小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:47:01





:特大灾害:第一集Mega Disasters: Collection One-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



合资企业马丁(JV Martin)主持的科学纪录片,由历史频道(History Channel)在2008年出版-英语旁白Science Documentary hosted by JV Martin, published by History Channel in 2008- English narration   



特大灾害:第一集如果发生重大灾难,美国会怎样?以过去的自然灾害为例,详细说明?和令人不安的?历史记录收集了海啸,地震,火山喷发,飓风甚至小行星撞击的影响,以了解可能发生的灾难。如今,撕裂远古世界的那些地质力量仍然在地表下徘徊。历史会重演吗?专家们正在做些什么,以防止山顶喷发时死亡和破坏的滑坡。雷尼尔?人民会?和摩天大楼?如今的芝加哥有幸像1967年那样遭受高速龙卷风袭击吗?如果发生三级飓风袭击纽约市,将会发生什么?电脑动画,模型,以及重新创建,提供了令人印象深刻的视图,说明像这样的风暴可能对大苹果公司造成的影响。历史:Mega Disasters全面审查了?地震,干旱,冰冻和爆发。他们曾经发生过;他们会再次发生吗?[编辑]??西海岸海啸???如果大地震和海啸袭击美国西海岸,将会发生什么?专家说,它很容易在规模上和可能上与2004年印度洋海啸的灾难相提并论。从加利福尼亚北部到不列颠哥伦比亚省南部的700英里海岸就位于极不稳定的卡斯卡迪亚俯冲带附近[编辑]???美国火山???如果山顶会发生什么呢?雷尼尔(Rainier)沿Mt.?圣海伦斯?1980年山?圣海伦号爆炸炸死了25英里半径内的所有生物,并释放了有史以来最大的山体滑坡。现在,西雅图以东60英里处的瑞尼尔山(Mount Rainier)威胁着更大的生命和财产损失。这个海拔14,000英尺的峰顶所储的冰雪量超过了喀斯喀特山脉所有其他火山的总和,地质学家说,雷尼尔峰是否会爆发不是问题,而是何时爆发。正如我们将看到的,如果人们没有有效的疏散计划,死亡人数将是难以置信的。[编辑]???小行星启示???如果今天与恐龙一样的命运再次发生,该怎么办?它曾经发生过,并且有可能再次发生。使风暴,地震和其他事件成为自然灾害的原因不是它们的发生方式,而是袭击的地点。巨型灾难问,如果怎么办?没有人想面对。精巧地结合了实际镜头,计算机图形图像以及对顶尖科学家和公共安全专家的采访,探索了万一出问题时可能发生的外部限制。许多科学家认为,1.6亿年前,“杀手小行星”消灭了恐龙和所有生物中70%的生物。再次发生类似事件的可能性有多大?ASTEROID APOCALYPSE以一种令人难忘的方式回答了这个问题,说明对西海岸的这种影响如何造成破坏和混乱,破坏整个国家。但是,我们还将看到可以采取什么措施来减轻这种灾难的影响。[编辑]??黄石爆发???如果黄石国家公园下面的“巨型火山”?爆发,会发生什么?美国西部是世界上最大,最活跃的火山系统。6000年前,黄石火山爆发。熔岩和火山碎屑流覆盖了3英尺厚的灰烬,覆盖了3,000平方英里。远古时代发现的化石Mega Disasters: Collection One What would happen if a major catastrophe struck the United States? Using past natural disasters as an example, this detailed – and disturbing – collection from HISTORY examines tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and even an asteroid impact, to see what disasters could be coming our way. The same geological forces that ripped apart the ancient world still roil beneath the surface today. Will history repeat itself? What are experts doing to avoid a landslide of death and destruction in the event of an eruption at Mt. Rainier? Would the people – and skyscrapers – of present-day Chicago survive a high-speed tornado like the one that hit in 1967? And what would happen if a Category 3 hurricane were to hit New York City? Computer animations, models, and re-creations providing a jaw-dropping view of what a storm like this could do to the Big Apple. History: Mega Disasters examines it all – quakes, droughts, freezes and eruptions. They’ve happened before; will they happen again? West Coast Tsunami What would happen if a massive earthquake and tsunami were to strike the West Coast of the United States? Experts say it could easily match the catastrophic 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in scale and might. A 700-mile stretch of coast, from northern California to southern British Columbia lies just off the extremely volatile Cascadia Subduction Zone American Volcano What would happen if Mt. Rainier were to go the way of Mt. St. Helens? The 1980 Mt. St. Helens blast killed every living thing within a 25-mile radius and unleashed the biggest landslide in recorded history. Now, Mount Rainier, 60 miles east of Seattle, threatens an even greater loss of life and property. This 14,000-foot peak holds more ice and snow than all other volcanoes in the Cascade Range combined, and geologists say that it's not a question of if Rainier will erupt...but when. As we'll see, if people don't have an efficient evacuation plan, the death toll will be incredible. Asteroid Apocalypse What if the same fate that befell the dinosaurs were to strike again today? It has happened before, and it could happen again. What makes storms, earthquakes and other events into natural disaster is not how they occur, but where they strike. MEGA DISASTERS asks the what ifs? no one ever wants to face. A masterful blend of actual footage, computer graphics and interviews with leading scientists and public safety experts explores the outer limits of what could happen if everything went wrong. Many scientists believe that a "killer asteroid" wiped out the dinosaurs and 70 percent of all living things 160-million years ago. How likely is it that a similar event can occur again? ASTEROID APOCALYPSE answers the question in an unforgettable way, showing how such an impact on the West Coast could wreak destruction and chaos that could cripple the nation. But we?ll also see what could be done to mitigate the effects of such a calamity. Yellowstone Eruption What would happen if the "mega-volcano" underneath Yellowstone National Park erupted? The world's largest, most active volcano system exists in the western US. 6,000 years ago, the Yellowstone Volcano erupted. Lava and pyroclastic flows covered 3,000-square miles with ash 3-feet thick. Fossils discovered as far away as Nebraska were foundto have died from inhaling the Yellowstone debris. If--or perhaps we should say when--it erupts again, the Yellowstone "Mega-Volcano" will create a global cataclysm beyond human comprehension. Everything within 150 miles--including the cities of Cody, Wyoming and Bozeman, Montana--will be hit by an 800-degree blast of heat and 200 miles-per-hour winds. Thousands will be killed. That's just the local effects. Half the US will be buried beneath a blanket of volcanic ash. Crops in the Midwest--the world's breadbasket--will be destroyed. And it will take years before crops can grow again. Starvation, epidemics, and social