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外语原版纪录片《 30 for 30: Soccer Stories /30 对 30:足球故事》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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外语原版纪录片《 30 for 30: Soccer Stories /30 对 30:足球故事》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

30 for 30: Soccer Stories


-- 本集不包含长篇剧集“白色、蓝色和白色”--
ESPN Films 是广受好评的 30 for 30 电影系列的创作者,推出了 30 for 30 Soccer Stories,该系列围绕 2014 年 FIFA 世界杯在 ESPN 上首映。 30 for 30:Soccer Stories 包括来自获奖电影制作人团队的独立长片和 30 分钟长的纪录片。
30 for 30:Soccer Stories 是八部电影的合集,讲述了世界上最受欢迎的运动,以及关于足球成就、艰辛和灾难的各种不为人知的故事。从马拉多纳在 1986 年世界杯上的天才到体育界最令人垂涎?? 的奖杯之一背后的谜团,包括布雷特拉特纳和亚历克斯吉布尼在内的获奖电影制作人提供了来自国际足球界的引人入胜的故事。

1989 年 4 月 15 日,希尔斯伯勒体育场造成 96 人死亡、数百人受伤和数千人精神创伤。看图通过那天在场的人的眼睛进行编辑,其中许多人是第一次公开发言。
25年前,1989年4月15日,英国足球史上最严重的一场灾难发生在伦敦以北150英里的英格兰谢菲尔德,一个人满为患的体育场。 3,000 名粉丝蜂拥而至穿过十字转门前往预留的站立区域,尽管容量还不到该区域的一半。结果是造成 96 人死亡、766 人受伤的“人类暗恋”。从 1989 年决定命运的那一天开始,“希尔斯堡惨案”探究了发生的事情和原因。它不仅详细检查了可怕的生命损失,还详细检查了导致灾难的前几年、几个月、几周、几天、几小时和几分钟的关键发展。以现场粉丝和警察的第一手资料为特色——许多人是第一次在镜头前讲话——这部电影还通过失去亲人的家庭的经历来探索悲剧,并在 q 中进行了艰苦的旅程。伸张正义的诉求仍在进行中。

在 1986 年世界杯上,世界上最伟大的足球运动员迭戈马拉多纳达到了他的巅峰状态,在前所未有的热情中重新定义了一个人在足球场上可能取得的成就。他控球的能力——比赛——整个锦标赛——把世界一分为二。
这既是启发性的又是侮辱性的,既引人入胜又令人愤慨,围绕着他的热情是前所未有的,近乎宗教。 “86 年马拉多纳”根据档案材料构建,是对这位终极足球偶像的颂歌,沉浸在他在墨西哥的歌剧般的表演中,因为他将自己的名字永远写在足球历史上。

1973 年智利发生军事政变后,美国支持的独裁者奥古斯托·皮诺切特将圣地亚哥的国家体育场变成了一个集中营,政治对手在这里遭到酷刑和暗杀。仅仅几个月后,同一个体育场就成了计划在智利和苏联之间举办决定性的世界杯预选赛。尽管有抗议、国际足联自己的调查以及苏联最终的抵制,智利队仍然按计划进行了比赛,以一球未失一球晋级 1974 年世界杯。

在巴西,贝利是“国王”。但他的队友马内·加林查 (Mane Garrincha) 也被认为是有史以来最出色的足球运动员之一。在一个这项运动给予其主角如此皇室尊重的国家,加林查是一个小丑——一个逗乐人群并将足球变成不可抗拒的奇观的艺人,同时帮助巴西夺得两届世界杯。尽管他的腿弯曲得如此厉害,以至于在他职业生涯的早期医生认为他不适合职业比赛。一场又一场,他证明他们错了。但在他的职业生涯结束后,他不可预测的举动几乎没有帮助。
被足球界抛弃,加林查死于酒精中毒我在 1983 年。但他的粉丝并没有忘记他。他的遗体被运往里约热内卢郊区的一座墓地。 Garrincha 的亲属不得不借用一个坟墓,结果发现这个坟墓对于他的棺材来说太小了。成千上万的人涌入了这个小小的墓地,远远超过了这个地方可以容纳的人数。在 49 年辉煌的职业生涯和动荡的生活之后,这位将足球变成“美丽游戏”的人令人难忘地安息了。他的传奇永存。

