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外语原版纪录片《 Dead Mens Secrets: Set 2 /死人的秘密:第 2 集》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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外语原版纪录片《 Dead Mens Secrets: Set 2 /死人的秘密:第 2 集》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Dead Mens Secrets: Set 2


死人是不会讲故事的——是吗?时光之沙是否留下了法医线索?是否有至今仍在等待揭开其可怕秘密的档案胶片的痕迹?并非 20 世纪所有引人入胜的军事冒险故事都得到了全面审视,许多引人入胜的见解仍有待揭示和讲述。
这些直到现在都被称为DEADMEN'S SECRETS。谁真的是“从未有过的人”?这个和许多其他有趣的问题在这个名为 DEADMEN'S SECRETS 的关键系列中得到了回答。
凭借新发现的档案胶片和最先进的 3D 计算机图形,该系列着手回答 20 世纪一些最令人费解的问题和战争之谜。敖德萨档案的真相是什么,拉乌尔瓦伦堡发生了什么事?奥斯陆报告揭示了什么,是谁起草的?希特勒在第二次世界大战结束时离研制原子弹还有多远?一些答案是既可怕又出乎意料。
随着大西洋两岸新政府信息的发布,现在有可能煞费苦心地重建近代军事史上一些最著名的谜团。 DEADMEN'S SECRETS 是本世纪第一次认真尝试安息上世纪最令人费解的幽灵。
由 Nugus/Martin Productions Ltd. 为历史频道制作

海上灾难:HMS Dasher - 谁是“从未有过的人”?
肉糜行动:一具尸体漂浮在西班牙海岸外,手腕上拴着一个公文包,里面装着作战计划。但尸体是植物,计划是假的,德国人完全被愚弄了。这具神秘尸体的真实身份是什么?它如何与苏格兰海岸附近的航空母舰 HMS Dasher 神秘沉没以及近 500 名水手丧生有关?
它来的毫无征兆。 1943 年 3 月 27 日,星期六,英国航空母舰 HMS Dasher,哈它完成了两天的起飞和着陆练习,正驶向距港口仅一个半小时的路程。突然,发生了巨大的爆炸,船摇晃起来,将重达两吨的起重起重机推向了 60 英尺的高空。几分钟之内,Dasher 在船尾迅速下沉,528 名船员都在为生存而挣扎。
半个多世纪以来,这艘航母的命运一直处于保密状态,即使在今天,379 名遇难者的许多家属也不知道发生了什么。很清楚的是,幸存者漂浮在冰冷的水中,等待驶向他们的许多船只的救援,他们被火焰吞没,因为大海涂满了柴油和航空燃料,着火了,杀死了大多数人并使救援变得复杂。

海军上将卡尔·多尼茨带领 U 型艇群漫游d 大西洋追捕他们的猎物。他们差点让英国因饥饿而投降,并在他们的“快乐时光”中摧毁了盟军舰队。 U 型潜艇的秘密是什么,它们为何如此有效,它们又是如何最终被彻底击败的。
第二次世界大战最长、最关键的战斗是在海上打响的,德国的 U 型潜艇群在大西洋上漫游追捕猎物。在一场切断从美国到英国的重要供应的运动中,他们差点让英国因饥饿而投降。如果他们成功了,盟军几乎肯定会输掉这场战争。使用工作中的 U 型潜艇的档案镜头,我们看到德国人处于技术的最前沿,以及盟军如何进行反击以迫使 U 型潜艇的威胁屈服。在北大西洋波涛汹涌的海面之下,是二战最重要的战场之一。正是在这片广阔的水域中,数百艘纳粹潜艇潜伏在等待自由船的护航队,为欧洲提供重要补给。朗诵。多年来,海军上将卡尔·杜尼茨的“狼群”在这个关键的战区占据了上风,但一场重大政变扭转了 U 型潜艇的战局,到战争结束时,曾经引以为豪的舰队已成为其战区的可怕影子曾经的自己《海狼的秘密》中充满了盟军和轴心国拍摄的扣人心弦的镜头以及退伍军人引人入胜的叙述,重温了这场史诗般的斗争。检查使德国从海面下统治海洋的技术和技术,并了解改变战争进程的发现的细节。

