[BBC系列]:美洲系列1(BBC)The Americas Series 1 (BBC)-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
西蒙·里夫(Simon Reeve)主持的旅行纪录片,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2019年出版-英语旁白Travel Documentary hosted by Simon Reeve, published by BBC in 2019- English narration
西蒙·里夫(Simon Reeve)从阿拉斯加前往中美洲。[编辑]???从阿拉斯加前往加拿大探险从阿拉斯加的最北端开始,向南穿越加拿大,到达与美国接壤的边界。在德纳利国家公园,他亲眼目睹了气候变化对冰川的影响。他还与美洲原住民一起狩猎驯鹿,就有争议的石油钻探计划从冲突双方那里听到消息,并发现了温哥华的阿片类药物成瘾危机。[编辑]??从蒙大拿州到科罗拉多州,西蒙从落基山脉出发,从蒙大拿州到科罗拉多州。在蒙大拿州的大草原上,牛仔生活方式受到农村经济长期下滑的威胁,但西蒙遇到了一位硅谷前高管,他曾为这片土地设想了一个新的未来。在这个世界上监禁率最高的国家,西蒙在这条腿上的最终目的地是科罗拉多州的一个小镇,该镇几乎完全取决于11所监狱。西蒙(Simon)见证了囚犯如何为国家工作,以及如何利用虚拟现实为囚犯提供外部生活的准备。[编辑]??加利福尼亚西蒙旅行遍及加利福尼亚。他爬到了世界上最高的树木之一的顶端,并遇到了负责解决野火不断威胁的消防人员,鉴于该州不断变化的气候和长期缺水,这一威胁正日益加剧。他还会见街头医生,为生活在极端贫困中的人们提供急需的医疗支持,并为那些完全脱离老鼠族的美国人参观沙漠中的一座城市。[编辑]??从得克萨斯州到墨西哥南部西蒙从得克萨斯州前往墨西哥南部,遇见一名妇女,冒着生命危险向滞留在墨西哥雷诺萨(Reynosa)边境一带的移民提供补给,雷诺萨是该国最暴力的城市之一,该市以强大的权力为主导犯罪组织。他还冒险进入热带雨林探索玛雅人的城市亚克希兰,并结识了这个文明的现代后代,他们日益被边缘化并被视为二等公民。??中美洲西蒙(Simon)穿越中美洲,从加勒比海到太平洋。一路上,他在伯利兹海岸的珊瑚礁上潜水,目睹了奇基布尔国家公园的护林员与入侵者之间的枪战。他还发现气候变化如何使危地马拉遭受饥荒和干旱的摧残,报告了萨尔瓦多遏制帮派暴力的措施,并了解了哥斯达黎加如何在2021年之前成为世界上第一个碳中和国家。Simon Reeve travels from Alaska to Central America.[edit] From Alaska to Canada The expedition begins at the northernmost point in Alaska, journeying south through Canada to the border with the US. In Denali National Park, he witnesses first hand the impact of climate change on a glacier. He also hunts caribou with native Americans, hears from both sides of the conflict over a controversial oil drilling plan, and discovers Vancouver's opioid addiction crisis.[edit] From Montana to Colorado Simon travels down the Rocky Mountains from Montana to Colorado. In the wide-open prairies of Montana, the cowboy way of life is under threat from a long-term decline in the rural economy, but Simon meets a former Silicon Valley executive who has envisaged a new future for the land. In a country with the highest incarceration rate in the world, Simon's final destination on this leg is a Colorado town that depends almost entirely on 11 prisons. Simon witnesses how inmates are put to work for the state, and how virtual reality is being used to prepare prisoners for life on the outside.[edit] California Simon travels the length of California. He climbs to the top of one of the world's tallest trees, and meets the fire crews tasked with tackling the ever-present danger of wildfires, a growing threat given the state's changing climate and chronic shortage of water. He also meets street doctors providing much-needed medical support to people living in extreme poverty and visits a city on the desert for Americans who have dropped out of the rat race entirely.[edit] From Texas to southern Mexico Simon travels from Texas to southern Mexico, meeting a woman who risks her life to take supplies to migrants stranded on the Mexican side of the border in Reynosa, one of the country's most violent cities, which is dominated by a powerful criminal organisation. He also ventures into the rainforest to explore the Maya city of Yaxchilan, and meets the modern-day descendants of this civilisation, who are increasingly marginalised and treated as second-class citizens.[edit] Central America Simon travels across Central America, from the Caribbean to the Pacific. Along the way, he goes diving on a coral reef on the coast of Belize, and witnesses a gun battle between park rangers and intruders in Chiquibul National Park. He also discovers how climate change has left Guatemala devastated by famine and drought, reports on measures to curb gang violence in El Salvador, and learns how Costa Rica aims to become the world's first carbon neutral country by 2021.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
比特率: CRF 19 (~3900Kbps)
Video 分辨率: 1280x720
Video 画面比例: 16:9
帧速率: 25 帧速率
音频编码: AAC-LC
音频比特率: 128Kbps ABR 48KHz
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 59/69 mins
分集数: 5
体积: 1.73 GB (average)
来源: HDTV
编码: JungleBoy【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
Video Bitrate: CRF 19 (~3900Kbps)
Video Resolution: 1280x720
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Audio Bitrate: 128Kbps ABR 48KHz
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 59/69 mins
Number Of Parts: 5
Part Size: 1.73 GB (average)
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: JungleBoy
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
Related Documentaries
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