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外语原版纪录片《 Mysteries in the Archives: Series 3 /档案中的谜团:系列 3》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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外语原版纪录片《 Mysteries in the Archives: Series 3 /档案中的谜团:系列 3》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

外语原版纪录片《 Mysteries in the Archives: Series 3 /档案中的谜团:系列 3》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Mysteries in the Archives: Series 3

历史纪录片,由 Dana Westberg 主持,2012 年由 Arte 出版-英文旁白

“影像讲述故事,我们讲述影像的故事。”档案中的谜团,对二十世纪十个事件的十项调查,这些事件标志着我们的记忆和想象力。在法国系列中,我们通过仔细研究档案电影来了解 20 世纪的历史事件。谁在照片里,谁不见了?为什么摄像头会对准这里?谁坐在谁旁边?
Serge Viallet 是一位真正的影像侦探,揭示了隐藏在电影院和电视上的故事背后的大量新元素和重要轶事。进行了细致的调查——对胶片进行翻找、筛选和分类,逐帧检查和分析,直到最终揭开它的秘密。该合集包括第 3 季的所有 10 集。
系列创意和导演 Serge Viallet; ARTE France 和 INA-Institut National de l'Audiovisuel 与 YLE Teema 和 RTSI-Televisione Svizzera 联合制作

1897 年:费利克斯·福雷总统出访
1897 年 4 月。在非常年轻的电影史中,一位摄影师应邀跟随一位总统出差。当法国总统费利克斯·福雷乘船和火车经过 9 天的旅程抵达法国西部时,查尔斯·莫伊松捕捉到了他的表演,成为永恒。他只有一年的幕后经验。他的作品被称为“活的照片”,他的装置被称为电影摄影机——卢米埃尔兄弟的一项发明,正在吸引越来越多的人。
总统呢?他是否明白他的照片正在“动态”录制?他见过“活照片”吗?他为什么选择 Charles Moisson 来完成这项工作?这个涉及所有事物的政治事件是如何成为第一批主要电影报道的主题的?

1918 年:庆祝停战
1918 年 11 月 11 日黎明时分,标志着第一次世界大战战斗结束的停战协定在德国与战胜国之间签署。但在法国和在英国一样,n直到上午 11 点整才公布 ews。
毁灭性的第一次世界大战持续了 1,560 天,1918 年 11 月 11 日上午 11 点整,法国各地教堂的钟声响起。他们宣布了德国与胜利的同盟国在黎明时签署的停战协定。在大西洋的另一边,由于时差的原因,停战协议庆祝得稍早一些。与纽约和华盛顿一样,巴黎和伦敦的无数摄像机永远捕捉到了街头的欢呼声。但这些胜利庆祝活动真的是自发的,还是精心安排的?记者是否可以自由选择拍摄地点和展示他们想要的内容?他们代表谁工作?战争期间盛行的审查制度是否已经取消?

1936 年:柏林奥运会
1936 年 8 月 1 日星期六,柏林。在可容纳 100,000 人的现代、巨大的柏林体育场内,总理阿道夫·H伊特勒开幕了第 11 届现代夏季奥运会,正式名称为“第十一届奥林匹克运动会”。尽管有许多抗议运动和抵制呼吁,但从未有过如此多的参赛国家和运动员,尤其是在美国。在种族主义极权主义政权下,美国黑人运动员的成就尤其令人期待?希特勒和其他主要纳粹分子对这些比赛有何重视?他们使用了哪些宣传手段,又是如何利用媒体的?外国记者在什么情况下获准报道重大体育赛事?

1945 年:日本投降
东京湾,1945 年 9 月 2 日,星期日,在美国军舰密苏里号上。预计将有 11 名高级日本政府和军队官员出席。四个星期前,即 1945 年 8 月 6 日至 9 日,原子弹将广岛和长崎夷为平地,日本宣布愿意放下武器。今天早上9点,日本o 签署无条件投降。在军舰的甲板上,盟军最高指挥官美国将军道格拉斯麦克阿瑟走近麦克风。他把仪式计划到了最后一个细节。一支军人队伍和大约 170 名摄影师、摄影师、电台记者和记者应邀在亚洲近距离体验二战的最后时刻。