从国家财富的枯竭到家庭传家宝和从大屠杀受害者身上取走的黄金填充物,DEAD MEN'S SECRETS 追溯了 60 年来为夺回大陆失去的财富所做的努力。欧文·科特勒 (Irwin Cotler) 等专家主持了对该主题的调查,揭示了许多失踪财富所走过的曲折道路,而前军人、银行警卫幸存者为这个引人入胜的故事增添了人情味。

盟军知道梅塞施密特 Me-262——世界上第一架喷气式战斗机……V-1 飞行炸弹,当今巡航导弹的始祖……以及 V-2——世界上第一架弹道导弹。但更多的惊喜接踵而至。
希特勒政权因其众多实验和各种秘密策略、武器和技术发展而臭名昭著。但通常情况下,“德国秘密武器”一词只会出现在 1944 年轰炸伦敦时发挥作用的 V-1 和 V-2 导弹的图像。但说实话,第三帝国背后还有更多闻所未闻的武器.其中许多武器不为公众所知。
希特勒的秘密R'S WONDER WEAPONS 对类似的盟军项目进行了比较,并叙述了许多这些项目背后的更深层目的。其中许多发展并未在战争结束前完成,但却为当今许多伟大的军事发展奠定了坚实的基础。

军情九处是战争中最机密的机构之一。它的存在是为了协助被困在敌后的盟军——间谍、被击落的飞行员和逃跑的俘虏。在他们面对敌人之前,士兵们接受了如何避免在敌人领土上被俘虏、被俘后该怎么办以及如何逃生的训练。在被占领的欧洲冒着生命危险的抵抗组织的帮助下,许多有价值的人被带回家改天再战。借鉴迷人的采访与一些相关人员的意见和检查最近才向公众提供的文件,DEAD MEN'S SECRETS 进入军情九处,揭露帮助拯救数千人生命的无私勇气和秘密牺牲。
从传奇的 Cockleshell 袭击到 Airey Neave 经历的旅程的内部视角,军情九处:欧洲的逃亡与逃避是对二战中最不寻常的行动之一的引人入胜的观察。

美国雇佣间谍的历史可以追溯到美国独立战争时期。乔治华盛顿了解情报的必要性,并拥有间谍网络。不幸的是,这些间谍中有许多是被抓获的勇敢的业余爱好者。到 20 世纪初,美国海军、陆军和国务院中只有少数部门负责收集情报,但没有协调在这些部门之中。到第二次世界大战开始时,罗斯福总统意识到需要某种协调来收集情报。他选择 William “Wild Bill” Donovan 将军担任 1941 年 7 月 11 日成立的信息协调员办公室 (COI) 的负责人。
该节目展示了美国情报部门如何在 1920 年代诞生,如何在第二次世界大战期间通过战略服务办公室……盟军情报局……美国海军情报部门破解日本海军密码……以及空中侦察取得了辉煌的进步。

当纳粹占领欧洲的恐怖事件被揭露时,无数人站在一旁,任由死亡机器向前推进。拉乌尔瓦伦堡没有。瑞典外交官瓦伦贝格在希特勒的“最终解决”高峰时期在布达佩斯工作,他看到犹太人被装上火车开往纳粹集中营。但是他,不像妈妈ny 其他人拒绝袖手旁观,而是通过发放他无权授予的瑞典豁免通行证,挽救了许多被指定用于死亡的人。瓦伦堡利用他的个人、政治和商业关系来拯救成千上万的家庭。人们认为他在纳粹眼皮子底下拯救了 100,000 人。但在1945年,他突然被苏联宪兵拘留后失踪,再也没有出现过。
他是被他挫败了这么久的纳粹分子杀死的吗?他是不是逃脱了死亡,却又不得不躲避他所反抗的邪恶? RAOUL WALLENBERG 发生了什么事?追踪他的家人、研究人员甚至政府在寻找真相的过程中发现的踪迹。

