:布莱恩·塞威尔的大巡演Brian Sewell's Grand Tour-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
艺术,旅行纪录片由Brian Sewell主持,由Channel 5于2006年出版-英语旁白Arts, Travel Documentary hosted by Brian Sewell, published by Channel 5 in 2006- English narration
在18世纪,英国血统的绅士将进行盛大的大陆之旅,以提炼-以及酗酒,赌博和性冒险-在进入社会之前。如今,布莱恩·塞维尔(Brian Sewell)跟随着年轻的贵族们在意大利的足迹,探索了塑造欧洲文明的艺术和建筑,举止和风俗,他的旅程带他穿越了罗马,佛罗伦萨,威尼斯,那不勒斯,锡耶纳和米兰,并有很多停留地一路上。这个引人入胜的系列不仅是旅行社,还展示了该国令人眼花cathedral乱的大教堂,宫殿,绘画和雕塑,同时还洞悉了过去游客的旅行和旅行经历。[编辑]???Mont Cenis Pass,都灵和米兰???塞维尔(Sewell)跟随拜伦(Byron)和特纳(Turner)等英国人的足迹踏上了穿越意大利的文化之旅,他们探索了欧洲以扩大视野。他的第一站是都灵(Turin),在那里他对18世纪的建筑感到高兴,并在仪式性的公猪扑杀中将动物放在一边。从那里,他继续前往米兰,那里许多英国人都对意大利的丹迪主义情有独钟,并抽空看了达芬奇的《最后的晚餐》。[编辑]???克雷莫纳,帕尔马和博洛尼亚???艺术评论家的旅程将他带到了小提琴的出生地克雷莫纳(Cremona),爬上这座城市巨大的防御塔并参观了马车博物馆。然后,他继续前往帕尔马(Parma),在那他惊叹于大教堂圆顶内部的Correggio绘画,一次只能照明两分半钟。最后,他探索了米开朗基罗成名之前在博洛尼亚工作的教堂和宫殿。[编辑]???佛罗伦萨???塞厄尔(Sewell)的旅程将他带到佛罗伦萨,在佛罗伦萨,他对这座城市的美景感到震惊,但对大教堂内的壁画感到失望。他还向米开朗基罗致敬,参观了大卫雕像并朝他的陵墓朝圣。然而,装饰这位伟大艺术家最后的安息之地的雕塑品质显然使他不知所措,并决定通过参观美第奇大公爵的墓穴来镇定自己的心情。[编辑]???圣吉米尼亚诺,锡耶纳,拉迪卡法尼和奥尔维耶托???这位艺术评论家踏上了前往罗马的150英里旅程,但途中在各式各样的城镇中停下来,品尝了一些当地居民喜欢的基安蒂风味佳肴,并惊叹于锡耶纳的大教堂。他还在托斯卡纳边境的邮局休息,那里以其不舒适的住宿而著名,在奥维多(Orvieto)欣赏西诺雷利(Signorelli)的最后审判,并参观博马尔佐(Bormarzo)的雕塑公园和斜屋。[编辑]???罗马·????塞维尔(Rome?Sewell)到达罗马,在那里他对米开朗基罗的雕像惊叹不已。梵蒂冈的圣母怜子塔(Pieta)迷惑了体育馆变成游客陷阱的过程,并通过参观费里尼(Fellini)的电影《杜嘉年华(La Dolce Vita)》而闻名的特莱维喷泉(Trevi Fountain),将注意力转向了更现代的作品。他还为肖像摆姿势-但对最终结果??不满意。[编辑]?那不勒斯,维苏威火山和新庞贝城???塞维尔(Sewell)穿越意大利的后半段旅程始于对沿海城市那不勒斯的旅行。除了检查罗马雕像外,他还遇到了一位当地女高音,并讲述了一位英国贵族的故事,该贵族充当游客游览维苏威火山的向导。[编辑]???帕埃斯图姆,托迪和乌尔比诺???评论家探索了意大利南部,参观了文艺复兴的发源地画家拉斐尔(Raphael)和保存完好的古希腊建筑In the 18th Century well-bred English gentlemen would undertake a Grand Tour of the Continent for refinement - as well as for drinking, gambling and sexual adventures - before assuming their place in society. Now, Brian Sewell follows in the footsteps of those young aristocrats through Italy, exploring the art and architecture, manners and mores that shaped European civilisation.His journey takes him through Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Siena and Milan, with plenty of stops along the way. More than a mere travelogue, this fascinating series showcases the country's dazzling cathedrals, palazzos, paintings and sculptures while also giving insight into the travels and travails of tourists past. Mont Cenis Pass, Turin and Milan Sewell embarks on a cultural journey across Italy, following in the footsteps of Englishmen such as Byron and Turner, who explored Europe to broaden their horizons. His first stop is Turin, where he is delighted by the 18th-century architecture and sides with the animal in a ritual boar culling. From there he moves on to Milan, where many Englishmen acquired a penchant for Italian dandyism, and takes the time to view Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper. Cremona, Parma and Bologna The art critic's trip takes him to Cremona, birthplace of the violin, to climb the city's vast defensive tower and visit a carriage museum. He then moves on to Parma, where he marvels at Correggio's painting on the inside of the cathedral dome, which can only be illuminated for two-and-a-half minutes at a time. Finally, he explores the churches and palaces of Bologna, where Michelangelo worked before becoming famous. Florence Sewell's journey takes him to Florence, where he is awestruck by the beauty of the city, but disappointed by the frescoes inside the cathedral. He also pays tribute to Michelangelo, viewing the statue of David and making a pilgrimage to his tomb. However, he is distinctly underwhelmed by the quality of sculpture adorning the great artist's final