chaos won't be long in coming. Earthquake in the Heartland Could a killer earthquake strike America's heartland? If history proves true, the answer is yes. The 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes (centered in southeast Missouri) rank as some of North America's most catastrophic natural disasters. Stretching more than 160 miles, a system of earthquake faults lurks beneath the Mississippi River basin, loaded and ready to erupt. And it's happened before. Pioneer residents of New Madrid, Missouri were thrown from their beds in the early hours of December 16, 1811 when an estimated 8-point earthquake hit. But it wasn't just one event. Multiple shocks were experienced over the next three months--the largest caused the Mississippi to flow backwards. No earthquake sequence has lasted so long, produced so many shocks, nor created such astonishing phenomena on land and water. The New Madrid Fault remains a seismically active area and experts expect a repeat. The only question is when... East Coast Tsunami Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Floods. Blizzards. Frightening but all too familiar natural disasters. But what about a tsunami wave hitting the east coast of the United States? In this hour, we look at such an event that could be caused by a massive island landslide triggered by a volcano off the coast of Africa. We explore the awesome tsunami recorded by German colonists in New Guinea triggered by a volcanic explosion on Ritter Island in 1888. Leaping forward, we hear from leading scientists about the possibility of a potentially catastrophic collapse of the west-facing fa?ade of a volcano located in the Canary Islands. Potentially 500 times the size of the collapse at Ritter Island, it could trigger a tsunami with initial waves over 900 meters high. A North American city on the eastern seaboard, such as Charleston, South Carolina, would have no more than nine hours to evacuate before waves as high as 40 feet inundated the city, leaving a huge wake of destruction and damage. Mega Freeze Is the increasingly unpredictable weather of the last few years a sign of disaster to come? The "freak" weather of the last few decades--stronger hurricanes, more tornadoes, intense heat waves, to name a few--has signaled to scientists that the climate is changing rapidly and unpredictably. Events such as these were precursors to cataclysmic changes in the past. The great Mayan civilization was knocked out by drought in a few generations. The Little Ice Age battered Europe. Within a decade, freezing temperatures increased and incessant storms brought starvation, disease, and death to millions. Could this happen again? New York City Hurricane What havoc would a major seismic event wreak on America's densest - and tallest - metropolis? Experience the full force of nature's fury in this earth-shaking episode! Earthquakes seem to be more of an L.A. thing, but New York City is actually the site of frequent seismic activity, including major quakes in 1737 an 1884. Picture a busy midweek morning in the heart of Manhattan with hundreds of thousands of commuters on their way to work. Suddenly the ground shakes violently, and a deafening roar thunders through the city. Earthquake! The beaches turn to quicksand, high-rise buildings sway and elevators strand thousands. The subway, bridges and tunnels, and the surface streets become hopelessly clogged. Millions are in peril, trapped on a small island. The immeasurable damage to infrastructure would take many years and billions of dollars to repair Volcanic Winter The largest volcanic eruption of the past two million years occurred on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, 75,000 years ago. The impact from the super volcano Toba decimated the local habitat, but gas, ash and debris from Toba made their way around the planet and formed a shield in the atmosphere that deflected the sun's warming rays. Temperatures plummeted and the planet was thrown into a volcanic winter and may have even pushed the planet into an ice age. 3-D computer animation will recreate the storm and unveil how this one volcano could have brought humanity to the edge of extinction. Tornado Alley Twister What would happen if an F5 tornado tore though Dallas, Texas? . In 1999, a twister touched down in Oklahoma City. But this was not a typical Midwestern funnel cloud--it was a "Mega Tornado" with winds swirling at 318 miles per hour. It scoured the earth for 85 minutes along a 38-mile path, killing 43 people and causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage. TORNADO ALLEY TWISTER revisits that storm and then asks what would happen if a similar fate were to befall Dallas. Comet Catastrophe A comet, crashing into the Pacific Ocean could cause millions of casualties followed by a lethal tsunami, earthquake, torrential rains and a nuclear winter. Is the next massive impact just around the corner? Gamma Ray Burst 450 million years ago, nearly all life on Earth was eliminated. Could this mass extinction have been caused by rays from outer space? And it could happen again?! What makes storms, earthquakes and other events into natural disasters is not how they occur, but where they strike. Gamma ray bursts occur randomly and often. At times, they light up the reaches of deep space like fireworks. Just ten seconds' exposure to one would spell doom for Earth.   





