[BBC系列]:美国视野-美国史诗般的艺术史American Visions - The Epic History of Art in America-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)主持的艺术纪录片,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2002年出版-英语旁白Arts Documentary hosted by Robert Hughes, published by BBC in 2002- English narration
《美国视野》是《时代》杂志艺术评论家罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)撰写和讲述的关于美国艺术的八部分系列,既说明了美国人的生活,又向美国艺术致敬,这很可能推动成千上万尚未转化为博物馆的人以及画廊,古董展和拍卖行亲自参观(不可避免地要购物)。休斯在全国100个地点拍摄影片,涵盖从奎克到摇床,乔治·华盛顿到比尔施塔特,雷明顿到沃霍尔以及纽约市的摩天大楼等各个方面,休斯将他的机智和想象力用于揭示艺术记录和保存方式的问题观点和生活方式。它是通过艺术讲述的美国历史,而不仅仅是艺术史。它提供了令人耳目一新的,具有包容性的观点。??美德共和国???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)绘制了一个民族身份的基础,该民族身份从希腊和罗马寻求建筑灵感。他还研究了美国最早的主要画家。[编辑]???许诺之地???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)解释了欧洲人是如何塑造美国的-西南部的西班牙人,东北的朝圣者和弗吉尼亚的挣扎的骑士-他们将新世界视为天堂地狱和地狱。[编辑]???荒野和西方???艺术评论家罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)研究了美国的雄伟景观,探索艺术家如何为自然的宗教和爱国主义内涵做出贡献。[编辑]???镀金时代???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)考虑了南北战争如何工业化社会,带来了蒸汽动力,布鲁克林大桥,富豪和城市下层阶级。怀旧造成的损失进入了文化,并带来了博物馆时代。[编辑]?世纪之交??的大西洋???大规模移民浪潮证实了美国是一个多元文化的社会,但同时也带来了更多的贫困和贫民窟生活。罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)研究了这在艺术中的经常表现。[编辑]???流线和面包线???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)将美国视为1920年代和30年代的摩天大楼,包括摩天大厦,大萧条,区域主义艺术和黑人艺术。[编辑]???帝国标志的???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)考察了1945年至1960年代末随着抽象表现主义和波普艺术的到来,美国向西方艺术之都的发展。[编辑]???焦虑时代???罗伯特·休斯(Robert Hughes)专注于应对越南战争和内乱的作品。他追溯了极简主义的发展,最终死于一座死火山。American VisionsAmerican Visions, an eight-part series on American art written and narrated by Time magazine art critic Robert Hughes, is both an account of American life and a tribute to American art that will likely propel thousands of the not-yet-converted into museums and galleries, antiques shows and auction rooms to see (and inevitably shop) for themselves. Filmed in 100 locations around the country, covering everything from Quaker to Shaker, George Washington to Bierstadt, Remington to Warhol, and the skyscrapers of New York City, Hughes has applied his considerable wit and imagination to the problem of revealing how art records and preserves both points of view and ways of life. It is American history told through art, not merely a history of art. It offers a perspective that is refreshingly elevating and inclusive. With the same voracious wit and opinionated brilliance that have characterized his criticism for Time magazine, this tour-de-force spans three centuries of events, movements, and personalities that have shaped American society and its art.[edit] The Republic of Virtue Robert Hughes charts the foundation of a national identity that sought architectural inspiration from Greece and Rome. He also looks at America's earliest major painters.[edit] The Promised Land Robert Hughes explains how America was shaped by Europeans - Spaniards in the south west, Pilgrims in the north east and struggling cavaliers in Virginia - who saw the New World as both paradise and hell.[edit] The Wilderness and the West Art critic Robert Hughes looks at America's majestic landscapes, exploring how artists have contributed to the religious and patriotic connotations of nature.[edit] The Gilded Age Robert Hughes considers how the Civil War industrialised society, bringing steam power, the Brooklyn Bridge, plutocrats and an urban underclass. Nostalgia for loss entered the culture and brought the Museum Age.[edit] The Wave from the Atlantic Mass immigration at the turn of the century confirmed America as a multicultural society, but also brought increased poverty and slum life. Robert Hughes examines how this was often reflected in art.[edit] Streamlines and Breadlines Robert Hughes considers America during the 1920s and 30s, including the skyscraper as the image of modernism, the Depression, regionalist art and black art.[edit] The Empire of Signs Robert Hughes examines America's development into the art capital of the West between 1945 and the late 1960s, with the advent of abstract expressionism and pop art.[edit] The Age of Anxiety Robert Hughes focuses on work that responded to the Vietnam War and civil strife. He traces the development of minimalism and ends up on top of an extinct volcano.
Video: 编码: x264 CABAC Main@L3.0
Video: 比特率: 1750 Kbps
Video: 画面比例: 1.333 (4:3)
Video: 分辨率: 720 x 480
Audio: 编码: AAC LC
Audio: 比特率: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz
Audio: 声道数: stereo (2/0)
Audio: English
时长: 45mins
帧速率: 29帧速率
分集数: 8
体积: 674 MB
编码器: Mp4
来源: PDTV
编码: Harry65
Thanks to “llamabert”【Technical Specs】——
Video: Codec: x264 CABAC Main@L3.0
Video: Bitrate: 1750 Kbps
Video: Aspect Ratio: 1.333 (4:3)
Video: Resolution: 720 x 480
Audio: Codec: AAC LC
Audio: Bitrate: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz
Audio: Channels: stereo (2/0)
Audio: English
Run-Time: 45mins
Framerate: 29fps
Number of Parts: 8
Part Size: 674 MB
Container: Mp4
Source: PDTV
Encoded by: Harry65
Thanks to “llamabert”
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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