[BSkyB系列]:生存艺术Art of Survival-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
Rodger McGough主持的艺术纪录片,由BSkyB在2011年发行-英语旁白Arts Documentary hosted by Rodger McGough, published by BSkyB in 2011- English narration
生存的艺术通过绘画,表演和裸露的脸颊,这四位艺术冒险家在穿越欧洲之路时,只有自己的艺术和灵感得以生存,而获胜的团队则是整个期间赚钱最多的那对在一场艰苦的比赛中,随着车队在欧洲各地乞讨,鞭打和争吵,寻找食物,住宿和(最好是免费)乘车的气氛越来越紧张。这场四十天的冒险历来比任何人都想像的要艰难,因为钱干了,这支队伍被迫比以往任何时候都更加努力地奋斗,不仅要生存下去,还要使其进入决赛。权威的艺术风格和对这个古老问题的最终答案:什么是真正的艺术价值?[编辑]??第1部分四位艺术家,包括2位大提琴演奏家,一位歌剧歌手和一位屡获殊荣的肖像画家,被丢在希腊雅典,没有钱,没有信用卡,只有才华横溢,才使他们回到爱丁堡音乐节享有盛誉的演出。歌手Lindsey Crow和大提琴演奏家Li Lu在雅典到爱丁堡的比赛中与艺术家Johan Andersson和大提琴演奏家Janie Price搭档,仅靠他们从自己的艺术品中赚取的钱筹集资金。[编辑]???第2部分口袋空空的Janie和Johan?赚了一大笔钱他们绕道前往卡普里岛时会冒险。同时,一名卧底警务人员结束了李露和林赛在罗马的赚钱活动。[编辑]??第三部分Lindsey和Li Lu只花了10欧元,就在威尼斯一家250欧元一晚的酒店里下了大赌注。同时,珍妮在佛罗伦萨广播电台争夺角子机。[编辑]???第四部分当珍妮和约翰被迫在苏黎世的街道上睡觉时,回到意大利,李露和林赛进行了4,500磅的交易,改变了整个航线比赛。约翰(Johan)和珍妮(Janie)前往著名的巴塞尔(Laleh June)画廊参观,看看约翰(Johan)是否可以卖给他们一幅画。[编辑]???第5部分经过十天的时间,两支球队之间仅相距143磅。大提琴家李璐和女高音林赛在巴黎大放异彩,而艺术家约翰(Johan)和歌手珍妮(Janie)希望在杜塞尔多夫(Dusseldorf)富起来。这些女孩的钱用光了,正在权衡自己的选择。[编辑]??第六部分经过五周的讨价还价,争吵,讨价还价和乞讨,两支队伍最终抵达爱丁堡,并在获胜者揭晓之前发现了他们最终的艺术品交易总额。Art of SurvivalBy painting, performing and by virtue of bare-faced cheek, the four artistic adventurers have just their art and inspiration to survive on as they make their way across Europe, with the winning team being the pair that has made the most money throughout the trip.In a gruelling contest, tensions mount as the teams beg, blag and bicker their way across Europe in search of food, a place to stay and a (preferably free) ride. This forty day adventure proves tougher than any of them ever thought possible, as the money dries up the teams are forced to push themselves harder than ever before in the struggle not only to survive but to make it to the final.Art of Survival is the definitive arts hustle and the ultimate answer to the age old question: what is art really worth?[edit] Part 1 Four artists, including 2 cellists, an opera singer and an award-winning portrait painter have been dropped in Athens, Greece with no money, no credit cards and only their talent to get them back home for a prestigious appearance at the Edinburgh Festival. Singer Lindsey Crow and cellist Li Lu take on artist Johan Andersson and cellist Janie Price in a race from Athens to Edinburgh, financed only by the cash they make from their own art[edit] Part 2 With empty pockets, Janie and Johan take a big risk when they take a detour to Capri. Meanwhile, an undercover police officer puts an end to Li Lu and Lindsey’s moneymaking in Rome.[edit] Part 3 With just ten euros, Lindsey and Li Lu take a huge gamble when they check into a 250-euro-a-night hotel in Venice. Meanwhile, Janie battles for a slot on a Florence radio station.[edit] Part 4 While Janie and Johan are forced to sleep on the streets in Zurich, back in Italy, Li Lu and Lindsey make a 4,500 pound trade that changes the entire course of the competition. Johan and Janie take a trip to the Basel’s prestigious Laleh June Galerie to see if Johan can sell them a painting.[edit] Part 5 With ten days to go, just 143 pounds separate the two teams. Cellist Li Lu and soprano Lindsey busk in Paris, while artist Johan and singer Janie hope to strike it rich in Dusseldorf. The girls have run out of money and are weighing up their options.[edit] Part 6 After five weeks of haggling, hustling, bartering and begging, the two teams finally reach Edinburgh and discover their final art trade totals, before the winners are revealed.
视频编码: x264 CABAC
比特率: 1746 Kbps
Video 画面比例: 1.778:1
Video 分辨率: 832x464 (16.9)
音频编码: AC3
音频比特率: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 45mins
帧速率: 25帧速率
分集数: 6
体积: 700 MB
来源: PDTV
编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC
Video Bitrate: 1746 Kbps
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.778:1
Video Resolution: 832x464 (16.9)
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 45mins
Framerate: 25FPS
Number of Parts: 6
Part Size: 700 MB
Source: PDTV
Encoded by: Harry65
Further Information
Art of Survival
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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