1939 年,一个神秘的包裹落入了英国科学家的手中。它没有签名,用德语写成。它揭示了希特勒的科学家所达到的技术进步阶段。
这“奥斯陆报告”可能是第二次世界大战中对德国安全最严重的破坏。 1939 年,纳粹德国入侵波兰八周后,英国驻奥斯陆大使馆收到了两封信。这些信件由一位匿名发件人撰写,描述了新的德国武器系统并概述了国防军军事研究计划的目标。它超出了人们的信仰范围,英国特勤局担心有针对性的欺骗,但逐渐地,事件表明它是准确的。一位年轻的特勤局官员认识到信息的价值,并意识到它可以为盟友所用,并成为对抗纳粹进步的重要工具。

第二次世界大战结束时,估计有 30,000 名纳粹战犯逃离法网,其中包括一些纳粹党的最高级别成员。他们中的许多人的名字在 20 世纪的历史中引起了深刻的共鸣——艾希曼、门格勒、马丁·鲍曼和克劳斯·巴比——不仅因为他们罪行的骇人听闻,还因为他们战后存在的阴暗面,总是比他们的追击者领先一步,并得到整个欧洲知名人士的帮助,甚至是西方情报部门的成员。


北非的战斗是第二次世界大战中最激烈的战斗之一。在那些荒凉的条件下,战争的想法可能会被推到极限。陆军元帅埃尔温·隆美尔 (Erwin Rommel) 凭借在加扎拉 (Gazala) 的胜利欺骗了英国人,成为“沙漠之狐”,从而赢得了桂冠。
欺骗敌人是“战场”中的一个有用工具。在第二次世界大战中,伯特伦行动——盟军在埃及沙漠中战胜隆美尔的轴心国军队——从舞台、剧院和电影中引入元素来欺骗、奇袭和击败敌人。为了取胜,盟军依靠迷彩、开发部门生产的研究和材料换货和培训中心 (CDTC) - 战争魔术师。技巧包括用旋转的高强度探照灯使德国空军飞行员失明和迷失方向。 1942 年至 1943 年间,在北非也很活跃的还有远程沙漠大队 (LRDG) 和特种空勤队 (SAS),他们驾驶美国吉普车在沙漠中呼啸而过,这些吉普车配备了 Browning .50 口径机枪,摧毁了更大、装备更精良的非洲军团车队.

视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L4
视频比特率:2 104 Kbps
每秒帧数:25.000 fps
音频比特率:192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
每个零件的运行时间:45 分钟
部分大小:741 MB


Dead Mens Secrets: Set 2,Battlefield Mysteries,Clash of Warriors,Dead Mens Secrets: Set 1,Documentary,Eisenhowers Secret War,Fields of Armour,Great Battles of War,Hitler's Desert Fox,Hitlers Secret Weapons Manager,Ike and Monty: Generals at War

War,Aaron May,History Channel,2002,English,World War II


General Information:
War Documentary hosted by Aaron May, published by History Channel in 2002- English narration

Dead men don't tell tales - or do they? Are there forensic clues left in the sands of time? Are there traces of archive film which even today are waiting to unveil their grisly secret? Not all the captivating and fascinating stories of military escapades in the 20th Century have been fully examined and many fascinating insights are still to be revealed and told.
These have been known until now as DEADMEN'S SECRETS. Who really was 'The Man Who Never Was'? This and many other fascinating questions are answered in this pivotal series entitled DEADMEN'S SECRETS.
With newly discovered archive film and new state of the art 3D computer graphics the series sets out to answer some of the most baffling questions and war mysteries of the 20th Century. What was the truth about Odessa File and whatever happened to Raoul Wallenberg? What did the Oslo Report reveal and who wrote it? And how close was Hitler to developing the atomic bomb at the end of World War II? Some of the answers are both frightening and unexpected.
With the release of new Government information on both sides of the Atlantic it is now possible to painstakingly reconstruct some of the most famous mysteries of recent military history. DEADMEN'S SECRETS is the first serious attempt this Century to lay some of the last Century's most puzzling ghosts to rest.
Produced by Nugus/Martin Productions Ltd. for The History Channel

