小白兔 发表于 2020-7-13 23:47:01





:宇宙:第4季The Universe: Season 4-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载   



由埃里克·汤普森(Erik Thompson)主持的科学纪录片,由历史频道(History Channel)在2010年出版-英语旁白Science Documentary hosted by Erik Thompson, published by History Channel in 2010- English narration   



《宇宙:第4季》是一部穿越太空和时间的令人惊叹的冒险之旅,回到了历史的起点,借助令人惊叹的高清图像,《宇宙四号》重返了《第四季》,将观众带离了我们太阳系的奇观,并带到了离奇的地方-伸向宇宙。从死亡之星到环状行星,从星团到太空战争,宇宙大学利用新发现和更先进的CGI来解释外层空间的奥秘。从虫洞到运输车,检查流行的科幻电影中哪些元素确实存在。并发现从甲烷海洋到漂浮在太空中的酒精团块,甚至铁雨,各种各样的奇特液体都充斥着宇宙。观看并惊叹于专家们提出的十种方法来摧毁地球,包括用反物质炸毁它,将其扔向太阳,并且与另一个星系相撞。我上传了Series 4;它是MVGroup上唯一缺少的《宇宙》系列,而我在过去一年中对此提出了很多要求。欢呼哈利[编辑]??死亡之星???对于大多数人来说,它是电影《星球大战》的致命核心。但实际上,真正的死亡恒星处于生命的最后阶段,然后才爆炸成超新星,有时甚至是宇宙中最大的爆炸-伽马射线爆发(GRB)。一颗名为WR104的死亡星从地球潜伏了8,000光年,有人认为它的GRB箭头直接对准了我们。名为3C321的死亡恒星系令人恐惧地幻想着有一天可能会坠入银河系:一个伴星系的黑洞正在不断发射高能粒子,将其撞击,对其天体造成严重破坏。在附近,死亡之星埃塔·卡琳娜(Eta Carinae)和贝特尔(Betelgeuse)在他们濒临灭绝的过程中燃烧着燃料,这可能是一个暴力的结局,过于舒适了。?????没有月亮,今天的地球将是一个截然不同的荒凉之地-四小时的阳光和漆黑的夜晚,持续的100 mph狂风催生了持续数月的巨大飓风,并且几乎没有复杂的生命形式,人类则少得多。可以肯定地说,我们很可能应该归功于月亮。但是,如果突然消失了怎么办?太阳重力使海水重新定向,使全球沿海地区泛滥。海流转移,导致异常的天气模式。最终,地轴开始剧烈波动,气候变化变得更加极端。两极是热带丛林,赤道的一部分变成了寒冷的荒地。人类进化开始以无法预测的方式搅动或完全结束。没有月亮,地球是一个完全不同的地方。[编辑]???它从太空坠落???每年,成千上万的天然和人造物体在我们的大气层中暴跌并坠入地球。这些来自空中的险恶信使使科学家对宇宙的自然而非自然现象有了惊人的见解。从太空岩石从家到宇宙巨石触发大规模物种灭绝到火箭部件降落在前面的草坪崩溃,探索从天上掉下的物体,如小行星,彗星,流星雨和空间碎片。[编辑]???最大的爆炸事件???的宇宙充满了爆炸既造成又摧毁。Chicxulub对尤卡坦半岛的影响,这可能已经消灭了恐龙The Universe: Season 4Journey back to the beginning of history on a mind-blowing adventure through space and time.Using stunning HD graphics, THE UNIVERSE returns in SEASON FOUR to transport viewers past the wonders of our own solar system and out to the bizarre far-flung reaches of the cosmos. From death stars to ringed planets, star clusters to space wars, THE UNIVERSE uses new discoveries and more advanced CGI to help explain the mysteries of outer space. From wormholes to transporters, examine which elements from popular sci-fi movies could really exist; and discover how the universe is awash in all sorts of strange liquids, from oceans of methane to blobs of alcohol floating in space, and even iron rain. Watch and marvel as experts cook up ten ways to destroy the Earth, including blowing it up with anti-matter, hurling it into the Sun, and colliding with another galaxy.“I have uploaded Series 4; it’s the only Series of The Universe that is missing on MVGroup and I have had over the past year quite a lot of requests for it” cheers Harry Death Stars For most, it's the deadly centrepiece of the film Star Wars. But in truth, real death stars are in the final stage of life before they explode into supernovae and, occasionally, the biggest blast in the universe--the gamma ray burst (GRB). One death star, named WR104, lurks 8,000 light-years from Earth and some believe its GRB arrow is aimed directly at us. A death star galaxy named 3C321 is a terrifying vision of what could one day befall the Milky Way galaxy: a companion galaxy's black hole is hammering it with a constant blast of high-energy particles, wreaking havoc with its celestial bodies. Nearby, Death Stars Eta Carinae and Betelgeuse burn through their fuel supplies as they hurtle toward extinction--and possibly a violent ending that's too close for comfort. The Day the Moon Was Gone Without the moon, Earth would be a very different and desolate place today--four hours of sunlight with pitch-black nights, steady 100-mph winds spawning giant hurricanes that last for months, and virtually no complex life forms, much less humans. Safe to say, we probably owe our very existence to the moon. But what if it suddenly disappeared? Solar gravity redirects ocean water that floods coastal spots around the globe. Sea currents shift, resulting in freakish weather patterns. Eventually, earth's axis begins fluctuating wildly and climate change grows more extreme. The poles are tropical jungles and parts of the equator become frigid wastelands. Human evolution starts churning in unpredictable ways or ends completely. Without the moon, the Earth is a very different place. It Fell from Space Every year, thousands of objects both natural and manmade plummet through our atmosphere and crash into the Earth. These menacing messengers from the sky provide scientists with amazing insights into the natural, and not so natural, phenomena of the cosmos. From space rocks crashing through homes to cosmic boulders triggering mass extinctions to rocket parts landing on front lawns, explore objects that fall from the heavens, such as asteroids, comets, meteor showers and space debris. Biggest Blasts The Universe is full of explosions that both create and destroy. The Chicxulub impact on the Yucatan peninsula, which may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, was two million times more powerful than the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated on Earth. But guess what? That's only good enough for the very bottom of the Biggest Blasts top ten list. This episode works its way up through supernova explosions and gamma ray bursts all the way to the blast that started it all--the Big Bang. The Hunt for Ringed Planets They are breathtaking, lethal and a constant source of surprise. The stunning rings of Saturn have mesmerized countless scientists over the centuries. With particles the size of a house shooting at 53,000 miles per hour around the planet, any spacecraft passing through would meet an instant and catastrophic end. Inside the rings is like a NASCAR race--with bumping, jostling and frequent collisions that can cause a massive spin-out. Lesser known are the other planets that have rings--Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, possibly Pluto and Mars. Even Earth has a ring. Comprised of some 200 satellites in a geosynchronous orbit, it is