小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:41:55





:隐藏的宝藏Hidden Treasure-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



历史纪录片,由Miranda Krestovnikoff主持,由BBC于2003年出版-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Miranda Krestovnikoff and published by BBC in 2003- English narration   



米兰达·克雷斯托弗尼科夫探索一些最好的珍品英国金属detectorists在最近几年发现的[编辑]。??失落的女神近鲍尔多克囤地-一些囤积包括各种珍贵物品的排列在刻意的方式:他们形成“结构性存款” 。由金属侦探艾伦·米克(Alan Meek)在北赫特福德郡的一块田野中发现的“近鲍德霍克宝藏”就是这样一个地点,从上到下都包括:一个15厘米长的银色小雕像的妇女(严重腐蚀)。两幅来自女性形象的银色手臂,以及一组金饰(一对圆盘胸针,一对由链条相连的圆盘,以及一个镶有红玉髓宝石的金表扣,上面刻有一只站立的狮子,将其爪子搁在上面)公牛的头或牛头骨);?七个金制奉献牌匾;和12块银合金易碎斑块。??考古学家发现了许多铁器时代晚期精英人士(公元前100年至公元50年)佩戴的精美个人装饰品的例子。但是几乎没有发现能与在汉普郡温彻斯特附近的一块由金属侦探凯文·霍尔斯(Kevan Halls)所发现的两组黄金珠宝相提并论。每个都包括一条手链,一条项链托(或颈环)和一条由链子相连的两个胸针(尽管实际上只有一条链被回收)。这些物体被发现在耕地里,并且由于考古学家没有找到其他证据,如何他们到达那里仍然是个谜。他们是为了安全而被埋葬,是为了向众神献祭,还是陪伴死者前往黑道?[编辑]??帕格·西弗(Pagan Silver)莱斯特郡的ho积-业余考古学家肯·华莱士(Ken Wallace)最近发现,莱斯特郡家附近的一块土地上藏有3,000多枚铁器时代的铸币(公元前700年至公元50年)-这是英国有史以来单个遗址中记录的最大数量。罗马骑兵的镀金阅兵式头盔和大量猪骨像人行道一样散布在地面上。硬币坑被边界沟封闭,入口精心设计。该地点一定是一个献给未知凯尔特神的圣所。[编辑]??黄金杯Ringlemere杯-铜杯是青铜时代(公元前2200-700年)的常见坟墓。通常由陶器制成,有时可能是金属,有时是金。有几个来自欧洲大陆的金杯的例子,但直到19世纪,英国唯一的一个是在康沃尔郡Rillaton的一个石棺(一堆埋葬的石头)中发现的。肯特郡Ringlemere的一个巨大的手推车(土堆上的土堆)上的金属探测器。它约有一个咖啡杯的大小,有薄薄的波纹侧面,边缘下方的打孔点,圆形的底座以及精致的小手柄,该手柄由用菱形垫圈固定的铆钉固定。所有这些细节对于发现者而言都是显而易见的:??萨福克神秘盎格鲁-撒克逊人的葬礼,包括戴夫·卡明斯和约翰·纽曼所做的其他发现。[编辑]???罗马的财富小麦汉普斯特德墓葬-在金属侦探戴夫·菲利普斯(Dave Phillips)发现后,圣奥尔本斯考古学家发现了罗马帝国最古老的两处墓葬(公元43-410年)。给他们看了一些Miranda Krestovnikoff explores few of the best treasures UK metal-detectorists have found in recent years . Lost Goddess The Near-Baldock Hoard - Some hoards include a variety of precious objects arranged in a deliberate way: they form a 'structured deposit'. The Near-Baldock Hoard - found by metal-detectorist Alan Meek in a field in North Hertfordshire - is such a site, and comprised, from top to bottom: a 15cm silver figurine of a woman (badly corroded); two silver arms from a female figure, and a collection of gold jewellery (a pair of disc brooches, a pair of discs linked by a chain, and a gold clasp set with a red carnelian gemstone, engraved with a standing lion resting its paw on a bull's head or ox skull); seven gold votive plaques; and 12 silver-alloy votive plaques, which were brittle and fragmentary. Caesars Gold The Winchester Treasure - Archaeologists have found many examples of elaborate personal ornaments worn by the Late Iron Age elite (100 BC-AD 50). But few finds can compare with two sets of gold jewellery recovered by metal-detectorist Kevan Halls in a field near Winchester in Hampshire. Each comprised a bracelet, a necklace torc (or neck-ring), and two brooches linked by a chain (though only one chain was actually recovered).The objects were found in ploughsoil and, since archaeologists failed to find any other evidence, how they got there remains a mystery. Were they buried for safety, as an offering to the gods, or to accompany the dead on their journey to the underworld? Pagan Silver The Leicestershire hoards - Amateur archaeologist Ken Wallace recently discovered that a field near his Leicestershire home contained over 3,000 coins of the Iron Age (700 BC-AD 50) - the largest number ever recorded from a single site in Britain.Other finds included a Roman cavalryman's gilded parade-helmet, and enormous quantities of pig bone, spread across the ground like a pavement. The coin pits were enclosed by a boundary ditch with an elaborate entrance. The site must have been a sanctuary dedicated to an unknown Celtic god. Cup of Gold The Ringlemere Cup - Cups were common grave-goods in the Bronze Age (2200-700 BC). Usually made of pottery, they could sometimes be metal, and very occasionally gold. There are several examples of gold cups from continental Europe, but until