[National Geographic系列]:野生目的地:哥伦比亚Destination Wild: Colombia-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
彼得·文恩(Peter Venn)主持的《自然》旅行纪录片,由《国家地理》杂志于2014年出版-英语旁白Nature, Travel Documentary hosted by Peter Venn, published by National Geographic in 2014- English narration
目的地野生:哥伦比亚这个南美国家拥有全世界约14%的物种,是地球上生物多样性第二大的国家。这些生物比地球上其他任何地方都拥有更多种类的鸟类和脊椎动物,它们已经适应了各种栖息地的生活。在南美洲拥挤的哥伦比亚,触及了太平洋和大西洋。坐在赤道上,这片荒野和异国风情的土地被安第斯山脉的高耸山脉隔开,并被强大的亚马逊河和奥里诺科河雕刻而成。哥伦比亚的地貌辽阔,种类繁多。红树林蜿蜒穿过草原,而像镜子一样的湿地却遍布着翠绿的雨林。白雪皑皑的山峰从薄雾笼罩的森林中的山坡上冒出来。??Choco-哥伦比亚的野生海岸,???横跨该国的西部,潮湿的Choco地区拥有被安第斯山脉隔离的雨林,富含独特的物种。[edit]???Serrania de la Macarena-Natures Treasure Trove????这个未经开发的砂岩露头包括茂密的丛林,灌木丛和稀树草原,孤立的山峰,河流和壮观的瀑布。[编辑]???Chiribiquete-亚马逊心脏之旅西???史前的塔楼,瀑布和深峡谷被河流,湖泊和充满生命的雨林所环绕。Destination Wild: ColombiaThe South American country is home to about 14 percent of the world's species, making it the second most biologically diverse nation on Earth. Teeming with more types of birds and vertebrates than anywhere else on the planet, these creatures have adapted to life in an astonishing array of habitats.Crowning South America, Colombia touches both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. Sitting on the equator, this wild and exotic land is divided by the soaring peaks of the Andes and carved by the mighty Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. Colombia’s landscapes are vast and hugely diverse. Mangroves meander through grasslands, while expanses of mirror-like wetlands fringe verdant rainforests. Snow-capped peaks emerge from mountain slopes clad in misty cloud forests. This mix of pristine environments supports an enormous wealth of unique plants, as well as an extraordinary array of spectacular creatures.[edit] The Choco - Colombia's Wild Coast Spanning the country's western length, the humid Choco region hosts rainforests isolated by the Andes, rich in unique species.[edit] Serrania de la Macarena - Natures Treasure Trove This little-explored outcrop of sandstone comprises lush jungle, shrubland and savannah, isolated peaks, rivers and spectacular waterfalls.[edit] Chiribiquete - Journey to the Heart of the Amazon Prehistoric towers, waterfalls and deep canyons are surrounded here by rivers, lakes and rainforests bursting with life.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
比特率: 3206 Kbps
Video 画面比例: 1.778 (16:9)
Video 分辨率: 1280 x 720
音频编码: AAC LC
Audio English
音频比特率: 160 kb/s VBR 48 KHz
Audio 声道数: Stereo 2
时长: 44mins
帧速率: 23.976 帧速率
分集数: 3
编码器 Mp4
体积: 1,009 MB
来源: HDTV
编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: 3206 Kbps
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9)
Video Resolution: 1280 x 720
Audio Codec: AAC LC
Audio English
Audio Bitrate: 160 kb/s VBR 48 KHz
Audio Channels: Stereo 2
Run-Time: 44mins
Framerate: 23.976 fps
Number of Parts: 3
Container Mp4
Part Size: 1,009 MB
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: Harry65
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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