科学探索纪录片《了解宇宙是如何运行的/宇宙有道理 How the Universe Works 2010-2022》第1-10季 英语外挂中字-纪录片资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
本帖最后由 武士 于 2022-7-8 17:00 编辑科学探索纪录片《了解宇宙是如何运行的/宇宙有道理 How the Universe Works 2010-2022》第1-10季 -纪录片资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
《宇宙原理》(How The Universe Work)是一个美国的科普电视。自从2010年在SySf科幻频道播出,深受广大天文爱好者所喜爱。菲尔·普莱特、米歇尔·泰勒、劳伦斯·克劳斯、加来道雄等天文学家...客观的阐述了宇宙的形成,解读宇宙天体构造,分析各种天文现象。从宇宙大爆炸到星系、恒星、行星和卫星,为每一位天文爱好者提供专业宇宙科普。节目由迈克·罗伊担任旁白。
《了解宇宙如何运行》是一部大型纪录片。宇宙是怎样形成的?宇宙是怎样运行的?这些都是人类经常提出的问题。作为宇宙的一分子,我们都希望可以对这份神秘有更深入的认识。《了解宇宙如何运行》将为天文爱好者拆解种种谜团,节目将会探究宇宙的基本要素,发掘连串迷人的天文现象,以及解释其成因。节目旁述Mike Rowe将带领观众了解宇宙的结构、太阳系、银河系等。与观众一同探索这个奥妙神秘、浩瀚无边的宇宙。
How the Universe Works S01E01 Big Bang 大爆炸
How the Universe Works S01E02 Black Holes 黑洞
How the Universe Works S01E03 Galaxies 星系
How the Universe Works S01E04 Stars 恒星
How the Universe Works S01E05 Planets 超新星
How the Universe Works S01E06 Supernovas 行星
How the Universe Works S01E07 Solar Systems 太阳系
How the Universe Works S01E08 Moons 卫星
How the Universe Works S02E01 Volcanoes-The Furnaces of Life 生命的熔炉
How the Universe Works S02E02 Megastorms-The Winds of Creation 创造之风
How the Universe Works S02E03 Exoplanets-Planets from Hell 地狱星球
How the Universe Works S02E04 Megaflares-Cosmic Firestorms 宇宙大爆发
How the Universe Works S02E05 Extreme Orbits-Clockwork and Creation 轨道与创造
How the Universe Works S02E06 Comets-Frozen Wanderers 冰冻漫游者
How the Universe Works S02E07 Asteroids-Worlds That Never Were 前所未有的世界
How the Universe Works S02E08 Birth of the Earth 地球诞生
How the Universe Works S03E01 Sun 走近太阳系中心
How the Universe Works S03E02 End of the Universe 宇宙的终结
How the Universe Works S03E03 Jupiter 木星:毁灭者还是守护者?
How the Universe Works S03E04 First Second 大爆炸的第一秒
How the Universe Works S03E05 Saturn 土星还活着吗
How the Universe Works S03E06 Extinction 大灭绝武器
How the Universe Works S03E07 Milky Way 黑洞创造了银河系?
How the Universe Works S03E08 Starman 星际首航
How the Universe Works S03E09 The Search For A Second Earth 寻找第二地球
How the Universe Works S04E01
How the Universe Built Your Car 你的座驾是如何被宇宙创造的
How the Universe Works S04E02 Edge Of The Solar System太阳系的边缘
How the Universe Works S04E03 Earth Venuss Evil Twin 地球:金星邪恶的双胞胎
How the Universe Works S04E04 Dawn Of Life 生命的起源
How the Universe Works S04E05 Monster Black Hole 黑洞怪兽
How the Universe Works S04E06 Forces Of Mass Construction 大规模建造的力量
How the Universe Works S04E07 Secret History Of The Moon 月球神秘的历史
How the Universe Works S04E08 The First Oceans 第一个海洋
How the Universe Works S05E01 Most Amazing Discoveries 最惊人发现
How the Universe Works S05E02 Mystery of Planet 9 神秘的第9大行星
How the Universe Works S05E03 Black Holes The Secret Origin 黑洞神秘的起源
How the Universe Works S05E04 Secret History of Pluto 神秘的冥王星
How the Universe Works S05E05 Stars That Kill 神秘的行星杀手
How the Universe Works S05E06 The Universes Deadliest 宇宙中最致命的地方
How the Universe Works S05E07 Life and Death on the Red Planet 红色星球的生与死
How the Universe Works S05E08 The Dark Matter Enigma 暗物质之迷
How the Universe Works S05E09 Strangest Alien Worlds 奇异的外星世界
How the Universe Works S06E01 Are Black Holes Real?黑洞是真的吗?