新泽西州,1994 年 6 月 18 日。当爱尔兰球迷前来观看爱尔兰与强大的意大利队的世界杯揭幕战时,巨人队体育场绿意盎然。乐观情绪是有感染力的。杰克·查尔顿的球队在 ??75,000 名从全球各地赶来观看这场比赛的狂热观众面前走上球场。球迷中有爱尔兰总理阿尔伯特·雷诺兹,他与主要的爱尔兰裔美国商人坐在一起,他们一直在幕后工作以结束诺尔长达 25 年的冲突然后爱尔兰。在贝尔法斯特以南 24 英里的北爱尔兰小村庄 Loughinisland 的一家小酒吧 Heights Bar 观看比赛的支持者也感受到了激动人心的情绪。半场结束,爱尔兰队以 1-0 领先。下半场开始后不久,两名属于新教恐怖组织的蒙面枪手冲进了高地酒吧。三十发子弹被发射,六名观看足球比赛的无辜男子被打死。停火大屠杀揭示了巨人体育场内的欢欣鼓舞与高地酒吧发生的恐怖事件并存,概括了当时的情绪。英国政府表示将追捕凶手,确保将他们绳之以法。然而,20 年后,死者的亲属认为英国政府对其在大屠杀中的作用有疑问。事实上,他们现在相信英国人帮助了肇事者并确保他们永远不会被抓获。问题仍然存在:为什么?

受到希腊胜利女神耐克的启发,Jules Rimet 奖杯被授予赢得 FIFA 世界杯的国家,并且是所有体育运动中最令人垂涎?? 的奖项之一。这也是最阴谋笼罩的体育奖项——原奖杯至今下落不明。这部电影聚焦大奖与犯罪的第一次擦肩而过——纳粹计划在二战期间从意大利窃取雷米特奖杯。这个故事像一部精彩的冒险电影一样展开,我们的主人公 Ottorino Barassi 是一位温文尔雅的意大利足球官员,他试图保护一件珍贵的宝藏。

在一场只持续了片刻的比赛中,守门员莫阿西尔巴博萨永远赢得了这个称号:让巴西哭泣的人。但是,当然,没有人可以用一个单一的事件来概括。鉴于有机会在 1950 年举办他们的第一届世界杯,巴西寄予厚望,希望将该国建设成为经济和足球强国房子。为了建立前者,他们在里约热内卢建造了世界上最大的体育场马拉卡纳球场,以举办主队的大部分比赛。后者似乎是一个事实陈述,因为球队拥有阿德米尔、齐津尼奥和莫阿西尔巴博萨等知名球星,他们被广泛认为是世界上最好的守门员之一。巴博萨和球队的压力很大,但在最后一场比赛前夕,对阵小得多的乌拉圭队,似乎已经做好了夺冠的准备。比赛还剩 11 分钟时,一切都水落石出了。 Alcides Ghiggia,一个小而危险的前锋,在 Barbosa 和近门柱之间将球塞入,为乌拉圭队赢得比赛。巴西进入哀悼状态,巴博萨在他自己的国家成为反英雄。即使在今天,巴西赢得了五届世界杯冠军,但伤口依然如新。巴博萨本人再也没有参加过另一届杯赛,而且具有极大讽刺意味的是,他的大部分职业生涯都在他最低的地方度过了他的管理生涯瞬间:马拉卡纳。巴博萨天生是一个快乐的人,他的一生一直被一个痛苦的时刻所困扰,直到最后。