视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

比特率: 1863 kbps   

Video 分辨率: 720 x 400   

Video 画面比例: 1.800 (16:9)      

帧速率: 25   

音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)      

音频比特率: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz   

音频串流: 2ch   

音频语言: English   

分集时长 45.mins      

分集数: 12   

体积: 640 MB   

来源: DVD   

编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

Video Bitrate: 1863 kbps   

Video Resolution: 720 x 400   

Video Aspect Ratio: 1.800 (16:9)      

Frames Per Second: 25   

Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)      

Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz   

Audio Streams: 2ch   

Audio Languages: English   

RunTime per Part 45.mins      

Number Of Parts: 12   

Part Size: 640 MB   

Source: DVD   

Encoded by: Harry65   







Further Information      

Mega Disasters   


Release Post      

MVGroup.org (ed2k)   

MVGroup.org (torrent)   


Related Documentaries      

A Timewatch Guide: Decoding Disaster   

Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End   

Engineering Disasters: Series 1   

Europe's Immigration Disaster   

World's Worst Disasters   

Top Ten Natural Disasters   

Australia's Greatest Flood   

Destroyed in Seconds   

Mega Disasters: Collection Three   

Mega Disasters: Collection Two   

Natural Disasters      

Five Disasters Waiting to Happen      

Man Made Disasters      

Are We Changing Planet Earth      

Meltdown: A Global Warming Journey      

Freak Wave      

Earthquake Storms      

Extreme Weather      

Nature's Fury   







**** Hidden Message *****

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查看完整版本: 纪录片部落--纪录片《[HistoryChannel纪录片]特大灾害:第一集MegaDisasters:CollectionOne-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载》高清百度云1080p下载