小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:46:04





:冰箱里的生活Life in the Freezer-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)讲述并由??英国广播公司(BBC)于1993年出版的自然纪录片-英语叙事Nature Documentary narrated by David Attenborough and published by BBC in 1993 - English narration   



《冰柜里的生活》是David Attenborough爵士撰写和介绍的BBC自然纪录片系列,于1993年11月18日在英国首次播出。从地球生命开始的三部曲。六集(每节30分钟)中的每一集(最后一集除外)均考察了该物种在一年中如何应付南极洲的生活。该系列与美国国家地理学会和Lionheart International,Inc.共同制作。制作人是Alastair Fothergill和音乐由乔治·芬顿创作。??丰富的海洋第一集向观众介绍南极洲及其周围的海洋和岛屿,其冰川和由此形成的冰山。它描述了整个大陆的变化过程,因为当冬季周围海洋结冰时,冬季的尺寸实际上会翻倍,“这颗星球上发生的最大的季节性变化”。企鹅,鲸鱼和海豹在南大洋觅食。他们中的许多人以丰富的磷虾为食(反过来又以浮游植物和冰藻为食)。座头鲸显示出通过复杂的合作捕捉磷虾的方式,方法是制造螺旋形的气泡幕,将磷虾驱赶到它们的中心,然后鲸鱼可以在螺旋的中间向上腾起,捕获它们。??撤冰象海豹是春季首批返回亚南极岛屿海滩的动物,形成了大型繁殖地,雄性在其中进行激烈的战斗,以获取并保持与大量雌性的永久接触。他们一旦重新适应雌性,便与雌性交配。数百万的通心粉企鹅在这些岛上形成了巨大的殖民地,可以繁殖。南极半岛是非洲大陆上少数几个动物居住的地区之一,即使在夏天也是如此。巴布亚企鹅(Gentoo Penguins)在裸露的岩石上筑巢,座头鲸在沿海沿岸搜寻磷虾,阿德利企鹅(Adelie Penguins)在更南端筑巢。Crabeater Seals是地球上数量最多的哺乳动物之一,在南极洲周围的浮冰区中生活和繁殖。白雪皑皑的海燕飞入岛屿数英里之遥,寻找可以在其上产卵的岩石。[编辑]??繁殖竞赛该地区几乎所有生命都在夏天繁殖。在南乔治亚州的一个海滩上,海狗种群的增长与上一集中显示的海象类似。幼崽依靠母亲提供的丰富脂肪牛奶快速成长,并在60天内体重增加了一倍。随着雌性的性交,交配季节开始-雄性试图占领领地并与雌性交配。象海豹一样,海豹猛烈攻击所有竞争对手。金斯特拉企鹅在欺骗岛上形成大型殖民地,爬上陡峭的山坡,发现没有雪的山脊。返回伯Life in the Freezer is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by Sir David Attenborough, first transmitted in the UK from 18 November 1993.A study of the seasonal cycle of Antarctica, it was the first of Sir Attenborough's more specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with Life on Earth. Each of the six 30-minute episodes (except the last) examines how species cope with life on the Antarctic continent during the year.The series was produced in conjunction with The National Geographic Society and Lionheart International, Inc. The producer was Alastair Fothergill and the music was composed by George Fenton. The Bountiful Sea The first episode introduces the viewers to the continent of Antarctica and the surrounding sea and islands, its glaciers and the icebergs that form from it. It describes how the continent changes throughout the seasons, as it effectively doubles in size in winter when the surrounding sea freezes over, "the greatest seasonal change that takes place on this planet".Penguins, whales and seals are shown feeding in the Southern Ocean. Many of them feed on the abundant krill (which in turn feed on phytoplankton and ice-algae). Humpback whales are shown catching krill through sophisticated cooperation, by creating spiralling curtains of air bubbles that drive the krill into their center, where the whales can then catch them by surging upwards in the middle of the spiral.The episode also introduces the various seabirds which feed in the Antarctic sea, especially albatrosses, whose impressive wingspans are possible because they utilize the updraft generated by the huge waves in the stormy southern waters.Many birds (including penguins) lay their eggs and feed their chicks on the islands surrounding the Antarctic continent, especially South Georgia where both albatross and King Penguins have their nesting sites throughout the year. The Ice Retreats Elephant seals are the first animals to return to the beaches of the subantarctic islands in spring, forming large breeding colonies, where the males fight fierce battles to gain and retain permanent access to a large number of females. They mate with the females as soon as they are receptive again. Millions of Macaroni Penguins form huge colonies on the islands to breed.The Antarctic peninsula is one of the few regions of the continent inhabited by animals, even in summer. Gentoo Penguins build their nests on bare rock and humpback whales seek krill along the coast, Adelie Penguins nest even further south. Crabeater Seals, one of the most numerous mammals on Earth, live and reproduce in the pack ice zone around Antarctica. Snowy petrels fly many miles into the island to find rock on which to lay their eggs. The Race to Breed Almost all life in the region breeds in summer. A growing colony of fur seals on a beach on South Georgia resembles that of elephant seals shown in the previous episode. The pups grow fast on the rich, fatty milk provided by their mothers and double their weight in just sixty days. As the females become sexually available, the mating season begins ? males try to claim territory and mate with females. Like elephant seals, fur seals fiercely attack all competitors.Chinstrap Penguins form large colonies on Deception Island, climbing up its steep slopes to find mountain ridges free of snow. Returning birds find their partners by recognizing their voice (performing a brief greeting ritual when they have found them), which is why the colonies are very noisy during the breeding season. Males and female penguins take turns in catching food, some of which they regurgitate for their chicks when they return.The summer also thaws some of the ice on the shores of the continent. The fresh water allows moss and other plants to grow, which in turn provide food for mites that are adapted to the cold climate ? they can survive temperatures up to minus 30 degrees Celsius because they contain a kind of antifreeze liquid. They become active as soon as the ice melts, and reproduce whenever they get an opportunity to do so. Lichens grow even further south than moss, and algae populate some of the snow. In the ocean, life is much more diverse, and Blue-eyed Shags dive for fish near the peninsula. More than 300,000 petrels come to breed to the Scullin Monolith, one of the few areas of open rock. The Door Closes This episode describes the migration of most animals northwards (some from the Antarctic continent, others from the few islands surrounding it) as the continent and surrounding sea freeze over at the end of summer. It shows how young penguins often fall prey to Leopard Seals as they try to make their way across the already partially frozen water ? and how their stripped remains become food for isopods and meter-long nemerteans (ribbon worms). Before going to the sea, however, the adult penguins must shed their coats (moulting).The freezing sea ice usually does not reach South Georgia, and seal pups are still fed there by their mothers in autumn to be ready for the winter. They use their remaining time for play and mock fights in the ocean. Those who do not survive become food for the predator birds ? the skuas and the giant petrels. Elephant seals undergo moulting while on the island. Albatross nesting on South Georgia continue to feed and mate, but the ever harsher weather forces most animals further northwards. The Big Freeze As almost all animal inhabitants of Antarctica are forced to migrate north, the sea underneath the frozen ice still provides a home to many specially adapted fish whose cells are protected from freezing through an "antifreeze" liquid. Many of them feed on the faeces of other animals.The most notable larger animal that does not migrate north is perhaps the Weddell Seal, which can be found as close as 1300 kilometres to the pole. Groups of seals tear holes into the ice to dive for food and come up to breathe. The females come back to the ice to give birth.This episode also describes primitive plant life such as lichen, which can still be found on the continent in winter, even in the extremely dry and permanently frozen valleys ? conditions under which dead animals can lie frozen for many centuries without decomposing. It details the life of the Emperor Penguin, "the only birds to lay their eggs directly on ice". While other animals retreat, Emperors migrate not just to the ice, but into the Antarctic continent. The females lay eggs which are incubated by the males under the harshest conditions on Earth (huddling closely together for warmth), while the females return to the sea. Footsteps in the Snow This episode discusses the human exploration of Antarctica, in particular the mission led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott, whose team died on the way back from the South Pole. It shows the scientific work in the modern human bases in Antarctica, especially Mawson Base and its observation of Adelie Penguins (partially through tracking devices).The second half of the episode describes how the series was made. Most crucial was of course the camera work. To get access to the wildlife of the sea, for example, boats, divers, suspended capsules and remotely controlled cameras mounted on inflatables were used. Particularly dangerous to divers were Leopard Seals and other predators. The film concludes that although working in Antarctica is now much easier than during the early days of exploration, human footsteps on the continent are still exceedingly rare ? in part because of international treaties prohibiting industrial exploitation.   





