's efforts succeed.President Roosevelt signed the bill that created Crater Lake National Park though he never made it there himself. But, amazingly, people from all over the world have flocked to the sealed volcanic crater just to gaze upon the incredible beauty of the place. Before the creation of a good road in the 1950s turned the trip into an easier outing, reaching the lake was nothing less than arduous, involving mile after mile of rutted, steep trails and hair-raising descents. Now we invite all to make the relatively easy trip to the shores and cliffs of Crater Lake to see for themselves the breathtaking beauty that still brings visitors to their knees in awe.   





视频编码: Divx6   

比特率: 3300   

Video 分辨率: 1280x720   

Video 画面比例: 1.75:1   

音频编码: AC3   

音频比特率: 384kbps 48kHz   

Audio 声道数: 2   

分集时长: 27   

分集数: 1   

体积: 700   

发布人: maga998【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: Divx6   

Video Bitrate: 3300   

Video Resolution: 1280x720   

Video Aspect Ratio: 1.75:1   

Audio Codec: AC3   

Audio BitRate: 384kbps 48kHz   

Audio Channels: 2   

RunTime Per Part: 27   

Number Of Parts: 1   

Part Size: 700   

Ripped by maga998   







Further Information      



Release Post      

MVGroup.org (ed2k)   

MVGroup.org (torrent)   





Related Documentaries      

Undiscovered Vistas: Series 1   

Secret Life of Lakes: Series 1   

Fireball Of Christ   

The National Parks: America's Best Idea      

National Park Collection   







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