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外语原版纪录片《 Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 2 /Robbie Coltranes 关键证据:系列 2》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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外语原版纪录片《 Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 2 /Robbie Coltranes 关键证据:系列 2》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

外语原版纪录片《 Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 2 /Robbie Coltranes 关键证据:系列 2》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 2

2017 年 A&E 出版的无旁白社会政治纪录片- 英语

当一起谋杀案没有嫌疑人,没有线索,甚至可能没有尸体时,调查人员就会面临最严峻的考验。必须收集证据。必须分析证据。但如果不能锁定嫌疑人,证据就毫无价值……大多数谋杀受害者都认识杀害他们的人。这就是为什么在许多情况下,凶杀案是一种直截了当的犯罪行为。然而,20% 的英国凶杀案被归类为“情况不明”。
由 Robbie Coltrane 主持的 Critical Evidence 取材于现实生活中的犯罪故事。在剧集中,苏格兰明星演员罗比科尔川处理英国最不寻常的谋杀案及其调查。谁更适合主持英国调查性真实犯罪系列节目? Coltrane 的父亲是一名警察病理学家,这个男孩在很小的时候就如饥似渴地阅读了他父亲的医学和犯罪文学。我们中的许多人都记得传奇犯罪剧 Cracker 和 Coltrane 是一个酗酒、抽烟的侦探菲茨。
在这一秒在 Critical Evidence 一季中,Robbie Coltrane 揭露了英国警方调查过的八起最难、最复杂、最令人费解的谋杀案。每个程序的重点是证据的踪迹:它是如何被发现的、它意味着什么以及它如何成为破案的关键。通过首席调查员和法医专家的采访,许多人是第一次发言,罗比揭示了往往比小说更离奇的案件的惊人曲折。它是侦探艺术的记录:用技巧和决心解决看似无法解决的案件——因为成功与失败之间的唯一区别是关键证据。

Robbie Coltrane 揭示了英国警方调查过的八个最困难、最复杂和最令人费解的谋杀案。工人们在加的夫后花园挖出的一块旧地毯是一个案件的开端,该案件将推动 bou法医学杂志。地毯上有人骨——但是谁的?
1989 年圣诞节假期前夕的一个寒冷的冬夜,建筑工人在翻新建筑物时有一个可怕的发现:他们发现一具用地毯包裹的极度腐烂的尸体躺在加的夫花园的地上。与此同时,建筑工地变成了案发现场,警方面临的首要挑战是查明受害人的身份,这是追查凶手最稳妥的方法。在实验室中,法医科学家实际上成功地确定了死者的身份——并最终找到了凶手。

Sameena Imam 即将与她的爱人 Roger Cooper 开始新的生活,但她的计划以悲剧告终。 Robbie Coltrane 调查了谋杀营销人员的两兄弟的案件伊玛目经理在 2014 年平安夜使用氯仿。
这起谋杀案的情节可能直接出自阿加莎克里斯蒂的犯罪小说。 34 岁的 Sameena Imam 于 2014 年圣诞节失踪。她因未能回家而被埃塞克斯的家人报告失踪,引发了警方的重大调查。三周后,她的尸体被发现在莱斯特的一个地下挖掘的坟墓中,尸体用保鲜膜包裹着。一项复杂的调查导致了这对奸诈兄弟的踪迹。好市多商店经理罗杰·库珀兄弟和前士兵大卫·库珀成为调查人员的目标。两人是否完成了一场近乎完美的谋杀?

Robbie Coltrane 调查了 Scott Singleton 的案件,Scott Singleton 在引诱一名 17 岁女孩参加虚假的工作面试后将其杀害。她在 1991 年 7 月一直在找工作,并寄出了她的课程表向 100 多家职业介绍所发送简历。 Scott Singleton 偷走了她的简历,然后打电话给 Lynne Rogers 到她家里,并提供了一份每年 14 千英镑的工作,担任盖特威克机场的秘书以及管理行政航班。
1991 年 9 月,17 岁的琳恩·罗杰斯 (Lynne Rogers) 离开家去参加她梦想中的工作面试。她几乎不知道这条路会导致她的死亡。安排好后,她前往伦敦的查林十字车站与斯科特·辛格尔顿会合。一周后,她半裸的尸体被发现在一条沟渠中。她的下巴上有一个咬痕……多亏了牙印,警方才得以追查到凶手。

