[NHK系列]:丝绸之路-我The Silk Road - I-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
格雷厄姆·韦伯斯特(Graham Webster)主持的历史纪录片,由NHK于1980年发行-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Graham Webster, published by NHK in 1980- English narration
骆驼穿越沙漠,北太郎的主题音乐唤起了永恒的感觉。NHK致力于丝绸之路的规划,拍摄和制作长达17年,丝绸之路发掘了连接东西方久违的文明的贸易路线。该系列节目是广播史上的一个里程碑,讲述了古代文明的兴衰。NHK德州电视台和中国的CCTV纪录片系列《丝绸之路》始于1980年4月7日。该节目始于令人难以忘怀的骆驼商队穿越场景喜多郎(Kitaro)的音乐和永恒的感觉,映衬着夕阳下的沙漠。这是一部史诗般的电视短诗的开端,该系列中的第一个旅程始于古路线东端的长安(今西安)。在45万英尺的胶片上,NHK的工作人员在巴基斯坦边境记录了向西至Pamir Heights的路径,并对该材料进行了编辑,每月播出12次。为了响应观众的要求,该系列影片将扩展到涵盖丝绸之路,一直延伸到罗马,并在接下来的十年中制作了续集。计划构思十七年后,该项目完成了。[编辑]??古代长安的荣耀长安???-中国的旧中心。旅程从长安市开始,长安市是中国的首都,距今已有1000多年的历史了,西安是国际影响力的大熔炉。[编辑]???跨越黄河的千公里山脉???在祁连山脚下中国朝代曾经与外国游牧部落作战。雕塑和岩石雕刻佛像也很有趣。[编辑]???沙漠中的美术馆???我们将看一千个佛像的敦煌莫高窟,它们的艺术珍品和神秘的图书馆洞穴。[编辑]???黑暗城堡???之旅位于戈壁沙漠中间的Khara-khoto市,是成吉思汗摧毁的汉时期的北部前哨。[编辑]??为了寻找楼兰王国,???中国科学家首次调查了楼兰古城,小河公主和流浪湖的奥秘。[编辑]???横跨塔克拉玛干沙漠???绿洲的南部路线是现在被埋在沙滩上,但是许多发现证明了东西方文化交流的丰硕。[编辑]???ho-丝绸和玉石的绿洲???我们将研究丝绸之路最受追捧的商品,丝绸和和田宝石。 ]???热浪叫吐鲁番???哈密吐鲁番绿洲城市遭受匈奴的攻击,但也享受宁静的共同生活多元族群的。[编辑]???通过铁路天山山脉???中国的现代和过去与丝绸之路相遇,这是课程中最困难的部分,可以通过铁路旅行。[编辑]???音乐之旅-穿越天山南部-????音乐和舞蹈一直在中国天南地区流行山区,他们在日本音乐上也留下了印记。[编辑]?马儿??随风而飞???我们将看看居住在丝绸之路北部支流的游牧民族和伊犁河谷的“飞马”故乡。[编辑]???通往帕米尔高原的两条路塔什库尔汗(Tashkurghan)???穿越中国的漫长旅程结束了,这条路可通过两条古老和新的路线到达。Camels plodding across the desert, and a sense of timelessness evoked by Kitaro's theme music... NHK devoted 17 years to the planning, shooting and production of The Silk Road, which unearthed trade routes linking long-lost civilizations of East and West. A landmark in broadcasting history, this series told the story of the rise and fall of ancient civilizations.The NHK Tokushu and China's CCTV documentary series The Silk Road began on April 7, 1980. The program started with the memorable scene of a camel caravan crossing the desert against the setting sun, with Kitaro's music and a sense of timelessness. It was the start of an epic televisual poem.The first journey described in the series began in Chang'an (now Xi'an), at the eastern end of the ancient route. On 450,000 feet of film, the NHK crew recorded the path westward to the Pamir Heights at the Pakistan border and this material was edited to make 12 monthly broadcasts. In response to viewers' requests that the series be extended to cover the Silk Road all the way to Rome, sequels were made over the next 10 years. Seventeen years after the program was conceived, the project was completed.[edit] The Glories of Ancient Chang-An Chang-An - China's old center. The journey begins from Chang-An, current Xi-an that was more than 1,000 years a capital in China, and the melting pot of international influences.[edit] A Thousand Kilometers Beyond the Yellow River At the foot of the Qi-Lian mountains Chinese dynasties once fought against foreign nomadic tribes. Also of interest are the sculptures and rock carved Buddhas.[edit] The Art Gallery in the Desert We'll look Dun-Huang Mogao Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, their art treasures and enigmatic Library Cave.[edit] The Dark Castle Tour to the Khara-khoto city located in the middle of the Gobi desert, the northern outpost of the Han period that was destroyed by Genghis Khan.[edit] In Search of the Kingdom of Lou-Lan Chinese scientists investigating for the first time of the ancient city of Lou-Lan, the Xiaohe Princess and the mysteries of the wandering lake.[edit] Across the Taklamakan Desert Oasis cities of the southern route are now buried in the sand, but many discoveries prove the wealth of East-West cultural exchange.[edit] Khotan - Oasis of Silk and Jade We'll look at the most sought after Silk Road trade goods, silk and Hetian gems.[edit] A Heat Wave Called Turfan The oasis cities of Hami and Turfan suffered attacks by Huns, but also enjoyed the peaceful co-living of diverse ethnic groups.[edit] Through the Tian Shan Mountains by Rail Chinese modernity and the past meet the Silk Road, where the most difficult part of the course can be traveled by rail.[edit] Journey into Music - South Through the Tian Shan Mountains Music and dance have always been popular in south of the Chinese Tian Shan mountains area, and they have left their mark also on the Japanese music.[edit] Where Horses Fly Like the Wind We'll look the nomads living the Silk Road northern branch and the "flying horses" homeland, valley of the Ili river.[edit] Two Roads to the Pamirs A long journey across China ends Tashkurghan, which is accessible by two routes, the ancient and the new.
视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4
比特率: 2073 kbps
Video 分辨率: 720x552
Video 画面比例: 1.304:1
帧速率: 29.970
音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
音频比特率: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
音频串流: 2
音频语言: english
分集时长: 48:15.822
分集数: 12
体积: 786 MB
发布人:: DocFreak08【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 2073 kbps
Video Resolution: 720x552
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.304:1
Frames Per Second: 29.970
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 48:15.822
Number Of Parts: 12
Part Size: 786 MB
Ripped by: DocFreak08
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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