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:红色炸弹The Red Bomb-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



肖恩·巴雷特(Sean Barrett)主持的历史纪录片,1994年由探索频道发行-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Sean Barrett, published by Discovery Channel in 1994- English narration   



《红色炸弹》记载了俄罗斯从落后的巨变转变为核超级大国,因为美国和苏联为拥有最终武器而进行了争夺。90岁的尤利·卡里顿(Yuly Khariton)是位隐居的男子,有着温柔的眼睛,由于他的女伴在钢琴上弹奏老歌,他似乎度过了一个沉思的夜晚。但是Khariton简单的生活方式掩盖了他令人难以置信的过去,以及他在核军备竞赛中所扮演的角色。庞大而复杂的阴谋网络是冷战的症结所在。三十多年来,他一直是苏联核武器计划的主要人物之一。即使到现在,他仍在自己的私人火车上旅行,并有私人管家?其他少数人所享有的特权。在苏维埃俄罗斯,科学研究没有错误余地:如果共产主义政权的存亡取决于炸弹计划的成功,那么其研究人员的生命也将取决于它。当被问及失败时会发生什么时,斯大林回答:“射击科学家。”?但是,尽管美国向炸弹的制造过程中投入了相当于20-30亿卢布的费用,但苏联以更少的费用获得了相同的结果。从剑桥大学到新墨西哥州的沙漠,情报网络遍布全球所有研究热点,这在很大程度上要归功于铁幕苏联方面的进步是最高机密的:更广阔的世界依赖于耳语和偶尔的冲击波从遥远的哈萨克草原的测试地点到达华盛顿。当美国以胜利的新闻媒体播放其核技术时,西方几乎没有人怀疑俄罗斯将要进行报复吗?以哈里顿为高级科学顾问,电影制片人杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)前所未有地接触到了包括飞行员和红卫兵在内的一系列令人着迷的人物物理学家和NKVD间谍。《红色炸弹》拍摄于1990年代初期,巧妙地交织了存档素材和目击者的叙述,它本身就是历史上一个独特时刻的快照,因为俄罗斯正走出斯大林的阴影,使人们可以一窥其冷战秘诀。发现的执行制片人:Tomi Bednar Landis&?南希·勒布朗(Nancy LeBrun)由杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)执导并制作,1994年《发现通讯》的Rapide Production [编辑]?在Khariton担任高级科学顾问之后,电影制片人Jamie Doran前所未有地接触了许多引人入胜的角色,包括飞行员和Red Guards,著名的物理学家和NKVD间谍。《红色炸弹》拍摄于1990年代初期,巧妙地交织了存档素材和目击者的叙述,它本身就是历史上一个独特时刻的快照,因为俄罗斯正走出斯大林的阴影,使人们可以一窥其冷战秘诀。发现的执行制片人:Tomi Bednar Landis&?南希·勒布朗(Nancy LeBrun)由杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)执导并制作,1994年《发现通讯》的Rapide Production [编辑]?在Khariton担任高级科学顾问之后,电影制片人Jamie Doran前所未有地接触了许多引人入胜的角色,包括飞行员和Red Guards,著名的物理学家和NKVD间谍。《红色炸弹》拍摄于1990年代初期,巧妙地交织了存档素材和目击者的叙述,它本身就是历史上一个独特时刻的快照,因为俄罗斯正走出斯大林的阴影,使人们可以一窥其冷战秘诀。发现的执行制片人:Tomi Bednar Landis&?南希·勒布朗(Nancy LeBrun)由杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)执导并制作,1994年《发现通讯》的Rapide Production [编辑]?并与档案素材和目击者巧妙地交织在一起,《红色炸弹》本身就是历史上一个独特时刻的快照,因为俄罗斯正走出斯大林的阴影,一窥其冷战秘密库。贝德纳·兰迪斯&?南希·勒布朗(Nancy LeBrun)由杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)执导并制作,1994年《发现通讯》的Rapide Production [编辑]?并与档案素材和目击者巧妙地交织在一起,《红色炸弹》本身就是历史上一个独特时刻的快照,因为俄罗斯正走出斯大林的阴影,一窥其冷战秘密库。贝德纳·兰迪斯&?南希·勒布朗(Nancy LeBrun)由杰米·多兰(Jamie Doran)执导并制作,1994年《发现通讯》的Rapide Production [编辑]??被盗的秘密???1945年,苏联的宣传片正在邀请整个俄罗斯庆祝共产主义的光荣胜利。但是,莫斯科街头的苦难,贫穷和破坏却讲述了一个完全不同的故事,而随着西方对共产主义的敌对情绪的增强,纳粹德国的失败只是为新的敌人扫清了道路。和?也许是对苏联自尊心的最大打击?美国刚刚赢得了生产第一枚原子弹的竞赛,但是西方却不能自满。在俄罗斯,新的秘密部门如雨后春笋般涌现,以承担美国的“曼哈顿计划”。代号为“ Bureau 2”,“ S部门”和“巨大行动”,它们的确切功能甚至对内部人员而言仍然是神秘的。在Beria领导下的NKVD情报网络中,The Red Bomb chronicles Russia's staggering transformation from lagging also-ran into nuclear superpower, as the USA and USSR battled it out for possession of the ultimate weapon. 90-year-old Yuly Khariton is a reclusive man with gentle eyes, who appears to spends many an evening lost in thought, as his female companion plays old songs on the piano. But Khariton's simple lifestyle belies his unbelievable past, and the part he played in the nuclear arms race – a vast and complex web of intrigue that was the crux of the Cold War. For over thirty years, he was one of the leading figures in the Soviet nuclear weapons programme; even now, he still travels in his own private train carriage, complete with personal housekeeper – a privilege shared by few other nonagenarians.In Soviet Russia, scientific research allowed no margin for error: if the survival of the communist regime depended on the success of the bomb project, so too did the lives of its researchers. Asked what would happen in the event of failure, Stalin replied: "Shoot the scientists." But though the USA poured the equivalent of 20-30 billion roubles into the creation of the bomb, the USSR achieved the same result at