Disaster at Sea: HMS Dasher - Who Was 'The Man who Never Was'?
Operation Mincemeat: a corpse floated off the coast of Spain carrying battle plans in a briefcase chained to his wrist. But the corpse was a plant, the plans were fake, and the Germans were totally fooled. What was the true identity of the mysterious body, and how could it be linked to the mysterious sinking of the aircraft carrier HMS Dasher off the coast of Scotland - and the loss of nearly 500 sailors lives?
It came without any warning. On Saturday, March 27th, 1943, the HMS Dasher, a British aircraft carrier, has completed two days of take off and landing exercises and was steaming to port just an hour and a half away. Suddenly, there was a terrific explosion, shaking the ship and propelling the two-ton landing crane 60 feet into the air. Within minutes, the Dasher was sinking rapidly at the stern and the crew of 528 men were struggling to survive.
The fate of the carrier has been shrouded in secrecy for over half a century and, even today, many of the families of the 379 men who perished do not know what happened. What is clear is that the survivors, floating in the cold water awaiting rescue from the many ships steaming toward them, were engulfed in flames as the sea, coated in diesel and aviation fuel, caught fire, killing most men and complicating the rescue.
Drawing on the memories of survivors and evidence from the wreck, DISASTER AT SEA challenges the official reports and exposes schemes of secrecy.

Secrets of the Sea Wolves
Admiral Karl Doenitz led the U-boat packs as they roamed the Atlantic hunting down their prey. They came close to starving Britain into surrender, and in their 'Happy Time' laid waste to the Allied fleet. What were the U-boats' secrets, how could they be so effective and how were they finally, and utterly defeated.
WWII's longest, most crucial battle was waged at sea where German U-boat packs roamed the Atlantic hunting their prey. In a campaign to cut off vital supplies from the U.S. to Great Britain, they came close to starving England into surrender. If they succeeded, the Allies would almost certainly lose the war. Using archival footage of U-boats at work, we see that the Germans were at the forefront of technology, and how the Allies fought back to force the U-boat menace into submission. Beneth the surging seas of the North Atlantic lay one of World War II's most important battlegrounds. It was in these vast waters that hundreds of Nazi submarines lay in wait for the convoys of Liberty Ships bringing vital supplies to the European front. For years, Admiral Karl Doenitz's "Wolfpacks" had the upper hand in this critical theatre of operations, but a major coup turned the tide on the U-boats and by the end of the war the once-proud fleet was a scared shadow of its former self. Filled with gripping footage shot by both the Allies and the Axis and riveting accounts from veterans, SECRETS OF THE SEA WOLVES relives this epic struggle. Examine the techniques and technology that gave Germany domination of the seas from beneath the surface and learn the details of the discovery that changed the course of the war.

Tracking Nazi Gold
In the chaos that surrounded the fall of Berlin, millions of dollars of gold went missing from the Reichsbank, taken by the Nazis and hidden deep in the German countryside. The Nazis also stole from their victims, thieving from the very corpses of the Jews they murdered in the concentration camps.
As Hitler advanced across Europe, gold from defeated countries was shipped to Germany to fund the war machine. Hitler found other sources of income--Jewish prisoners lost everything--jewelry, savings, even their gold fillings. And Jews who stored money in "neutral" Swiss banks would never see that money again - their children and grandchildren could not gain access to it because of stringent Swiss 'privacy' laws.
Among the many casualties of World War II was a significant portion of Europe's gold reserves. In the early days of the war Hitler systematically plundered the treasuries and banks of the nations he conquered. The utter destruction of Germany made tracking this vast wealth seem an impossible task.
From the drained wealth of nations to family heirlooms and gold fillings taken from the victims of the Holocaust, DEAD MEN'S SECRETS traces sixty years of efforts to reclaim the lost riches of a continent. Experts like Irwin Cotler, who chaired an enquiry into the topic, shed light on the convoluted path taken by the many missing fortunes, while former soldiers, bank guards and survivors put a human face on this fascinating tale.