How the Universe Works S06E02 Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries 孪生太阳:外星人之谜
How the Universe Works S06E03 Dark History of the Solar System 太阳系黑暗史
How the Universe Works S06E04 Death of the Milky Way 银河系之死
How the Universe Works S06E05 Uranus and Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants 天王星与海王星:冰巨人的崛起
How the Universe Works S06E06 Secret History of Mercury 水星的秘密历史
How the Universe Works S06E07 The Quasar Enigma 类星体之谜
How the Universe Works S06E08 Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets 矮行星的奇异生命
How the Universe Works S06E09 War on Asteroids 小行星之战
How the Universe Works S06E10 Mystery of Spacetime 时空之谜
How the Universe Works S07E01 Nightmares of Neutron Stars 中子星梦魇
How the Universe Works S07E02 When Supernovas Strike 超新星出击
How the Universe Works S07E03 The Interstellar Mysteries 星际之谜
How the Universe Works S07E04 How Black Holes Made Us 黑洞造宇宙
How the Universe Works S07E05 Secret World of Nebulas 星云的神秘世界
How the Universe Works S07E06 Did the Big Bang Really Happen 大爆炸真与假
How the Universe Works S07E07 Battle of the Dark Universe 暗物质与暗能量
How the Universe Works S07E08 Hunt for Alien Life 寻找外星生命
How the Universe Works S07E09 Finding the New Earth 寻找新地球
How the Universe Works S07E10 Cassinis Final Secrets 卡西尼号大发现
How the Universe Works S08E01 Asteroid Apocalypse-The New Threat 小行星启示录:新的威胁
How the Universe Works S08E02 NASAs Journey to Mars 美国宇航局的火星之旅
How the Universe Works S08E03 Hunt for Alien Evidence 寻找外星人证据
How the Universe Works S08E04 Death of the Last Stars 末日之星的死亡
How the Universe Works S08E05 Secrets of Time Travel时间旅行的秘密
How the Universe Works S08E06 When NASA Met Jupiter 美国宇航局的木星任务
How the Universe Works S08E07 Edge of the Universe 宇宙的边缘
How the Universe Works S08E08 Monsters of the Milky Way 银河系的怪物
How the Universe Works S08E09 Earths Death Orbit 地球死亡轨道
How the Universe Works S09E01 Journey to a Black Hole 黑洞之旅
How the Universe Works S09E02 Mission to a Comet 彗星任务
How the Universe Works S09E03 Secrets of the Sun 太阳的秘密
How the Universe Works S09E04 Aliens of the Microcosmos 微观世界的外星人
How the Universe Works S09E05 Curse of the White Dwarf 白矮星的诅咒
How the Universe Works S09E06 War of the Galaxies 银河系战争
How the Universe Works S09E07 The Next Supernova 下一个超新星
How the Universe Works S09E08 Secret Lives of Neutrinos 中微子的秘密生活
How the Universe Works S09E09 Birth of Monster Black Holes 怪物黑洞的诞生
How the Universe Works S09E10 Gravitational Waves Revealed 揭示引力波
How the Universe Works S09E11 Mystery of Alien Worlds 外星世界之谜
How the Universe Works S10E01 Secrets of the Cosmic Web 神秘的宇宙网
How the Universe Works S10E02 Curse of the Cosmic Rays 宇宙射线的诅咒
How the Universe Works S10E03 Hunt for Dark Matter 追踪暗物质
How the Universe Works S10E04 Dark History of Earth 地球的黑暗史
How the Universe Works S10E05 Hunt for the Universes Origin 追踪宇宙起源
How the Universe Works S10E06 Voyagers Ultimate Mission 旅行者号的终极之旅
科学探索纪录片《了解宇宙是如何运行的/宇宙有道理 How the Universe Works 2010-2022》第1-10季-纪录片资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
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