1945 年:解放德国的集中营
德国,1945 年 4 月。当纳粹集中营在对德国军队发起的最后攻势中被解放时,盟军惊恐地发现了多个乱葬坑和一些饥饿的幸存者。一些战争结束前几天,在西线挺进的盟军解放了无数的劳改营和集中营——向全世界展示了纳粹恐怖的可怕证据。苏联士兵在 1944 年 7 月和 1945 年 1 月发现了马伊达内克和奥斯维辛的波兰死亡集中营,这几乎没有在盟军中引起轰动。只有当美国人发现德军在奥尔德鲁夫、布痕瓦尔德和达豪的集中营时,纳粹的暴行才暴露无遗。作为立即的反应,三位盟军将军做出了以下三项决定:立即全面记录暴行;德国人民与纳粹罪行的对抗;由其他政客检查营地。

1945 年:秘密我雅尔塔的环境
1945 年 2 月,我们身处乌克兰最南端的克里米亚半岛。战火仍在欧洲肆虐。英国首相温斯顿丘吉尔和美国总统富兰克林罗斯福以最大的秘密离开了伦敦和华盛顿特区。他们去参加与苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林的首脑会议。在雅尔塔海滨度假胜地附近的一座宫殿里,三位结盟反对纳粹德国的国家元首讨论如何结束战争以及如何为接下来的时间做准备。在最后一次会谈之前,政治家们面带灿烂的笑容,让摄影师和摄影师捕捉到这一时刻——至少在官方上——永远完美统一。

1961 加加林:太空第一人
片状和模糊的图像,没有任何壮观之处。然而,被拍摄的人实现了 20 世纪最疯狂的梦想之一。 1961 年 4 月 12 日,星期三,人类首次进入太空。他是苏联公民;姓名:尤里·加加林。在第一颗人造卫星被送入轨道仅仅四年后,这位宇航员的功绩证实了苏联人对美国人的领先地位。这是太空竞赛的伟大胜利,在冷战中期,也是对共产主义政权的巨大宣传和对美国的冷落。但是尤里加加林是如何被选中的呢?由谁?为什么是他?另一个问题:谁拍摄了飞行前一天和飞行后拍摄的加加林镜头的数量?

1977 年:博卡萨一世加冕
1977 年 12 月 4 日,星期日,中非共和国班吉。 Jean-Bedel Bokassa I 陛下为自己加冕,片刻之后,根据他最喜欢的皇帝拿破仑一世加冕典礼的直接灵感,为他的妻子加冕。在非洲见过。

1981 年:美国人质在伊朗获释
华盛顿,1981 年 1 月 20 日星期二中午左右。罗纳德·里根 (Ronald Reagan) 在国会大厦的露台上宣誓就任美利坚合众国第 40 任总统。同一天,被阿亚图拉霍梅尼的学生和同谋在德黑兰扣押了 444 天的 52 名美国人获释,结束了越南战争以来最严重的美国外交政策危机。此次发布并非巧合。

这位在欧洲被称为“指挥官马苏德”的人是阿富汗抵抗苏联和塔利班的军事领导人,他在 2001 年 9 月 11 日美国袭击事件发生前两天遇袭身亡。
马苏德在其出生地喀布尔以北的潘杰希尔山谷举行葬礼的照片证明了阿富汗近代历史上的一个重要日子。根据穆斯林的礼仪,他应该在他死的那天被安葬。那么为什么要等一个星期呢?这场葬礼有什么利害关系?对马苏德的袭击与 9/11 之间有什么联系?十多名阿富汗摄影师拍摄了葬礼。但他们为谁工作?

视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L3.1
视频比特率:2298 Kbps
帧本身条件:25.000 fps
音频比特率:192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
每个部分的运行时间:26 分钟
部分大小:463 MB


Mysteries in the Archives: Series 3,Britain on Film: Getting Down to Business,Documentary,Forbidden Films,Kino Pravda,Lumiere L'aventure commence,Mein Krieg: My Private War,Mysteries in the Archives: Series 2,South (BFI),The Thirties in Colour,The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl

History,Dana Westberg,Arte,2012,English


General Information:
History Documentary hosted by Dana Westberg, published by Arte in 2012- English narration