the only known man-made ring in the universe. But the most remarkable thing about rings is that they contain the story of the birth of our solar system, and entire distant galaxies. Rings are more than a wonder of the universe--they reveal the secrets of our own origins. Ten Ways to Destroy the Earth Don't try this at home! In this episode, our experts cook up ten ways you could destroy the earth, including: swallowing it with a microscopic black hole; blowing it up with anti-matter; hurling it into the Sun, and switching off gravity. This is a fun way to explore the dangerous physics of the Universe and the properties of the planet we call home. The Search for Cosmic Clusters They are the one-stop-shopping places for learning all about the nature and variety of stars in the Universe. They're unique, because in clusters, all the stars were born at about the same time, from the same material and all are at the same approximate distance from Earth. This means we can be sure that any differences among them are due to their true natures and not distorted by different distances from Earth and other factors. Space Wars Outer space is already an essential part of America's ability to fight wars. Our military depends on satellites for many things, such as communications, reconnaissance and targeting information. But so far, no country has put weapons into space, although the U.S. and China have both shown they can shoot down satellites with ground-based missiles. If weapons do become a part of space, how will they work, how effective will they be, and what type of damage could they do? From ground-based lasers to telephone-pole sized rods hurtling from space at two miles per second to the far out weapons of the distant future, it's time to "lock and load" for Space Wars. Liquid Universe On alien planets, they rain from the sky as scalding iron. On distant moons, even at hundreds of degrees below zero, they slosh around in pristine lakes of methane. They can cover entire planets in miles-deep oceans of electrified hydrogen metal. Or erupt on alien worlds through miles-high geysers. They churn in the interiors of dead stars and even our own planet. They're so rare in the universe, they almost don't exist, but these are the magical liquids of our Liquid Universe. Pulsars and Quasars They sort of sound like the same phenomenon, but Pulsars and Quasars are very different. Pulsars are tiny--only a few miles across--but they spin as fast as a kitchen blender and sweep the sky with beacons of radiation that make them appear to flash on and off. They have unbelievably strong magnetic fields, are more accurate than atomic clocks...and they can even tell aliens just where to find the Earth! Quasars are at the other end of the spectrum. Quasars are huge cores of galaxies with black holes that are called "monsters" and which spit lobes of radiating gas called "DRAGNs." Quasars are so far away, we see them as they were only in the distant past--meaning they existed only in the early universe, when they may have played a major role in the creation of the galaxies themselves Science Fiction Science Fact Warp speed, transporters, wormholes and lasers--they are all staples of science fiction books, movies, and TV shows. But the fantastic world of tomorrow is quickly becoming the futuristic world of today. While you may not be "beaming" to your next appointment any time soon, researchers are preparing for the first tests of a present-day "transporter." And while scientists have long mocked Hollywood's visions of warp speed and faster-than-light travel as prohibited by Einstein's laws, a new generation of physicists continues to rewrite the fundamental rules of the universe. Is there a way around the cosmic speed limit? Maybe... as long as you're prepared to survive a journey through the ultra-high energies of one of the most violent places in the cosmos--the heart of a twisting, swirling vortex that leads either to strange, new worlds... or certain death. Extreme Energy Ours is a universe of energy, from powerful jets ejected from black holes to the raw nuclear fury of our Sun. But, the total amount of energy in the universe maintains perfect equilibrium--no more can be added or taken away. Because of this, there are enormous amounts of energy being transferred...electric, thermal, kinetic and magnetic energy are just a few that keep our universe balanced--and create awesome cosmic events and stellar displays.   





视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

比特率: 1874 kbps   

Video 分辨率: 720 x 416   

Video 画面比例: 1.731 (16:9)      

帧速率: 25   

音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)   

音频比特率: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz   

音频串流: 2   

音频语言: English   

分集时长: 45.Mins      

分集数: 12   

体积: 640 MB   

来源: DVD   

编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——   


Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4   

Video Bitrate: 1874 kbps   

Video Resolution: 720 x 416   

Video Aspect Ratio: 1.731 (16:9)      

Frames Per Second: 25   

Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)   

Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz   

Audio Streams: 2   

Audio Languages: English   

RunTime Per Part: 45.Mins      

Number Of Parts: 12   

Part Size: 640 MB   

Source: DVD   

Encoded by: Harry65   







Further Information      

The Universe   


Release Post      

MVGroup.org (torrent)   


Related Documentaries      

How the Universe Works Series 2   

The Universe (HC) Season 1      

The Universe (HC) Season 2      

The Universe (HC) Season 3      

The Universe Season Five      

The Universe: Season 6   







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