resting place, and decides to calm his mood by visiting the crypts of the Medici grand dukes. San Gimignano, Siena, Radicofani and Orvieto The art critic embarks on the 150-mile journey to Rome, but stops off at an assortment of towns along the way, sampling some foul-tasting local Chianti and marvelling at Siena's cathedral. He also takes a break at the post house on the Tuscany border, famed for its uncomfortable accommodation, views Signorelli's Last Judgement in Orvieto, and visits Bormarzo's sculpture park and leaning house. Rome Sewell arrives in Rome, where he marvels at Michelangelo's Pieta in the Vatican, bemoans the Coliseum's transformation into a tourist trap, and turns his attention to more modern work by visiting the Trevi fountain made famous by Fellini's film La Dolce Vita. He also poses for a portrait - but is not impressed with the end result. Naples, Vesuvius and New Pompeii The second half of Sewell's journey across Italy begins with a trip to the coastal city of Naples. In addition to examining Roman statues, he meets a local soprano and reveals the story of an English aristocrat who acted as a guide for tourists exploring Mount Vesuvius. Paestum, Todi and Urbino The critic explores southern Italy, visiting the birthplace of Renaissance painter Raphael and a perfectly preserved ancient Greek building at Paestum. He also re-creates his own youthful exploits by driving a car down the piazza steps in the Renaissance-era town of Todi. Rimini, Ferrara and Mantua In the 15th century, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, a member of the ruling family of Rimini, turned a Franciscan church into a personal, pagan-style temple, complete with elephant motif. Upon his ouster, it reverted to a church. Visiting an olive press, Sewell learns to distinguish "virgin" and "extra virgin" olive oil. Finallt to Mantua, where in the 16th-century Giulio Romano designed and decorated the Palazzo del Te as a monument to the pleasures of the flesh, in honour of Federico Gonzaga's mistress. Vicenza, Possagno and Padua Sewell visits Vicenza to marvel at the buildings of architect Andrea Palladio. He then travels to Possagno, birthplace of one of his favourite artists, sculptor Antonio Canova, and Padua, home of 18th-century scientist Giovanni Battista Morgagni - who was famous for anatomical demonstrations and primitive treatments for venereal diseases. Venice Sewell arrives in Venice just in time for the medieval carnival. In an effort to replicate the grand tour experience, he attends the Casanova masked ball, which he regards as a mockery of medieval tradition, and seeks solace by going to Mass.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High @L3.0
比特率: 1696 kbit/s
Video 画面比例: 1.85:1 (16:9)
Video 分辨率: 720x480
音频编码: AAC
Audio: English
音频比特率: 192 kbit/s CBR 48kHz
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 35-39 min
帧速率: 29.97 frame/s
分集数: 10
编码器: mkv
体积: 435-486 MB
来源: DVD
编码: PFT
Release Notes
Merged Subtitles【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High @L3.0
Video Bitrate: 1696 kbit/s
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 (16:9)
Video Resolution: 720x480
Audio Codec: AAC
Audio: English
Audio Bitrate: 192 kbit/s CBR 48kHz
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 35-39 min
Framerate: 29.97 frame/s
Number of Parts: 10
Container: mkv
Part Size: 435-486 MB
Source: DVD
Encoded by: PFT
Release Notes
Merged Subtitles
Further Information
Wikipedia entry
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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