Secrets of Hitler's Wonder Weapons
In the last years of World War II Hitler's war machine turned in desperation to some of the strangest weapons ever devised in warfare. Advanced technological weapons so secret that even today their true use remains a mystery.
The Allied forces were aware of the Messerschmitt Me-262 - the world's first jet fighter...the V-1 flying bomb, the ancestor of today's cruise missile...and the V-2 - the world's first ballistic missile. But there were more surprises to come.
Hitler's regime was notorious for its many experiments and its various secret ploys, weapons, and technological developments. But typically, the term "secret German weapons" only turns up images of the V-1 and V-2 missiles that played a part in bombing London in 1944. But truth be told, there were many more unheard of weapons behind the Third Reich. Many of these weapons have been unknown to the general public.
SECRET'S OF HITLER'S WONDER WEAPONS draws comparisons between similar Allied projects and narrates the deeper purpose behind many of these projects. Many of these developments were not completed before the end of the war, but have created a solid foundation for many of today's great military developments.

MI9: Escape and Evasion in Europe
During WWII, Allied soldiers were being captured by the Nazis on an almost daily basis. And throughout the course of the conflict, the sole mission of one group of men was to find a way to free them.
MI9 was one of the most secretive agencies of the war. It existed to assist Allied troops caught behind enemy lines - spies, downed airmen and escaped prisoners. Before they faced the enemy, soldiers were trained how to avoid capture on enemy territory, what to do if they were caught, and how to escape. With the help of Resistance teams, who risked their lives in Occupied Europe, many valuable men were brought home to fight another day. Drawing on captivating interviews with some of the men involved and examining documents only recently made available to the public, DEAD MEN'S SECRETS goes inside MI9 to uncover the selfless courage and secret sacrifices that helped save thousands of lives.
From an inside perspective on the storied Cockleshell raid to such journeys as the one taken by Airey Neave, MI9: ESCAPE AND EVASION IN EUROPE is a riveting look at one of the most unusual operations of WWII.

America's Secret War
American Intelligence is now the most powerful in the world, but at the start of WWII, it was almost non-existent.
America employed spies dating back to the American War of Independence. George Washington understood the need for intelligence and had spy networks. Unfortunately, many of these spies were brave amateurs who were caught. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States had a handful of departments within the Navy, the Army, and the State Department that gathered intelligence but there was no coordination among these departments. By the start of World War II, President Roosevelt realized the need for some sort of coordination for the gathering of intelligence. He chose General William "Wild Bill" Donovan to be the leader of the Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI) established on July 11, 1941.
This programme shows how US Intelligence was born, in the 1920s, developed during World War II through the Office of Strategic Services...the Allied Intelligence Bureau...the breaking of the Japanese naval codes by US Navy Intelligence... and the brilliant advances made in aerial reconnaissance.

Whatever Happened to Raoul Wallenberg?
When the horrors of the Nazi occupation of Europe were revealed, countless millions stood aside and let the machinery of death grind forward. Raoul Wallenberg did not. Swedish diplomat Wallenberg worked in Budapest at the height of Hitler's "Final Solution", and saw Jews being loaded onto trains destined for Nazi concentration camps. But he, unlike many others, refused to sit by idly, but rather, saved many earmarked for death by issuing Swedish immunity passes he was not authorised to grant. Wallenberg used his personal, political and business connections to leverage the rescue of thousands of families. From under the noses of the Nazis, he is thought to have rescued 100,000 people. But suddenly in 1945, he disappeared after being taken into custody by Soviet military police, and was never seen again.
Was he killed by the Nazis he thwarted so long? Did he escape death but feel compelled to hide from the evil he had defied? WHATEVER HAPPENED TO RAOUL WALLENBERG? follows the trails uncovered by his family, researchers, and even governments, in their hunt for the truth.

