[BBC系列]:美国(英国广播公司(BBC)与阿利斯泰尔·库克(Alistair Cooke))America (BBC with Alistair Cooke)-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
历史纪录片由阿利斯泰尔·库克(Alistair Cooke)主持,并由英国广播公司(BBC)于1972年出版-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Alistair Cooke and published by BBC in 1972- English narration
阿利斯泰尔·库克(Alistair Cooke)通过英国广播公司(BBC)广播电视连续剧《美国来信》报道了50多年来美国生活的方方面面。1972年,他撰写并介绍了阿利斯泰尔·库克(Alistair Cooke)的《美国》,这部广受好评的电视连续剧在大西洋两岸都大受欢迎,并畅销书,并赢得了库克的邀请,在第一届电影节两百周年庆典上作主要讲话。 1974年举行的美国大陆会议。库克于2004年3月去世,距他在美国的最后一封信仅一个月。[编辑]最初的影响这一集涵盖了从耶鲁到新奥尔良再到西海岸的整个国家,库克讲述了他的生平。那里的第一次旅程。途中在梅奥诊所有一个停靠站。[编辑]新发现的哥伦布发现了西印度群岛,西班牙人进入加利福尼亚寻找七个黄金城市。法国人从加拿大向南迁移。[edit]在家乡英语定居者前往弗吉尼亚,但他们的企业继续从伦敦经营。代议制政府诞生了。另一个团体,这一次是清教徒,错过了他们预定的目标数百英里。[编辑]进行革命为殖民地提供保护力量而征收的税收被殖民者自己拒绝了。这播下了革命的种子,这对当地人来说是糟糕的开始。但是他们没有指望一个名叫乔治·华盛顿的贵族和固执的农夫。[编辑]发明一个国家一旦英国被派遣打包,殖民者就必须决定如何管理他们的新国家。对历史模型不满意,他们发明了自己的模型,并非没有冲突。[edit]消失的西部定居者开始将西部推向未知的领土。这一集讨论了盐的需求,印度部落的强行撤离以及全国各地前往金矿的跋涉。[编辑]夜厨中的火铃追溯了内战在杜松子酒中的根源以及廉价的需求。劳工。战争在南方留下了持久的苦痛。[编辑]荒野化这集讲述了西部由黄金和白银开采而来的繁荣城镇定居,铁路将货物和人员更快地带到了内部,以及牛仔。印第安人反对。[编辑]土地上的钱芝加哥成为世界上最大的谷物市场。对新技术的需求刺激了托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)等发明家。钢铁,铁路和投机活动为洛克菲勒等少数人带来了巨大的财富,卡内基和摩根。[编辑]拥挤的群众库克着眼于19世纪后期移民的急剧增加,人们逃离了欧洲的迫害,饥荒和冲突,试图在铺有黄金的土地上创造新的生活。造成了新的一类贫困工厂工人,造成了新的紧张局势。[实现]承诺的实现和承诺的破灭1920年代的繁荣时期导致了纸上的大量财富,腐败(Harding)和对政府的冷漠(Coolidge),轻而易举的事随着大萧条而崩溃。[编辑]阿森纳简而言之,美国武装部队的历史。讨论了美国工业界和曼哈顿计划对日本对珍珠港袭击的反应。库克还研究了联合国的成立。Through his BBC Radio series, Letters From America, Alistair Cooke reported on every aspect of life in the United States for over 50 years. In 1972 he wrote and presented Alistair Cooke's America, his critically acclaimed TV series, which became a hit on both sides of the Atlantic, generated a best-selling book and earned Cooke an invitation to make the principal address during the bicentennial celebrations of the First Continental Congress in 1974. Cooke died in March 2004, just a month after his last-ever letter from America.[edit] The First Impact This episode covers the entire country, from Yale to New Orleans to the west coast, as Cooke recounts his first journey there. There's a stop-off at the Mayo Clinic on the way.[edit] The New Found Land Columbus discovers the West Indies, and the Spanish move up into California in search of the seven cities of gold. The French move south from Canada.[edit] Home From Home English settlers make their way to Virginia, but their enterprises continue to be run from London. Representative government is born. Another group, this time of Puritans, miss their intended target by hundreds of miles.[edit] Making a Revolution The imposition of taxes, to pay for a protective force for the colonies, is rejected by the colonists themselves. This sows the seeds of revolution, which begins badly for the locals. But they had not counted on a patrician and stubborn farmer named George Washington.[edit] Inventing a Nation Once the British have been sent packing, the colonists must decide how to govern their new country. Not satisfied with historical models, they invent their own, not without conflict.[edit] Gone West Settlers begin to push west into the unknown territories. This episode discusses the need for salt, the forcible removal of the Indian tribes and the trek across the country to the goldfields.[edit] A Firebell in the Night Cooke traces the roots of the Civil War in the cotton gin and the need for cheap labour. The war leaves a lasting bitterness in the South.[edit] Domesticating a Wilderness This episode tells of the settling of the west with boom towns born from gold and silver mining, the railroad bringing goods and people more quickly to the interior and the rise of the cowboy. The Indians object.[edit] Money on the Land Chicago becomes the world's biggest grain market. The need for new technology spurs inventors such as Thomas Edison. Steel, railroads and speculation bring great wealth to a few men, like Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan.[edit] The Huddled Masses Cooke looks at the sharp increase in immigration in the late 19th century, as people fled persecution, famine and conflicts in Europe to try to forge a new life in the land paved with gold. A new class of poor factory workers is created, causing new tensions.[edit] The Promise Fulfilled and the Promise Broken The boom times of the 1920s lead to much wealth on paper, corruption (Harding) and blithe indifference (Coolidge) in government, and a frivolity that would come crashing to earth with the depression.[edit] The Arsenal The history of the American armed forces in a nutshell. The response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor from American industry and the Manhattan Project are discussed. Cooke also has a look at the formation of the United Nations.[edit] The More Abundant Life This last episode looks at current trends in American society, from the move to the suburbs to those who went back to nature in search of the simple life. Cooke also looks at race relations. Some of this has not turned out the way he envisaged, as he admits in a prologue to this episode which must have been recorded sometime during the Reagan era.
视频编码: xvid
比特率: ~1780 kbps
Video 分辨率: 640״80
Video 画面比例: 4:3
音频编码: ac3
音频比特率: 192 kbps @ 48kHz
Audio 声道数: 2
分集时长: ~50 mins
分集数: 13
体积: ~700Mb
来源: DVD
First Broadcast: 1972-73 (BBC2)
Subtitles: English
发布人: bongomaniac【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: xvid
Video BitRate: ~1780 kbps
Video Resolution: 640״80
Video Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Audio Codec: ac3
Audio BitRate: 192 kbps @ 48kHz
Audio Channels: 2
RunTime Per Part: ~50 mins
Number Of Parts: 13
Part Size: ~700Mb
Source: DVD
First Broadcast: 1972-73 (BBC2)
Subtitles: English
Ripped by bongomaniac
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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