much less expense – largely thanks to its intelligence network that spanned all the world's research hotspots, from the university of Cambridge to the deserts of New Mexico.Progress on the Soviet side of the Iron Curtain was top secret: the wider world relied on whispers, and the occasional shockwave reaching Washington from test sites in the remote Kazakh steppe. While America was broadcasting its nuclear prowess in triumphant newsreels, few in the West suspected how close Russia was to retaliation.With Khariton as senior scientific consultant, filmmaker Jamie Doran gains unprecedented access to a cast of fascinating characters, including pilots and Red Guards, eminent physicsts and NKVD spies. Filmed in the early 1990s, and deftly interweaving archive footage and eyewitness accounts, The Red Bomb is itself a snapshot of a unique moment in history, as a Russia on its way out of Stalin's shadow offers a glimpse of its arsenal of Cold War secrets.Executive Producers for Discovery: Tomi Bednar Landis & Nancy LeBrunProduced and Directed by Jamie DoranA Rapide Production for Discovery Communications 1994 Stolen Secrets It's 1945, and Soviet propaganda films are inviting all Russia to celebrate the glorious victory of communism. But the misery, poverty and devastation on the streets of Moscow tell quite a different story, while the defeat of Nazi Germany has only cleared the way for a new foe as Western antagonism towards communism grows. And – perhaps the greatest blow to Soviet pride – America has just won the race to produce the first atom bomb.The West can't afford to be complacent, however. In Russia, new and secret departments have sprung up to take on the USA's "Manhattan Project". Codenamed "Bureau 2", "Department S" and "Operation Enormous", their exact functions remaining mysterious even to insiders. While the NKVD intelligence network, under Beria, work round the clock to obtain the secret recipe from the Americans, starving gulag prisoners are forced down the mines in Tajikistan, while new metropolises are being built in sequestered locations for the sole purpose of nuclear research. An excellent overview of the project that harnessed all Russia's energies, culminating in the first Red Bomb – tested just four years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The sight of the first-ever Soviet mushroom cloud broke down the reserve of scientists and spymasters alike, as Igor Kurchatov crushed Lavrenty Beria in his ecstatic embrace. End of Innocence A more detailed investigation of Russia's nuclear coming-of-age, this episode traces the atom bomb back to its infancy – to a time when state-sponsored Russian physicists were sent to Cambridge in pursuit of an obscure new technology. But the Bolshevik government was slow to catch on to the strategic importance of atomic energy, continually dismissing it in favour of good old traditional weapons.The Americans had Einstein, Niels Bohr and a state-of-the-art testing base in New Mexico. Meanwhile, the Russians had a "tiny cluttered laboratory" in central Moscow (later upgraded to a tent in a muddy field) and no uranium to speak of. Told by the men who were involved, this is a tale of success against the odds, achieved thanks to an eccentric yet dedicated network of scientists and spies (including a bicycling femme fatale nicknamed "Red Sonya"), and the fatal negligence of MI5.Ethical scruples were continually shelved – America's bomb-building project was validated in the name of beating Hitler, while Russia justified its atom spies by claiming the right to information that its