[BBC系列]:仆人:楼梯下生活的真实故事Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
由帕梅拉·考克斯(Pamela Cox)主持的历史纪录片,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2012年出版-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Pamela Cox, published by BBC in 2012- English narration
一群人藏在楼梯下,曾经是至关重要的齿轮,它们使富人的房屋运转顺畅。这些男人和女人从黎明前到黄昏后辛苦劳作,却得不到什么回报。一个世纪以前,有150万英国人做仆人?令人惊讶的是,不仅在工厂或农场工作。但是,尽管经常将仆人描绘成古装戏中的角色,但英国仆人的真实故事却在很大程度上被遗忘了。从楼上,楼下到戈斯福德公园和唐顿修道院,电视剧和电影使我们越来越在意楼梯下方的角色。家庭服务是一个世纪前英国最大的雇主,??知道你的地方???帕米拉·考克斯(Pamela Cox)博士看着维多利亚时代统治精英的宏伟房屋-依靠一帮员工在楼梯下劳作的大乡村庄园。维多利亚时代的人们迎来了一种新的奴役观念:忠诚,无私的仆人被人格化的刻板印象所束缚,穿着统一的制服,发型甚至是表示职位的通用名称。在北威尔士Erddig完好的保存完好的房间中,像忠诚的管家韦伯斯太太这样的仆人肖像暗示着家庭与仆人之间的亲密关系,但大多数人的现实情况却大不相同。在其他庄严的房屋中,隐藏的通道使仆人与家庭分开。匿名,隐形和隔离是他们艰苦工作的关键部分-严格的仆人等级制甚至使他们彼此隔离。[编辑]???阶级战争???帕米拉·考克斯(Pamela Cox)博士探讨了当仆人直接挑战主人和情妇并在爱德华七世时代的黄金时代造成严重破坏时发生的情况。这是一个任性的洗衣女仆的故事,管家将他们的故事卖给新闻界,甚至卖给参议员的女仆。最重要的是,这是关于维多利亚时代的“理想”服务是如何受到质疑的故事-不是受到雇主的质疑,而是受到仆人本身的质疑。中产阶级在装修豪华的联排别墅中对仆人的需求是无法满足的,但与此同时,由于年轻工人被引诱入商店和工厂,所谓的“仆人阶级”的人数下降了。为了弥补这一差距,令人震惊的是,在城市贫民中发现了新的仆人来源,将贫民窟中的孤儿,流浪者和流浪者扫荡,工作场所,对学校进行改革,并对他们进行家庭服务职业培训。当战争的乌云聚集时,整个服务理念陷入危机。[编辑]??永不???退缩帕梅拉·考克斯博士(Pamela Cox)探索了我们所知道的20世纪如何对家政服务造成重创。这是一个故事,即在他们做出选择的那一刻,仆人离开了家政服务,使主要的仆人关系逐渐恶化。第一次世界大战是第一场打击,当时有士兵参加,妇女在庄严的房屋和工厂中都扮演了自己的角色。有了更好的工作条件,妇女们不愿再戴上这种讨厌的,现在老式的淀粉制帽子和围裙,重新服役。情妇试图用更漂亮的制服甚至是马来诱惑女人Hidden away below stairs an army of people were once the vital cogs that kept the homes of the wealthy running smoothly. For little reward these men and women toiled from before dawn until after dusk.A century ago, 1.5 million British people worked as servants – astonishingly, more than worked in factories or farms. But while servants are often portrayed as characters in period dramas, the real stories of Britain's servants have largely been forgotten. From Upstairs, Downstairs to Gosford Park and Downton Abbey, TV dramas and films have made us care about the characters below stairs. Domestic service was Britain's biggest employer a century ago, but how have things changed over the years?Presented by social historian Dr Pamela Cox - herself the great-granddaughter of servants - this three-part series uncovers the reality of servants' lives from the Victorian era through to the Second World War.Betty TV Ltd Production for BBC[edit] Knowing Your Place Dr Pamela Cox looks at the grand houses of the Victorian ruling elite - large country estates dependent on an army of staff toiling away below stairs. The Victorians ushered in a new ideal of servitude - where loyal, selfless servants were depersonalised stereotypes with standardised uniforms, hairstyles and even generic names denoting position. In the immaculately preserved rooms of Erddig in North Wales, portraits of servants like loyal housekeeper Mrs Webster hint at an affectionate relationship between family and servants, but the reality for most was quite different. In other stately homes, hidden passages kept servants separate from the family. Anonymity, invisibility and segregation were a crucial part of their gruelling job - and the strict servant hierarchy even kept them segregated from each other.[edit] Class War Dr Pamela Cox explores what happened when servants directly challenged their masters and mistresses, causing havoc in the golden age of Edwardian society. It is the story of wayward laundry maids, butlers selling their stories to the press and even suffragette maids. Above all, it is the story of how the Victorian 'ideal' of service came to be questioned - not by employers, but by the servants themselves. The middle classes had an insatiable need for servants in their heavily furnished townhouses, but at the same time the number of people in the so-called 'servant class' dropped, as young workers were lured into shops and factories. To plug the gap, a new source of servants was found - shockingly, among the urban poor - mopping up orphans, waifs and strays from slums, workhouses and reforms schools and training them for careers in domestic service. As the clouds of war gathered, the whole notion of service was in crisis.[edit] No Going Back Dr Pamela Cox explores how the 20th century dealt a hammer blow to domestic service as we knew it. It's the story of how - the moment they had a choice - servants left domestic service, leaving the master servant relationship spiralling into decline. The Great War dealt the first blow, as menservants enlisted and women stepped in to fill their roles, both in stately homes and factories. Having had a taste of better working conditions, women were reluctant to return to service, with its hated, now old-fashioned starched cap and apron. Mistresses tried to tempt women back with prettier uniforms and even a Masters & Servants' Ball. Yet radical change came from suburban housewives in a new type of house springing up in the 1930s: the semi-detached home. Here new 'daily' servants used novel technologies like the vacuum cleaner - but still had to use the outside toilet. Women after World War II opted for jobs in offices, shops and the new NHS. Finally typists and clerks overtook servants as the largest category of female employment and servants' quarters in stately homes were transformed into visitor attractions. Today, the rich still have staff and many of the middle classes now rely on cleaners and nannies, but the 'servant class' has long since disappeared.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
比特率: CRF 21/ 2 292 Kbps
Video 分辨率: 1280x720
Video 画面比例: 16:9
帧速率: 25.000 帧速率
音频编码: AC3
音频比特率: 192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
音频串流: 2
音频语言: english
分集时长: 59 min
分集数: 3
体积: 905 MB - 1.22 GB
来源: HDTV
Capper: FTP【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: CRF 21/ 2 292 Kbps
Video Resolution: 1280x720
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 59 min
Number Of Parts: 3
Part Size: 905 MB - 1.22 GB
Source: HDTV
Capper: FTP
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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