[BBC系列]:肮脏的城市Filthy Cities-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
历史纪录片由丹·斯诺(Dan Snow)主持,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2011年发行-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Dan Snow, published by BBC in 2011- English narration
肮脏的城市丹·斯诺(Dan Snow)在伦敦,巴黎和纽约的黑暗历史中沉沦,从下而上探索他们的肮脏历史。[编辑]???中世纪伦敦???历史学家丹·斯诺(Dan Snow)在中世纪的污垢中下沉,发现了我们所知道的伦敦是如何在14世纪的伪造中伪造的艰难方法。最先进的CGI揭示了700年前的伦敦街道,Dan踏入了中世纪伦敦人的鞋子-旨在帮助他摆脱脚下令人作呕的混乱状况的木制平台。他整夜呆在中世纪的粪耙机上,转移了惊人的六吨粪便,并去了中世纪的屠宰场,以了解当局所面对的问题。此外,他考察了瘟疫受害者的遗骸发现一个灾难性疫情将如何帮助新的和更清洁的伦敦从过去的渣土出现。[编辑]???革命巴黎???就在200年前,巴黎曾是欧洲最臭,最臭的城市之一。在这个节目中,历史学家丹·斯诺(Dan Snow)嗅出了法国大革命的烂故事。令人惊叹的CGI揭示了普通民众奴役有毒工业并遭受怪诞的贫困和疾病的臭气熏天的街道。丹沉浸在自己的世界中,拜访一位调香师来重现18世纪城市-巴黎蓬(Pong de Paris)的恶臭。他有史以来最糟糕的工作之一-用18世纪的方法用狗的粪便和尿液鞣制皮革-制造出只有肮脏的富人才能买得起的精致奢侈品。他罕见地瞥见了在凡尔赛宫闪闪发光的臭名昭著的玛丽·安托瓦内特女王的私人房间,并揭示了一些有关皇室的令人惊讶的事实。另外,他面对终极杀人机器-令人毛骨悚然的断头台。丹(Dan)找出了恐怖期间巴黎公墓中成千上万具尸体的出没情况。丹(Dan)发现巨大的污秽和不公正现象如何驱使巴黎人进行一场血腥的革命,这场革命将改变他们的城市并产生一个新的共和国。[编辑]??工业???纽约丹·斯诺(Dan Snow)在工业革命的阵痛中回到了沸腾的曼哈顿。19世纪,成千上万的欧洲人在欧洲寻找迫害,贫穷和饥荒,以寻找应许之地。当他们到达时,发现的东西甚至比他们留下的东西还要糟。纽约是一个肮脏和腐败的城市,其庞大的移民人口挤在曼哈顿下城的贫民窟。丹屈服于在肮脏,拥挤不堪的廉价公寓大楼中蓬勃发展的一些致命的携带疾病的寄生虫。他喜欢烹饪一些19世纪最先进的食材-衣服染料和地板清洁剂-伪装成臭味重重的肉。他赞叹不已的工程技术壮举不仅改变了城市,而且改变了整个世界Filthy CitiesDan Snow gets down and dirty in the murky histories of London, Paris and New York, exploring their filthy histories from the bottom up.[edit] Medieval London Historian Dan Snow gets down and dirty in Medieval grime to discover the hard way how the London we know was forged in the filth of the 14th century. State of the art CGI reveals London's streets as they were 700 years ago and Dan steps into the shoes of a medieval Londoner - wooden platforms designed to help him rise above the disgusting mess underfoot. He spends the night as a medieval muck-raker shifting a staggering six tonnes of excrement, and has a go at medieval butchery to find out what the authorities were up against. Plus, he examines the remains of a plague victim to discover how a catastrophic epidemic would help a new and cleaner London emerge from the muck of the past.[edit] Revolutionary Paris Just 200 years ago, Paris was famously one of the foulest and smelliest cities in Europe. In this programme historian Dan Snow sniffs out the rotten story of the French revolution. Stunning CGI reveals the stinking streets where ordinary people slaved in toxic industries and suffered grotesque poverty and disease. Dan immerses himself in their world, visiting a perfumer to recreate the stench of the 18th century city - Pong de Paris. He has a go at one of the worst jobs in history - tanning leather by 18th century methods using dog excrement and urine - to make exquisite luxury goods that only the filthy rich could afford. He gets a rare glimpse of the private rooms of infamous Queen Marie Antoinette at the glittering palace of Versailles and reveals some surprising facts about the royal court. Plus he comes face to face with the ultimate killing machine - the gruesome guillotine. Dan finds out what happened to the thousands of bodies that overflowed in the cemeteries of Paris during The Terror. Dan discovers how monumental filth and injustice drove Parisians to a bloody revolution which would transform their city and give birth to a new republic.[edit] Industrial New York Dan Snow travels back to a seething Manhattan in the throes of the industrial revolution. Millions fled persecution, poverty and famine in Europe in the 19th century in search of the Promised Land. When they arrived what they found was even worse than what they'd left behind. New York was a city consumed by filth and corruption, its massive immigrant population crammed together in the slums of Lower Manhattan. Dan succumbs to some of the deadly disease-carrying parasites that thrived in the filthy, overcrowded tenement buildings. He has a go at cooking with some cutting edge 19th century ingredients - clothes dye and floor cleaner - added to disguise reeking fetid meat. And he marvels at some of the incredible feats of engineering that transformed not just the city, but the world
视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4
比特率: 1632 kbps
Video 分辨率: 720 x 416
Video 画面比例: 1.731 (16:9)
帧速率: 25帧速率
音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
音频比特率: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz
音频串流: 2ch
音频语言: English
分集时长 59.mins
分集数: 3
体积: 747 MB
来源: PDTV
编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 1632 kbps
Video Resolution: 720 x 416
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.731 (16:9)
Frames Per Second: 25fps
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2ch
Audio Languages: English
RunTime per Part 59.mins
Number Of Parts: 3
Part Size: 747 MB
Source: PDTV
Encoded by: Harry65
Further Information
Filthy Cities
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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