视频编码: DivX 5.0   

比特率: ~1418 kbps   

Video 分辨率: 620x478   

Video 画面比例: 4:3 (1.297:1)   

Video 帧速率: 25 帧速率   

音频编码: AC3   

音频比特率: 256 kbps 48000 Hz   

Audio 声道数: 2   

分集时长: 29 min.   

分集数: 6   

体积: ~350 MB   

发布人:: Merrin【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: DivX 5.0   

Video Bitrate: ~1418 kbps   

Video Resolution: 620x478   

Video Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (1.297:1)   

Video Framerate: 25 fps   

Audio Codec: AC3   

Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps 48000 Hz   

Audio Channels: 2   

Runtime per Part: 29 min.   

Number of Parts: 6   

Part Size: ~350 MB   

Ripped by: Merrin   







Release Post      

MVGroup.org (ed2k)   

MVGroup.org (torrent)   









Official Website      



Related Documentaries      

The Secret Life of Ice (BBC)   

Trials of Life (BBC)   

Life in Polar Bear Town   

Life in the Snow   

White Falcon, White Wolf   

Leopard Seal: Lords of the Ice   

Let It Snow   

Nordic Wild   

Life in the Frozen Wilderness   

Frozen Planet Christmas Special: The Epic Journey   

Encounters at the End of the World   

Frozen Planet   

One Life   

Extreme Ice   

DeepSea Under the Pole   

In Shackletons Footsteps   

Expedition Antarctica   

How Life Began   

A Scot in the Arctic   

A Rain Story   

Alaska: Spirit of the Wild   

Antarctic Wildlife Adventure   

Antarctica (Horizon)   

Antarctica (IMAX)   

Arctic Kingdom: Life at the Edge   

Arctic Mission   

Glaciers: Alaska's Rivers of Ice   

Penguin Baywatch   

Penguins of the Antarctic   

Penguins under Siege   

Planet Earth   

Saved by Dolphins   


Shackletons Antarctic Adventure   

The Last Continent   

The Life of Mammals   

The March of the Penguins   

The World of Penguins   

White Falcon - White Wolf   

White Wolf   

Wildest Antarctica and Arctic   







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