"Images tell stories, we tell the stories of images." Mysteries in the archives, ten investigations into ten events of the twentieth century that have marked our memory and our imagination. In the French series, we learn about the historical events of the 20th century by closely investigating archive films. Who is in the picture, who is missing? Why was the camera pointed right here? Who is sitting next to whom?
By looking at the pictures again and more closely, the series reveals how history has been processed, told and manipulated in the pictures. Each image is carefully studied and analyzed until its secrets are revealed. The series explores the power of pictures to tell otherwise. It raises the question: do we see what we know or can we know more with the help of the image?
"Mysteries in the Archives" is a collection aiming to uncover and rediscover known or unpublished images that bear witness to our history. The audiovisual document becomes a piece of evidence that it is up to us to question, to make people talk. The image is scrutinized, dissected, and often, Mysteries in the Archives takes our gaze away from what the camera operator had seen or expected. Each episode is constructed as an investigation. Some are about cheerful and amusing topics, others are about more solemn, momentous events.
Serge Viallet, a true detective of the image, reveals a multitude of new elements and significant anecdotes hidden behind the story as it was shown to us in cinemas and then on television. Meticulous investigations are undertaken - film is rummaged, sifted through and sorted, examined frame by frame and analyzed until it finally reveals its secrets. This collection includes all 10 episodes of season 3.
Series idea & director Serge Viallet; A Co-Production of ARTE France and INA-Institut National de l'Audiovisuel in Association with YLE Teema and RTSI-Televisione Svizzera

1897: President Felix Faure Takes a Trip
April 1897. For the first time in the history of very young cinema, a cameraman is invited to follow a president on an official trip. When French President Felix Faure arrives in western France after a nine-day journey by ship and train, Charles Moisson captures his performance for eternity. He just has a year of experience behind the camera. His works are called "living photographs", the apparatus is called the cinematograph – an invention of the Lumiere brothers that is captivating more and more people.
And the President? Does he understand that his picture is being recorded "in motion"? Has he ever seen "living photographs"? Why did he choose Charles Moisson for this work? And how did it happen that this political event of all things became the subject of one of the first major cinema reports?

1918: Armistice Celebrated
On November 11, 1918 at dawn, the armistice marking the end of the fighting in the First World War was signed between Germany and the victorious Allies. But in France as in England, the news is not announced until 11 am sharp.
The devastating First World War had lasted 1,560 days when, on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. sharp, church bells rang all over France. They announced the armistice signed at dawn between Germany and the victorious Allies. On the other side of the Atlantic, the armistice was celebrated a little earlier due to the time difference. As in New York and Washington, numerous cameras in Paris and London captured the cheering on the streets for eternity. But were these victory celebrations really that spontaneous, or were they staged? Were reporters free to choose where to film and show what they wanted? On whose behalf were they working? Has the censorship that prevailed during the war already been lifted?

1936: The Berlin Games
A new issue dedicated to the very controversial Olympic Games opened by Hitler.
Saturday, August 1, 1936, in Berlin. In the modern, monumental Berlin sports stadium, which can accommodate 100,000 people, Chancellor Adolf Hitler opens the 11th modern Summer Olympics, officially called "Games of the XI Olympiad". Never have there been so many participating countries and athletes despite the many protest movements and calls for a boycott, especially in the United States. How were the black American athletes, whose achievements were particularly eagerly awaited, received in the racist totalitarian regime? What importance did Hitler and other leading Nazis attach to these games? What means of propaganda did they use and how did they use the media? And under what conditions were the foreign journalists allowed to report on the major sporting event?

1945: Japan Surrenders
Tokyo Bay, Sunday, September 2, 1945, aboard the Missouri, an American warship. Eleven high-ranking Japanese government and army officials are expected. Four weeks earlier, on August 6 and 9, 1945, atomic bombs leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Japan announced its willingness to lay down its arms. At 9:00 a.m. this morning, Japan is to sign its unconditional surrender. On the deck of the warship, the American General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allies, steps up to the microphone. He had planned the ceremony down to the last detail. An army of military personnel and around 170 cameramen, photographers, radio reporters and journalists had been invited to experience the final moments of World War II up close here in Asia.
But suddenly there is unrest, and the ceremony is interrupted shortly before it ends. The Japanese are offended and refuse to accept the document. What happened? Why this sudden refusal? And why was the capitulation staged so elaborately on the command bridge of a ship? What exactly did General MacArthur intend to do with this?

1945: Concentration Camps Liberated in Germany
Germany, April 1945. When the Nazi camps were liberated during the final offensive launched against the German Army, the Allies discovered with horror multiple mass graves and a few starving survivors. A few days before the end of the war, Allied troops advancing on the western front liberate numerous labor and concentration camps - and show the whole world the horrific evidence of Nazi terror. The discovery of the Polish death camps of Majdanek and Auschwitz by Soviet soldiers in July 1944 and January 1945 had hardly caused a stir among the Allies. It was only when the Americans discovered the German camps in Ohrdruf, Buchenwald and Dachau that the full extent of Nazi cruelty was revealed. As an immediate reaction, the three Allied generals made the following three decisions: the immediate and comprehensive documentation of the atrocities the confrontation of the German population with the Nazi crimes the inspection of the camps by other politicians.
Photography played a very special role: in just a few weeks, the former death camps became popular locations for films and photo spreads. For what reason and with what goal? What reality could and should these pictures show?

