[Al-Jazeera系列]:以上帝的名义谋杀Murder in God's Name-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)主持的社会政治纪录片,半岛电视台(Al-Jazeera)在2013年出版-英语旁白Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Evan Williams, published by Al-Jazeera in 2013- English narration
在巴基斯坦,对先知穆罕默德进行贬损评论或亵渎古兰经是违法的,通常被告被捕入狱,有时长达数年之久,然后再由上诉法院推翻其案子或减刑,这对人们的感觉是有力的。亵渎一个指控的谣言就足以使邻里或村庄与被告抗衡,从而带来越来越多的致命后果。在某些情况下,不仅是被告,还有整个社区都应承担责任并受到威胁。在伊斯兰堡郊外的荒地上,我们遇到了逃离城市Mehrabadi区房屋的家庭。寒冷,他们住在临时帐篷里,是因为他们害怕基督教徒成员14岁的林莎·玛西(Rimsha Masih)之后回到梅哈拉巴迪(Mehrabadi),去年被指控犯有亵渎罪。最近二十年来,有52名被告及其支持者被谋杀。即使在警方拘留期间,亵渎嫌疑犯也不安全.2012年12月,一个愤怒的暴民闯入信德省的一个警察局,将一名亵渎嫌疑犯殴打致死。他被指控焚烧古兰经页.2012年7月,在东艾哈迈德普尔,一名被指控在街上扔古兰经页的男子被人群从警察牢房中拖拽而杀死,在摩托车后被拉过街道这种敏感和恐惧的气氛,加上刑事司法系统无法及早发现虚假指控,意味着法律容易受到滥用。我们听到亵渎指控如何成为解决个人分数的有力武器。律师约瑟夫·弗朗西斯(Joseph Francis)负责法律援助中心,拉合尔的协助与解决(CLAAS)是现有的少数几个帮助被指控亵渎神灵的组织之一。在一个安全的房子里,他向我们介绍了鲁奇亚(Ruqqiya),后者说,在她的女儿与邻居吵架之后,她的邻居指责她是亵渎神灵。 #8217;的孩子?Ruqqiya在无罪释放之前已入狱三年。当她被释放时,她的幼儿几乎不认识她。尽管被无罪释放,鲁奇奇亚说极端分子仍在寻找她,她担心家庭的安全。纳瓦布·巴蒂(Nawab Bhatti)和她的law子也感到恐惧,因为纳瓦布(Nawab)的丈夫Zafar被指控亵渎神灵,六个月前被囚禁,等待审判。他在监狱中的健康状况正在恶化。他们说,这一指控是由竞争对手在财产纠纷中提出的,用来使扎法尔摆脱困境。人权活动家泽维尔·威廉(Xavier William)在伊斯兰堡经营着一个危机组织,在迈克尔和他的家人被迫逃离家园后,帮助他们安排了安全的住所。迈克尔说,他离开雇主开办竞争对手业务后,被前老板指控烧毁《古兰经》。迈克尔和他的家人现在躲藏在大院中,担心遭到攻击,并希望逃离巴基斯坦。其他人,例如拉合尔的记者Shehrbano Taseer,尽管受到威胁和亲人的损失,仍拒绝离开该国。她说,这些故事令人不寒而栗,他们对未成年人和弱智人士提起诉讼,真是令人毛骨悚然,故事引人入胜。Shehrbano的父亲Salmaan Taseer(旁遮普省州长)在显示s后被暗杀?迈克尔说,他离开雇主开办竞争对手业务后,被前老板指控烧毁《古兰经》。迈克尔和他的家人现在躲藏在大院中,担心遭到攻击,并希望逃离巴基斯坦。其他人,例如拉合尔的记者Shehrbano Taseer,尽管受到威胁和亲人的损失,仍拒绝离开该国。她说,这些故事令人不寒而栗,他们对未成年人和弱智人士提起诉讼,真是令人毛骨悚然,故事引人入胜。Shehrbano的父亲Salmaan Taseer(旁遮普省州长)在显示s后被暗杀?迈克尔说,他离开雇主开办竞争对手业务后,被前老板指控烧毁《古兰经》。迈克尔和他的家人现在躲藏在大院中,担心遭到攻击,并希望逃离巴基斯坦。其他人,例如拉合尔的记者Shehrbano Taseer,尽管受到威胁和亲人的损失,仍拒绝离开该国。她说,这些故事令人不寒而栗,他们对未成年人和弱智人士提起诉讼,真是令人毛骨悚然,故事引人入胜。Shehrbano的父亲Salmaan Taseer(旁遮普省州长)在显示s后被暗杀In Pakistan, it is illegal to make derogatory comments about Prophet Muhammad or desecrate the Quran.Anyone accused is usually arrested and jailed, sometimes for years, before their case is overturned or sentence reduced by the appeal courts.Such is the strength of feeling about blasphemy that the mere rumour of an allegation is enough to set the neighbourhood or village against the accused, increasingly with fatal consequences. In some instances, it is not just the accused, but their entire community who are held responsible and threatened.On wasteland on the outskirts of Islamabad we meet families who have fled their homes in the city’s Mehrabadi district.Despite the winter cold, they live in makeshift tents because they are too scared to return to Mehrabadi, after a member of their Christian community, 14-year-old Rimsha Masih, was accused of blasphemy last year.Fifty two of the accused and their supporters have been murdered in the last two decades. Even in police custody blasphemy suspects are not safe.In December 2012, an angry mob broke into a police station in Sindh province and beat a blasphemy suspect to death. He had been accused of burning pages of the Quran.In Ahmedpur East in July 2012, a man accused of throwing pages of the Quran on the street was dragged by crowds from a police cell and killed, after being pulled through the streets behind a motorbike.This sensitivity and climate of fear, combined