[National Geographic系列]:血腥传说Bloody Tales-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
由苏珊娜·利普斯科姆(Suzannah Lipscomb)和乔·克劳利(Joe Crowley)主持的历史纪录片,由《国家地理》杂志在2013年出版-英语旁白History Documentary hosted by Suzannah Lipscomb and Joe Crowley, published by National Geographic in 2013- English narration
《血腥传说》以2012年《塔之血腥传说》的成功为基础,该系列衍生剧集以大量新鲜的检查和见识为基础,对历史上最血腥的事件进行了更大规模,更广泛的地理分布。从远古时代到第二次世界大战,欧洲一直充满着血腥和阴险。在这个令人着迷的新系列中,《血腥传说》超越了不列颠群岛,探寻欧洲最悲惨的历史,以发现一些历史上最臭名昭著的故事背后的神秘真实故事。从东方到西方,从英国到伊斯坦布尔,与历史学家Suzannah Lipscomb博士和主持人乔·克劳利(Joe Crowley)一起研究的主题包括罗马著名的残酷皇帝卡利古拉(Caligula)和声名狼藉的维京人(Vikings)。然而,为了证明没有人像英国人那样经历过可怕的历史,请探究理查德三世所谓的在塔中谋杀王子的事件以及苏格兰英雄威廉·华莱士的残酷处决。使用重演,重访标志性地点并依靠世界领先的专家,苏珊娜和乔能否从神话中整理事实并重写一些历史上最伟大的故事?[编辑]??执行工作???苏珊娜·利普斯科姆(Suzannah Lipscomb)博士和主持人乔·克劳利(Joe Crowley)挑战了有关欧洲最血腥的历史人物的知识,寻找该大陆最严峻的事件,并揭示了臭名昭著的故事背后的真实故事。他们考虑了阿蒙·戈斯(Amon Goeth),质疑纳粹指挥官的绞刑是否因报复他的危害人类罪而被人为报复。还受到调查的维京·拉格纳·罗德布洛克(Viking Ragnar Lodbrok)(据称在蛇坑中被杀)和苏格兰武士威廉·华莱士(William Wallace),后者在14世纪的伦敦被吊死,定住并定居。[编辑]???Murder????Suzannah Lipscomb博士和主持人Joe Crowley调查了历史上最神秘的谋杀案,王子在塔,匈奴王阿提拉的死亡和胡安·博尔吉亚的暗杀行动。[编辑]???怪兽???苏珊娜·利普斯科姆博士和主持人乔·克劳利调查历史人物,包括匈牙利寡妇谁据说在血液中沐浴。[编辑]???复仇者???医生苏珊娜·利普斯科姆和主持人乔·克劳利钻研历史上最伟大的报复行为,质疑是谁杀了墨索里尼,以及如何对拿破仑的攻击帮助塑造了他的政治生涯。[???Dark Arts?]????Suzannah博士和Joe在调查西班牙历史上最大的女巫狩猎活动时,闯入了一个掘墓者,女巫和山羊骑士的世界。[edit]???暴君???Suzannah Lipscomb博士和主持人Joe Crowley调查历史上最臭名昭著的暴君的事迹,包括尼禄皇帝和穿刺者弗拉德。Bloody TalesBuilding on the success of 2012’s Bloody Tales of the Tower, this spin-off series features a raft of fresh examinations and insights into some of history’s bloodiest events on an even larger scale and with greater geographical spread. From ancient times to the Second World War, Europe has been soaked in blood and intrigue. In this fascinating new series, Bloody Tales goes beyond the British Isles to seek out the Europe's most grisly history to discover the mysterious true stories behind some of history’s most infamous tales. From East to West, from the UK to Istanbul, join historian Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley to investigate subjects that include Rome’s famously cruel emperor Caligula and the notoriously violent Vikings. However, proving that nobody does horrible history like the Brits, explore Richard III’s alleged murder of the Princes in The Tower and the gruesome execution of Scottish hero William Wallace. Using re-enactments, revisiting iconic locations and relying upon world-leading experts, can Suzannah and Joe sort fact from myth and rewrite some of history’s greatest stories?[edit] Executions Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley challenge knowledge about Europe's bloodiest historical figures, seeking out the continent's grisliest events and revealing the true stories behind infamous tales. They consider Amon Goeth, questioning whether the Nazi commander's hanging was botched in revenge for his crimes against humanity. Also investigated are Viking Ragnar Lodbrok, who was reportedly killed in a pit of snakes, and Scottish warrior William Wallace, who was hung, drawn and quartered in 14th-century London.[edit] Murder Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley investigate three of history's most mysterious murder cases, the Princes in the Tower, the death of Attila the Hun and the assassination of Juan Borgia.[edit] Monsters Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley investigate historical characters, including a Hungarian widow who reportedly bathed in blood.[edit] Avengers Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley delve into history's greatest acts of revenge, questioning who killed Mussolini and how an attack on Napoleon helped to shape his political career.[edit] Dark Arts Dr Suzannah and Joe venture into a world of gravediggers, witches and goat riders as they investigate the biggest witch hunt in Spanish history.[edit] Tyrants Dr Suzannah Lipscomb and presenter Joe Crowley investigate the deeds of history's most infamous tyrants, including Emperor Nero and Vlad the Impaler.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
比特率: 2021Kbps
Video 画面比例: 1.778 (16:9)
Video 分辨率: 832 x 468
音频编码: AAC LC
音频比特率: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 45mins
帧速率: 25帧速率
分集数: 6
体积: 692 MB
编码器: mp4
编码: Harry65
来源: PDTV【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
Video Bitrate: 2021Kbps
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9)
Video Resolution: 832 x 468
Audio Codec: AAC LC
Audio Bitrate: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 45mins
Framerate: 25fps
Number of Parts: 6
Part Size: 692 MB
Container: mp4
Encoded by: Harry65
Source: PDTV
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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