Robbie Coltrane 调查了为什么 Graham Backhouse 在 1984 年谋杀他的邻居之前试图用汽车炸弹杀死他的妻子。
在田园诗般的科茨沃尔德霍顿村发生的一起谋杀案和谋杀未遂事件让警方感到困惑。在一栋田园诗般的乡间别墅的车道上,警察有了一个可怕的发现:一位年轻的两个孩子的母亲被汽车炸弹炸死了。 1984 年 4 月 9 日,玛格丽特·巴克豪斯 (Margaret Backhouse) 爬上她丈夫的沃尔沃汽车的驾驶座,转动点火钥匙,引爆了一枚装满硝化甘油和霰弹枪子弹的管状炸弹。她的丈夫悲痛欲绝。他也确定肇事者实际上是针对他的——毕竟那是他的车。警方正在调查这起神秘的假线索案…… 爆炸的汽车和被砍断的羊头提供了凶手的线索,但真相却让目睹一切的研究人员都感到惊讶。

远离家乡:Kyu Soo Kim
Robbie Coltrane 调查了伦敦房东 Kim Kyu Soo 的悲惨案件,他残忍地折磨并谋杀了他的房客,他用胶带慢慢地让两名年轻学生窒息。他绑定了他们的嘴巴和鼻子被胶带紧紧地封住,以至于他们徒劳地挣扎着呼吸,眼睛都鼓了起来。谋杀案发生后,金将他们的尸体藏了起来——他将一具尸体塞进手提箱,将另一具用墙堵在房子的密封隔间里。

钢铁城谋杀案:周六夜扼杀者是如何被捕的。罗比·科尔特兰 (Robbie Coltrane) 研究了 DNA 证据如何结束了威尔士长达 30 年的三重杀人凶手和强奸犯追捕行动。三名 16 岁的女孩被勒死,接着是该国最大的谋杀案追捕以及警方发现连环杀手的开创性方式勒。许多担心的侦探永远找不到被称为“周六夜扼杀者”的杀手——但 30 年后,他在最不可能的地方被发现。
1973 年,三名女孩在六周内死亡,引发了南威尔士历史上最激烈的调查之一。他们被强奸、殴打,最后被勒死。这些行为引发了警方的大规模调查,但尽管警方做出了努力,但仍未查明肇事者,案件历时 30 年才破案。法医学甚至挖掘最终提供了关键线索。

1991年,两个人在三个月内被斧头杀害,震惊了林肯市。 1991 年 10 月 2 日一个暴风雨的夜晚,一位老先生躺在死在他的椅子上。他被斧头砍了好几次,身后的墙上溅满了鲜血。谋杀的动机一直是个谜,直到三个月后发生了一起类似的谋杀案。残暴的斧头杀人犯要干什么?警方唯一的线索是在第二个被谋杀的人的伤口上发现的油漆碎片。这些行动可能没有得到解决,但随后一位坚持不懈的研究人员开始调查欧洲的油漆工厂。

2010 年,Suzanne Pilley 在去爱丁堡工作的路上失踪了。在这里,罗比科尔特兰 (Robbie Coltrane) 揭示了她的凶手被抓获的非凡方式。
苏格兰人 Suzanne Pilley 工作一天后没有回家。 2010 年 5 月 4 日,她离开惠特森路的家后,最后一次被人看到是在去爱丁堡基础设施管理有限公司 (IML) 办公室做簿记员的路上,然后她就永远消失了。警方正在寻找她,怀疑她在工作中被谋杀,然后被带走。没有找到尸体,但基于复杂的调查,警方确信苏珊娜是被她的前男友大卫吉尔罗伊谋杀的,而皮利与他的前男友大卫吉尔罗伊有着“动荡”的关系,警察将他作为谋杀嫌疑人逮捕。在复杂的谋杀案调查中,警方与近 1,500 名潜在证人交谈,记录了 1,164 份陈述,收集了 2,325 份作品作为证据,并从 250 个不同地点获得了闭路电视录像,同时对阿盖尔的 30 个不同区域进行了协调搜查。

视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L4
视频比特率:2 335 Kbps
每秒帧数:29.970 fps
音频编解码器:AAC (LC)
音频比特率:96 kb/s VBR 48000 Hz
每个部分的运行时间:43 分钟
部分大小:739 MB - 779 MB


Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 2,A Very British Murder,Caroline: The Murder that Fooled the World,Catching a Killer: The Wind in the Willows Murder,Crime Scene Clean-Up: The Real Crime Scene Investigation,Documentary,Murder in Mayfair,Robbie Coltranes Critical Evidence: Series 1,Robbie Coltrane at the BBC,The Kidnap and Murder of Lynda Spence,The Murder of Becky Watts: Police Tapes