1945: Secret Meetings in Yalta
We are in February1945 on the southernmost tip of Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula. War is still raging in Europe. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Franklin Roosevelt left London and Washington D.C. in the greatest secrecy. They go to a summit meeting with Joseph Stalin, the man at the head of the USSR. In a palace near the seaside resort of Yalta, the three heads of state allied against Nazi Germany discuss how to end the war and how to prepare for the time that follows. Before one of the last talks, the politicians pose with big smiles for photographers and cameramen to capture this moment of – at least officially – perfect unity forever.
But were they really able to overcome their different interests and come to an agreement? Why did they decide to have a secret meeting in the furthest corner of Europe, where the press was not allowed? And then who were the reporters whose pictures from Crimea are the only footage of the so-called "Yalta Conference"?

1961 Gagarin: First Man in Space
Flaky and blurry images, which show nothing spectacular. However, the one who is filmed realizes one of the wildest dreams of the 20th century. On Wednesday, April 12, 1961, for the first time, a man traveled into space. He is a Soviet citizen; Name: Yuri Gagarin. Barely four years after the first Sputnik satellite was put into orbit, the cosmonaut's exploit confirms the lead of the Soviets over the Americans. It's a great victory in the space race and, in the middle of the Cold War, it's also tremendous propaganda for the communist regime and a snub for the United States. But how did Yuri Gagarin been chosen? By who? And why him? Another question: who shot the quantities of footage of Gagarin filmed before the day of the flight and after?
After the "Sputnik shock" the USA had to accept another embarrassment. The recovery of the lost film treasures sheds light on how, by whom and why Gagarin was chosen. The viewer also learns who shot the many pictures of him before the flight, on the day of the flight and after, and how they were used by the Soviet authorities.

1977: The Coronation of Bokassa I
Sunday, December 4, 1977 in Bangui, Central African Republic. His Majesty Jean-Bedel Bokassa I crowns himself and, a few moments later, crowns his wife according to a staging directly inspired by the coronation of his favorite emperor: Napoleon I. The coronation of Bokassa I was a spectacle the likes of which had not been seen in Africa.
Floor-length, ermine-trimmed coats, magnificently dressed riders in hussar uniforms and rides through the capital in imperial horse-drawn carriages – the backdrop and costumes of this outrageous spectacle had nothing in common with African tradition. Of course, the press had been invited to follow everything, but numerous foreign dignitaries had also accepted the invitation. Despite Bokassa's distrust of the media, the streets were lined with foreign reporters. How were they chosen? Could cameramen and photographers move freely? Which of the invited emperors, kings and queens, heads of state, prime ministers attended the festivities? How could the Central African Republic, then one of the poorest countries in the world, finance this lavish ceremony? And how did it end up looking in the press?

1981: American Hostages Released in Iran
Washington, Tuesday, January 20, 1981 at about noon. Ronald Reagan is sworn in as the 40th President of the United States of America on the terrace of the Capitol. On the same day, the release of 52 Americans, who had been held hostage for 444 days in Tehran by students and accomplices of Ayatollah Khomeini, ended the most serious US foreign policy crisis since the Vietnam War. The release was no mere coincidence.
The US media reported the failed release affair around the clock, which had put a lot of pressure on Jimmy Carter in the last months of his tenure and destroyed his chances of re-election. But how exactly did the hostages return at such a special time as the change of president? And how was the release portrayed in the country's media?

2001: Funeral of Afghan Hero Massoud
The man known in Europe as "Commander Massoud", the military leader of the Afghan resistance against the Soviets and then against the Taliban, was killed in an attack two days before those of September 11, 2001 in the United States.
The images of Massoud's funeral in his birthplace in the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul testify to an important day in Afghanistan's recent history. According to Muslim rites, he should have been buried on the day of his death. So why was there a week wait? What was at stake at this funeral? And what was the connection between the attack on Massud and 9/11? Over ten Afghan cameramen filmed the funeral. But who did they work for?

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
Video Bitrate: 2 298 Kbps
Video Resolution: 720x400
Display Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 26 min
Number Of Parts: 10
Part Size: 463 MB
Source: DVD
Encoded by: DocFreak08


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