纪录片部落—纪录片部落–探索频道自然纪录片《赤道》6集全高清720P/1080P画质下载 赤道不仅是将地球分成两部分的线; 它也是世界气候和进化的强国。 在这里,进化的速度加快,太阳在最强烈的地方燃烧。 赤道仅覆盖地球表面的百分之五,但却是其50%的动植物物种的家园。 这部以高清晰度拍摄的精彩系列将把我们带到这个星球上最极端和最多样化的地方。 该系列将探讨世界六个赤道 z区域的动植物生命: 非洲的裂谷; 亚马逊盆地; 安第斯山脉的山峰; 东南亚; 印度太平洋和加拉巴哥群岛。
The Equator is not only the line that divides the Earth in two; it is also the climatic and evolutionary powerhouse of the world. Here the pace of evolution quickens, where the sun burns at its most intense. The Equator covers only five percent of the Earth’s surface but is home to 50 percent of its animal and plant species. This remarkable series, filmed in high definition, will take us to the most extreme and diverse locations on the planet. The series will examine animal and plant life in six of the world’s equatorial hotzones: The Rift Valley in Africa; the Amazon Basin; the peaks of the Andes; South-east Asia; Indo-Pacific and the Galapagos Islands.
全6集目录如下: 1 Paradox of the Andes 1安第斯山脉的悖论
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