allies should have shared. In 1945, Niels Bohr tried to persuade the Americans that to drop the bomb would be to open a Pandora's Box of horrors. He urged Roosevelt to collaborate with Stalin on the bomb – but the President refused to listen. With post-Cold-War hindsight, Bohr's futile efforts appear as the doomed actions of a tragic hero.The film is powered by priceless testimonies from Yuly Khariton, "Red Sonya", Ilya Starinov and Anatoly Yakovlev, to name but a few (somebody seems to have gone through Stalin's address book). Also includes a rare archive interview with the famously taciturn Klaus Fuchs, the mole who infiltrated the American laboratories. In the Name of Peace This final episode addresses the legacy of the Red Bomb, and the steady stream of scientists who became disenchanted with the project after seeing the potential devastation it could cause.By the time the Stalinist regime gives way to the era of Khrushchev, Russia and its rival are almost neck and neck. One war may be over, but another is just beginning. As rivalry deepens into outright hostility, can the quest to produce the ultimate atom bomb really be explained "in the name of peace"?As the race accelerates, simple bomb tests are replaced by full-scale battle exercises and the spectre of nuclear war looms ever closer. The Soviets are plundering Czechoslovakian mines for their rich uranium reserves, and Russia upgrades its nuclear facilities, making Arzamas-16 and Semipalatinsk-21 into model cities for nuclear scientists and their families – furnished with dream homes, luxury shops and good schools (though the cities are untraceable on the map, and their inhabitants have no address). Archive footage of an imitation battle gives a hint of the war that never was – though most of the "sacrificies" are sheep and horses, stationed in the trenches in the name of military research. The Red Army evacuate farmers out of the chosen patch of countryside, allowing them to return a few days later, with nuclear dust still hanging in the air. (In the ensuing years, the local hospital saw a huge increase in tumour patients – a trend that the government did its utmost to conceal.)As veterans revisit the scenes of their former labours – now snow-covered concrete shells, green meadows or deserted plains – their tales of noise, smoke and indescribable heat are hard to imagine. Russia's first nuclear bomber describes the view – and the terrible shocks – from the cockpit. A soldier explores the ruins of the houses he built for the purpose of destruction. Former political prisoners from the Czech mines reunite and re-enact the gulag chain-gang march.   





视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

比特率: 1744 kbps   

Video 分辨率: 720x536   

Video 画面比例: 1.343:1   

帧速率: 25.000   

音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3   

音频比特率: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

音频串流: 2   

音频语言: english   

分集时长: 50:53.000   

分集数: 3   

体积: 700 MB (average)   

发布人:: DocFreak08【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

Video Bitrate: 1744 kbps   

Video Resolution: 720x536   

Video Aspect Ratio: 1.343:1   

Frames Per Second: 25.000   

Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3   

Audio Bitrate: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz   

Audio Streams: 2   

Audio Languages: english   

RunTime Per Part: 50:53.000   

Number Of Parts: 3   

Part Size: 700 MB (average)   

Ripped by: DocFreak08   







Release Post      

MVGroup.org (torrent)   


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