recently the only one from Britain was that found in a cairn (a pile of stones over a burial) at Rillaton in Cornwall in the nineteenth century.Then Cliff Bradshaw found another with his metal-detector on the site of a huge barrow (a mound of earth over a burial) at Ringlemere in Kent. About the size of a coffee mug, it has thin corrugated sides, punched dots beneath the rim, a rounded base, and a delicate little handle attached by rivets secured with lozenge-shaped washers. All this detail was immediately apparent to the finder: gold does not corrode but comes out of the ground as untarnished and beautiful as the day it was buried. Suffolk Mystery Anglo-Saxon bedburial among other finds carried out by Dave Cummings and John Newman. Has this Suffolk site been a mint , a settlement or semetary? Riches of Rome The Wheathampstead burials - Two of the richest burials from Roman Britain (AD 43-410) were uncovered by St Albans archaeologists, after metal-detectorist Dave Phillips showed them some spectacular finds. They recovered a total of 153 separate items, including 13 bronze vessels, 14 Samian vessels (fine tableware with a red glossy surface), nine glass vessels, three iron blades, two silver brooches (decorated with sea serpents) with their connecting chain, a bronze lamp-holder, various bronze fittings from a wooden casket, various fragments of ivory, and a bag full of huntsmen's arrows.What sort of people were buried with so many top-of-the-range artefacts? Saxons Vikings and Monsters The East Lincolnshire sword - Leading Lincolnshire archaeologist Kevin Leahy recently identified five separate, beautifully decorated pieces of gold, found by a local metal-detectorist, as fittings from a single Anglo-Saxon sword handle of the seventh century AD. There was a pommel cap, two plates from the pommel and the crosspiece respectively, and two ferrules from the hilt itself.Each bore decoration in gold filigree, the applied wire fused with the metal beneath to form an invisible bond. Garnets had been inset in 'cabochon' style - which means they had not been cut, but were left as pebbles and polished. The bottoms of the cells in which the garnets had been placed were formed from corrugated gold foil, which reflected the light, making them glitter. Find of the Series A look back at the wonderful finds that have featured in the series, as a panel of experts select their favourites. There's a second chance to marvel at unique Roman jewellery and bronzes, Iron Age gold torques and coin hoards. Plus, a visit to Charlecote Park in Warwickshire as the National Council for Metal Detecting hold their own Find of the Year competition.   





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比特率: ~1550   

Video 分辨率: 704x432 (1.63:1)   

Video 画面比例: 4:3   

音频编码: MP3   

音频比特率: 128 kb/s (64/ch) CBR 48000 Hz      

分集时长: 30m   

分集数: 8   

体积: 350mb   

发布人: jvt40   

Subtitles: none【Technical Specs】——   


Video Source: DVBc > MPEG2 > Divx   

Video Codec: Divx 6   

Video Bitrate: ~1550   

Video Resolution: 704x432 (1.63:1)   

Video Aspect Ratio: 4:3   

Audio Codec: MP3   

Audio BitRate: 128 kb/s (64/ch) CBR 48000 Hz      

RunTime Per Part: 30m   

Number Of Parts: 8   

Part Size: 350mb   

Ripped by jvt40   

Subtitles: none   







Further Information      



Release Post      

MVGroup.org (torrent)   



Related Documentaries      

Bronze Age   

Pagans (Ch4)   

Masterpieces of the British Museum   

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Saxon Gold: New Secrets Revealed   

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Treasures of the Anglo Saxons   

Lost Treasures of the Ancient World - The Seven Wonders   







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