:审判日-试用智能设计Judgement Day - Intelligent Design on Trial-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
???PBS发行的科学纪录片作为PBS Nova系列的一部分在2007年播出-英语??旁白Science Documentary published by PBS broadcasted as part of PBS Nova series in 2007- English narration
在该计划中,NOVA捕捉了动乱的局势,这场动乱在公立学校教学发展的最新斗争之一中,将宾夕法尼亚州多佛市的社区夷为平地。“审判日:明智的审判设计”遵循了著名的Kitzmiller诉Dover学区的联邦案件,其中包括根据法院成绩单进行的重演和对主要参与者的访谈,包括专家科学家以及Dover的父母,老师和镇官员。这个两小时的特别节目是与保罗·艾伦(Paul G.Allen)的Vulcan Productions,Inc.共同制作的。2004年,多佛(Dover)学校董事会命令理科教师向高中生物学学生宣读一份声明,暗示达尔文的进化论有另一种选择,即智能设计和#8212;?生命太复杂以至于无法自然进化的想法,因此必须由智能代理设计。老师拒绝遵守。(有关这方面的更多信息,请参阅董事会与教师。)后来,反对智能设计的父母在联邦法院提起诉讼,指控学校董事会违反了教堂和州的宪法分离。”不相信,”校务委员会课程委员会负责人比尔·白金汉(Bill Buckingham)告诉NOVA。当白金汉注意到老师选择的生物学教科书用“达尔文主义束缚”时,他帮助制定了智能设计政策。NOVA提出了律师和专家证人的论点,以铆接细节,并提供了令人眼花eye乱的知识。针对诸如“In this program, NOVA captures the turmoil that tore apart the community of Dover, Pennsylvania in one of the latest battles over teaching evolution in public schools. Featuring trial reenactments based on court transcripts and interviews with key participants, including expert scientists and Dover parents, teachers, and town officials, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" follows the celebrated federal case of Kitzmiller v. Dover School District. This two-hour special was coproduced with Paul G. Allen's Vulcan Productions, Inc.In 2004, the Dover school board ordered science teachers to read a statement to high school biology students suggesting that there is an alternative to Darwin's theory of evolution called intelligent design—the idea that life is too complex to have evolved naturally and therefore must have been designed by an intelligent agent. The teachers refused to comply. (For more on this, see Board vs. Teachers.) Later, parents opposed to intelligent design filed a lawsuit in federal court accusing the school board of violating the constitutional separation of church and state."There was a blow-up like you couldn't believe," Bill Buckingham, head of the school board's curriculum committee, tells NOVA. Buckingham helped formulate the intelligent-design policy when he noticed that the biology textbook chosen by teachers for classroom use was, in his words, "laced with Darwinism."NOVA presents the arguments by lawyers and expert witnesses in riveting detail and provides an eye-opening crash course on questions such as "What is evolution?" and "Is intelligent design a scientifically valid alternative?" Kitzmiller v. Dover was the first legal test of intelligent design as a scientific theory, with the plaintiffs arguing that it is a thinly veiled form of creationism, the view that a literal interpretation of the Bible accounts for all observed facts about nature. (See Defining Science and arguments for and against evolution.)
..- Video -..
分集时长 -> 00:56:38 (x2)
编码 -> XviD 1.2 SMP
比特率 -> 1597 Kb/s
长宽 -> 624 x 352
帧速率 -> 29.970
Qf -> 0.243
..- Audio -..
编码 -> 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
比特率 -> 116 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.96a
采样率 -> 48000 Hz【Technical Specs】——
..- Video -..
Runtime -> 00:56:38 (x2)
Codec -> XviD 1.2 SMP
Bitrate -> 1597 Kb/s
x:y -> 624 x 352
FPS -> 29.970
Qf -> 0.243
..- Audio -..
Codec -> 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
Bitrate -> 116 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.96a
Fs -> 48000 Hz
Further Information
PBS page for this programme
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
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