视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L4.1
视频比特率:4 073 Kbps
每秒帧数:23.976 fps
音频比特率:448 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
每个零件的运行时间:23 分钟 - 1 小时 46 分钟
部分大小:640 MB - 2.70 GB


30 for 30: Soccer Stories,Amazing Argentina,Bobby (BBC),Diego Maradona (HBO),Documentary,FIFA World Cup 1982,Finding Jack Charlton,Gazza's Tears: The Night That Changed Football,George Best: All by Himself,Hillsborough - How They Buried the Truth,Scotland 78: A Love Story

History,Edward Norton,Alex Gibney,ESPN,2014,English


General Information:
History Documentary hosted by Edward Norton and Alex Gibney, published by ESPN in 2014- English narration

-- A feature-length episode "White, Blue and White" is not included in this set --
ESPN Films, creators of the critically-acclaimed 30 for 30 film series, presents 30 for 30 Soccer Stories, the series premiere surrounding the 2014 FIFA World Cup on ESPN. 30 for 30: Soccer Stories include a mix of standalone feature-length and 30-minute-long documentary films from an award winning group of filmmakers.
30 for 30: Soccer Stories is a collection of eight films about the world's most popular sport, and various untold stories of accomplishment, hardship, and disaster within soccer. From Maradona's genius in the 1986 World Cup to the mystery behind one of the most coveted trophies in sports, an award-winning group of filmmakers, including Brett Ratner and Alex Gibney, offer compelling narratives from around the international soccer landscape.

On April 15, 1989, 96 people died, hundreds were injured and thousands traumatized at Hillsborough Stadium. See the tragedy through the eyes of those there that day, many of whom spoke publicly for the first time.
25 years ago, on April 15, 1989, the worst disaster in British football history occurred in an overcrowded stadium in Sheffield, England, 150 miles north of London. 3,000 fans flocked through the turnstiles to head to the area reserved for standing, despite a capacity of less than half of that. The result was a "human crush" that killed 96 people and injured 766. Beginning on the fateful day in 1989, "Hillsborough" explores what happened and why. It offers a detailed examination not only of the horrific loss of life but also of key developments in the preceding years, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes leading to the disaster. Featuring first-hand accounts of fans in attendance as well as police officers -- many speaking on camera for the first time -- the film also explores the tragedy through the experiences of families who lost their loved ones and undertook a painstaking journey in a quest for justice that is still ongoing.

Maradona '86
In the 1986 World Cup, Diego Maradona, the world's greatest football player, reached his apotheosis, redefining what is possible for one man to accomplish on a football pitch amidst unprecedented fervor. His ability to take control of the ball -- the game -- an entire tournament -- split the world in two.
It was both illuminating and an affront, beguiling and an outrage, and the fervor that surrounded him was unprecedented, bordering on the religious. Constructed from archive material, "Maradona '86" is an ode to this ultimate footballing idol, basking in the operatic intensity of his performance in Mexico as he wrote his name on football history forever.

The Opposition
In the wake of the 1973 military coup in Chile, American-backed dictator Augusto Pinochet transformed Santiago's National Stadium into a concentration camp where political opponents were tortured and assassinated. Only months later, that same stadium was scheduled to host a decisive World Cup qualifier between Chile and the Soviet Union. Despite protests, FIFA's own investigation, and the Soviet's eventual boycott, the Chilean team still played the game as planned, qualifying for the 1974 World Cup on a goal scored against no one.

The Myth of Garrincha
In Brazil, Pele is "The King." But his teammate, Mane Garrincha, is also remembered as the one of the best soccer players of all time. In a country where the sport grants its protagonists such royal deference, Garrincha is the jester -- an entertainer who amused crowds and turned soccer into an irresistible spectacle, all while helping Brazil capture two World Cups. This, despite his legs being so bent that early in his career doctors deemed him unfit to play professionally. Match after match, he proved them wrong. But his unpredictable moves were of little assistance after his playing career came to an end.
Abandoned by the soccer establishment, Garrincha died a victim of alcoholism in 1983. But his fans did not forget him. His body was brought to a cemetery, in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Garrincha's relatives had to borrow a grave, which turned out to be too small for his coffin. Thousands of people flooded the tiny burial ground, much more than the place could accommodate. After 49 years of a brilliant career and tumultuous life, the man who turned soccer into a "Beautiful Game" was memorably laid to rest. His legend lives on.