Sociopolitical,No narration,A&E,2017,English


General Information:
Sociopolitical Documentary with no narrationpublished by A&E in 2017- English language

When there's a murder with no suspect, no leads and perhaps not even a body, that's when investigators face their toughest test. Evidence must be gathered. Evidence must be analysed. But evidence is worthless if it can't be pinned to a suspect... Most murder victims knew the person that killed them. That's why homicide, in many cases, is a straightforward crime to solve. Yet 20 percent of UK homicides are classified as "circumstances unknown".
Hosted by Robbie Coltrane, Critical Evidence is based on real-life crime stories. In the series, Scottish star actor Robbie Coltrane deals with Britain's most extraordinary murder cases and their investigation. And who's better to host a British investigative true crime series? Coltrane's father worked as a police pathologist and the boy devoured his father's medical and crime literature at a young age. And many of us remember legendary crime drama Cracker and Coltrane as a heavy drinking, chain-smoking detective Fitz.
In this second season of Critical Evidence, Robbie Coltrane reveals eight of the hardest, most complex and baffling murder cases ever to be investigated by British police. The focus of each programme is the trail of evidence: how it was discovered, what it meant and how it became critical to crack the case. With interviews from the lead investigators and forensic specialists, many speaking for the first time, Robbie reveals the astonishing twists and turns of often stranger-than-fiction cases. It is a record of the detectives' art: using skill and determination to solve seemingly unsolvable cases – because the only difference between success and failure is critical evidence.
IWC Media for Crime & Investigation Channel

Little Miss Nobody: Alan Charlton
Robbie Coltrane reveals eight of the hardest, most complex and baffling murder cases ever to be investigated by British police. An old carpet dug up by workmen in a Cardiff back garden was the beginning of a case that would push the boundaries of forensic science. The carpet contained human bones - but whose?
On a cold winter's evening in 1989 shortly before the Christmas holidays, construction workmen make a horrifying discovery while renovating a building: they find the remains of an extremely decomposed body wrapped in a carpet, lying on the ground in a garden in Cardiff. At the same moment, the construction site turned into a crime scene, and the police's first challenge was to find out the identity of the victim, that being the most sure way to track down the perpetrator. In the laboratory, forensic scientists actually succeed in giving the dead person an identity – and ultimately in finding the murderer.
Crucial evidence for this episode: carpet, bones, DNA, facial reconstruction.

The Perfect Murder: Roger and David Cooper
Sameena Imam was about to start a new life with her lover Roger Cooper, but her plans ended in tragedy. Robbie Coltrane examines the case of two brothers who murdered a marketing manager Imam on Christmas Eve 2014 using chloroform.
The plot of this murder could be straight out of an Agatha Christie crime novel. 34-year-old Sameena Imam disappeared on Christmas Day 2014. She was reported missing by family in Essex after failing to return home, sparking a major police inquiry. Her body was found three weeks later after she disappeared in a grave dug in the ground in Leicester, wrapped in plastic wrap. A complex investigation led to the trail of the treacherous brothers. Brothers Roger Cooper, a Costco store manager and ex-soldier David Cooper are targeted by investigators. Did the two pull off a near-perfect murder?
Crucial evidence for this episode: car, receipts, surveillance camera, cell phone data, plastic wrap.

Appointment with Death: Scott Singleton
Robbie Coltrane examines the case of Scott Singleton, who murdered a 17-year-old girl after luring her to a bogus job interview. She had been looking for work in July 1991 and had sent out her curriculum vitae to over 100 job agencies. Scott Singleton stole her CV and then called Lynne Rogers at her home and offered a job for L14k/year as a secretary at Gatwick Airport as well as stewarding executive flights.
17-year-old Lynne Rogers leaves home to go to the job interview of her dreams in September 1991. Little does she know that the road leads to her death. After making arrangements she went to Charing Cross station in London to meet up with Scott Singleton. A week later, her partially undressed body was found in a ditch. There is a bite mark on her chin... The police was able to track down the perpetrator thanks to the teeth marks.
Crucial evidence for this episode: bite mark, eyewitnesses, phone calls, cassette tape.