with the inability of the criminal justice system to identify false allegations early, means the law is open to abuse. We hear how blasphemy allegations have become powerful weapons in settling personal scores.Lawyer Joseph Francis runs the Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) in Lahore, one of the few existing groups that help people accused of blasphemy.In a safe house he introduces us to Ruqqiya, who says her neighbours accused her of blasphemy after her daughter got into an argument with the neighbour’s child. Ruqqiya spent three years in jail before being acquitted. Her young children hardly knew her when she was released. Despite the acquittal, Ruqqiya says extremists are still searching for her and she fears for the family’s safety.Nawab Bhatti and her sisters-in-law have also been terrified since Nawab’s husband Zafar was accused of blasphemy and imprisoned awaiting trial, more than six months ago. His health in prison is deteriorating. They say the allegation was made by a rival party in a property dispute and used to get Zafar out of the way.Human rights activist Xavier William runs a crisis group in Islamabad and helped arrange safe accommodation for Michael and his family after they were forced to flee their home. Michael says he was accused of burning the Quran by a former boss, after he left his employer and started a rival business. Michael and his family now hide in the compound in fear of attack, and wish to flee Pakistan.Others, like Lahore-based journalist Shehrbano Taseer, refuse to leave the country despite the threats and the loss of loved ones."When it is being so grossly misused it is definitely time to rethink and revisit this law. The stories are chilling, they put cases on minors and mentally handicapped people,” she say.Shehrbano’s father Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, was assassinated after showing support for Asia Bibi, a mother of five facing blasphemy charges. He campaigned to reform the laws. Inspired by clerics condemning Taseer, his bodyguard Mumtaz Qadri, shot him dead.The convicted murderer was showered with rose petals and praise on his way to court.Rao Abdur Raheem worked pro-bono to defend Qadri and said the bodyguard had no option but to take the law into his own hands and kill an enemy of the Holy Prophet.As Pakistan gears up for elections later this year, 101 East looks at the devastating impact of blasphemy allegations on the accused, what the use of the laws reveals about growing extremism and what hope there is for reform.
Duration: 25mn 0s
File size: 421 MB
编码器: MKV
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Display 画面比例: 16:9
Overall bit rate: 2357 kbs
帧速率: 25.000
音频编码: AAC
Channel(s): 2 声道数
采样率: 48.0 KHz
Credit goes to: rakeshmd【Technical Specs】——
Duration: 25mn 0s
File size: 421 MB
Container: MKV
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Display aspect ratio: 16:9
Overall bit rate: 2357 kbs
Frame rate: 25.000
Audio Codec: AAC
Channel(s): 2 channels
Sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
Credit goes to: rakeshmd
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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