Ceasefire Massacre
New Jersey, June 18, 1994. Giants Stadium is awash with green as Irish soccer fans arrive to watch Ireland's opening World Cup match against the mighty Italy. The sense of optimism is infectious. Jack Charlton's team walks onto the pitch before 75,000 fervent spectators who've traveled from across the globe for this game. Amongst the fans is Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds who is sitting with leading Irish-American businessmen who've been working behind-the-scenes to end the 25-year-old conflict in Northern Ireland. The electrifying mood is shared by the supporters watching the match in the Heights Bar, a tiny pub in the tiny Northern Irish village of Loughinisland, 24 miles south of Belfast. At the half, the Irish have taken a surprising 1-0. Shortly after the second half begins, two masked gunmen belonging to a Protestant terror group burst into the Heights Bar. Thirty rounds are fired and six innocent men watching a soccer match were killed. Ceasefire Massacre reveals how the jubilation felt inside Giants Stadium juxtaposed against the horrors of what happened in the Heights Bar, encapsulated the mood of the time. The British government said it would hunt down the killers and ensure they were brought to justice. However, 20 years later, the relatives of those that died believe the British government has questions to answer about its own role in the massacre. In fact, they now believe the British helped the perpetrators and ensured they were never caught. The question remains: Why?

Mysteries of the Rimet Trophy
Inspired by Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, the Jules Rimet trophy was awarded to the nation that won FIFA's World Cup and was among the most coveted prizes in all of sports. It is also the sports prize shrouded in the most intrigue -- with the whereabouts of the original trophy unknown to this day. This film focuses on the great prize's first brush with crime -- a Nazi plan to steal the Rimet trophy from Italy during World War II. The story unfolds like a great caper film, where our hero, Ottorino Barassi, a mild-mannered Italian soccer official, attempts to protect a valued treasure.

Barbosa: The Man who Made Brazil Cry
In a play that lasted only moments, goalkeeper Moacir Barbosa forever earned the title: The man who made Brazil cry. But of course, no man can be summarized by a single event. Given the opportunity to host their first World Cup in 1950, Brazil has high hopes of establishing the country as both an economic and soccer powerhouse. To establish the former, they have erected the Maracana in Rio, the largest stadium in the world, to host the majority of the home team's games. The latter seems a statement of fact given that the team features known stars like Ademir, Zizinho and Moacir Barbosa, widely regarded as one of the best goalkeepers in the world. The pressure on Barbosa and the team is intense but on the eve of the last game, against much smaller Uruguay, it seems poised to deliver the championship. With 11 minutes remaining in the game, everything unravels. Alcides Ghiggia, a small and dangerous forward, tucks a ball between Barbosa and the near post to win the game for Uruguay. Brazil goes into a state of mourning and Barbosa becomes an anti-hero in his own country. Even today, having won five subsequent World Cups, Brazil's wound remains fresh. Barbosa himself never plays in another Cup and, in a supreme irony, winds up spending most of his working life as an administrator at the site of his lowest moment: the Maracana. By nature a happy man, Barbosa's life is haunted by one bitter moment to the end.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: 4 073 Kbps
Video Resolution: 1280x712
Display Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 23.976 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 448 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 6
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 23 min - 1 h 46 min
Number Of Parts: 7
Part Size: 640 MB - 2.70 GB
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: BALLS


外语原版纪录片《 30 for 30: Soccer Stories /30 对 30:足球故事》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载



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上一篇:外语原版纪录片《 1945-1953: From World War to Cold War /1945-1953:从世界大战到冷战》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
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