Technological Time Bomb: The Oslo Report
In 1939 a mysterious package finds its way into the hands of British scientists. It is unsigned, and written in German. It reveals the stage of technological advancement that has been reached by Hitler's scientists.
The "Oslo Report" was perhaps the most serious breach of German security in the Second World War. In 1939, eight weeks after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, two letters arrived at the British embassy in Oslo. Penned by an anonymous sender, the letters described new German weapons systems and outlined the aims of the Wehrmacht's military research programmes. It is beyond the realms of belief and the British secret service feared targeted deception, but gradually, events reveal it to be accurate. A young secret service officer recognised the value of information and realised it could be used to the advantage of the allies, and it becomes a vital tool in combating the Nazi advances.
But who wrote the "Oslo Report", and was the anonymous author of one of the most important scientific reports of World War II, and why did he send such precious information to England?

Hunting Nazi Fugitives
For many years the Odessa was thought to be a fictional organisation - a group who helped Nazi war criminals, especially members of the SS, escape Allied justice. But the truth was that many of the most brutal murderers lived to see the old age that they had denied their victims.
At the end of the Second World War, an estimated 30,000 Nazi war criminals fled from justice, including some of the highest ranking members of the Nazi Party. Many of them have names that resonate deeply in twentieth-century history -- Eichmann, Mengele, Martin Bormann, and Klaus Barbie -- not just for the monstrosity of their crimes, but also because of the shadowy nature of their post-war existence, always one step ahead of their pursuers and aided by prominent people throughout Europe, even members of Western intelligence services.
Known killers were secreted down 'ratlines' through Europe, until they reached comparative safety in South America, where they could use their deadly training to support the militaristic regimes. But could it be possible that the authorities knew of their escape from justice - and even helped them evade capture?

Stalin's Spy Ring: Red Spies Against the Axis
The story of the Red Orchestra, a secret Soviet intelligence organization which has one aim - to bring down Hitler. This programme reveals the most effective espionage operations of the war, detailing their successes.
A steady drip of crucial information made its way out of Germany and over to Russia during the course of WWII. Despite the Nazi's best efforts, they could not stop this stream of vital secrets. The source was an affiliation of spies and agents known as the "Red Orchestra" and the score they composed struck directly at the heart of Hitler's Reich. The Red Orchestra was a group of people from nations worldwide, united by their faith in Communism. These spies risked their lives to procure intelligence from the heart of Germany, and many paid the price. See how the Gestapo captured, tortured and killed many operatives and why this had little overall effect.
As they were captured and tortured by the Gestapo, the spy rings fell apart, but they had provided information with such startling accuracy, that today many people believe there must have been a Communist spy in the highest echelons of Nazi government. Who could it have been? We follow the stories of Red Orchestra members and attempt to track their superspy.

Secrets of the Desert War
The fighting in North Africa was some of the most ferocious in World War II. In those inhospitable conditions, ideas of warfare could be pushed to their limits. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel earned his laurels first by deceiving the British with his Victory at Gazala, becoming the 'Desert Fox'.
Deceiving your enemy is a useful tool in the "theater of war." In WWII, Operation Bertram - an Allied victory over Rommel's Axis forces in the desert of Egypt - imported elements from the stage, theater and film to deceive, surprise, and defeat the enemy. To win, the Allies relied on the research and materials produced by the Camouflage, Development and Training Centre (CDTC) - The War Illusionists. Tricks included blinding and disorienting Luftwaffe pilots with spinning high-intensity searchlights. Also active in North Africa during 1942-1943 were The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) and the Special Air Service (SAS) roaring around the desert in American Jeeps armed with Browning .50 calibre machine guns, destroying larger and better armed Afrika Korps convoys.
This programme explores the ingenuity behind the desert war, which included using magic to hide the entire Suez Canal, and camouflage to fool the enemy into believing in the presence of whole fake armies. Misinformation and subterfuge defeated the Germans as much as guns and tanks.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4
Video Bitrate: 2 104 Kbps
Video Resolution: 720x544
Display Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 45 min
Number Of Parts: 11
Part Size: 741 MB
Source: DVD
Encoded by: DocFreak08


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