Countryside Killings: Graham Backhouse
Robbie Coltrane examines why Graham Backhouse attempted to kill his wife with a car bomb before murdering his neighbour in 1984.
A murder and attempted murder in the idyllic Cotswolds village of Horton leave police baffled. In the driveway of an idyllic country house, police officers make a terrible discovery: a young mother of two has been fatally injured by a car bomb. On 9th April 1984, Margaret Backhouse had climbed to driver's seat of her husband's Volvo and turned the ignition key, setting off a pipe bomb filled with nitroglycerine and shotgun pellets. Her husband is beside himself with grief. He is also certain that the perpetrator was actually targeting him - after all, it was his car. Police are investigating this mysterious case of false leads... The exploded car and severed sheep's head gave clues of the perpetrator, but the truth amazed even the researchers who have seen everything.
Crucial evidence for this episode: blood spatter, car bomb, sticky note, fiber.

Far from Home: Kyu Soo Kim
Robbie Coltrane examines the harrowing case of a London landlord, Kim Kyu Soo, who sadistically tortured and murdered his tenants, two young students he slowly suffocated with sticky tape. He bound their mouths and noses so tightly with tape that their eyes bulged as they struggled in vain to breathe. After the murders, Kim then concealed their bodies - he jammed one into a suitcase, and walled the other up in a sealed compartment of the house.
In 2002, police found the body of a young woman in a suitcase near York. The investigations that follow span three continents. When the police find out about another murder that has many parallels to the crime in York, they get closer to the perpetrator. A rarely cold-blooded killer was revealed behind the murders.
The decisive evidence in this episode: sticky tape, bloodstain, suitcase and entomology.

The Saturday Night Strangler: Joe Kappen
Steeltown Murders: How Saturday Night Strangler was caught. Robbie Coltrane examines how DNA evidence ended a 30-year hunt for triple murderer and rapist in Wales. Three 16-year-old girls strangled, followed by a country's biggest murder hunt and the ground-breaking way police found the serial killer. Many feared detectives would never find the killer known as the "Saturday Night Strangler" - but 30 years on, he was found in the most unlikely place.
The deaths of three girls within six weeks in 1973 led to one of the most intense investigations in South Wales history. They were raped, beaten and finally strangled. The actions triggered a huge police investigation, but despite the efforts of the police, the perpetrator was not identified and it took 30 years for the case to be solved. Forensic science and even an exhumation eventually provide the crucial clues.
Crucial evidence for this episode: the white car, the girls' clothes, the DNA, the exhumation.

The Double Axe Murderer: Dennis Smalley
Robbie Coltrane examines the horrific crimes of Dennis Smalley and the tiny clue that led to his capture and conviction.
In 1991, two people were murdered with an ax within three months that shocked the city of Lincoln. On a stormy night on October 2, 1991, an elderly gentleman lies dead in his chair. He was wounded several times with an ax and the wall behind him is spattered with blood. The motive for the murder remains a mystery until a similar murder occurs three months later. What is the brutal ax murderer up to? The police's only clue was the tiny flakes of paint found in the wounds of the second murdered man. The actions might have gone unsolved, but then a persistent researcher started going through European paint factories.
The decisive evidence in this episode: the axe, the paint flakes, the pillow, the nosy neighbor.

Into Thin Air: David Gilroy
In 2010, Suzanne Pilley disappeared on her way to work in Edinburgh. Here, Robbie Coltrane reveals the remarkable way her killer was caught.
Scottish Suzanne Pilley doesn't come home after a day at work. She was last seen on her way to work as a bookkeeper at the Infrastructure Managers Limited (IML) office in the Edinburgh after leaving her Whitson Road home on May 4, 2010, then she disappeared for good. Police are looking for her and suspect she was murdered at work and then taken away. No body was found, but based on a complex investigation, the police became convinced that Suzanne was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, David Gilroy, with whom Pilley had "turbulent" relationship and officers arrest him as a murder suspect. The complex murder inquiry saw police speak to nearly 1,500 potential witnesses, take 1,164 statements, gathered 2,325 productions to use in evidence and obtained CCTV footage from 250 separate locations while 30 different areas in Argyll were subject to coordinated searches.
Crucial evidence for this episode: surveillance camera, car, phone records, cadaver dogs.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4
Video Bitrate: 2 335 Kbps
Video Resolution: 1216x684
Display Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 29.970 fps
Audio Codec: AAC (LC)
Audio Bitrate: 96 kb/s VBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 43 min
Number Of Parts: 8
Part Size: 739 MB - 779 MB
Source: WEB DL
Encoded by: DocFreak08


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