[National Geographic系列]:世界末日预备队Doomsday Preppers-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
由迈克尔·伊佐伊埃鲁(Michael Izouieroo)主持的技术纪录片,由《国家地理》杂志在2012年出版-英语旁白Technology Documentary hosted by Michael Izouieroo, published by National Geographic in 2012- English narration
世界末日预备队探索世界末日的预备队,他们正在为我们所知的世界末日做准备。预科生在其信念,动机和策略方面与众不同,将竭尽所能确保他们为生活中的各种不确定因素做好准备。通过我们的专家评估,他们将发现如果他们最担心的事情成为现实,他们将有生存的机会。[编辑]项目??符号很多项目符号???遇到了一群我们为世界末日做准备的人。得克萨斯州的保罗·兰格和他的妻子格洛里亚用九个集装箱建造了一个房屋,并储存了超过50,000磅的东西。的食物,为北波兰和南波兰互换地点的一天做准备,从而导致剧烈的气候变化和自然灾害。[编辑]??我希望我是疯狂的???凯莉·毕晓普(Kellene Bishop),一位自称是美食家的人,完全通过货架上稳定的食物筹办了一场晚宴,令她的朋友们惊叹不已,证明她不会在金融灾难中牺牲美好的事物。丹尼斯·埃弗斯(Dennis Evers)对孩子进行了特殊技能的培训,以抵御灾难性的财务崩溃。他的大儿子向我们展示了他如何能塑造安全弓箭,他的女儿焊接和储存燃料,妻子罐头食品的大量的,和他的儿子,女婿正在研究太阳能发电[编辑]???回到石年龄???亚利桑那州凤凰城的父亲蒂姆·拉尔斯顿(Tim Ralston)准备对美国进行电磁脉冲袭击。他建造了一个专门为生存目的配备的运输容器,并教他的儿子们用武器保卫大院。杰森·查尔斯(Jason Charles)是纽约的一名消防员,为黄石超级火山的爆发做准备。他 S存储在他的城市公寓野战口粮和水[编辑]???它的所有会撞到范???一位退休警察准备的经济末日,他们担心这会带来混乱的道路;?佛罗里达州的一项家庭计划是,当他们迁移到更高,更安全的海平面时,将一切抛在脑后;犹他州的祖母通过练习最坏情况的演习来保护家人免受大流行的威胁。[编辑]???朋友可以成为敌人???遇到三个美国人,他们在准备工作时全力以赴。房地产开发商拉里·霍尔(Larry Hall)正在旧的导弹发射井中建造豪华的生存公寓。迈克尔·帕特里克·道格拉斯(Michael Patrick Douglas)正在训练他的孩子们原始生存技能。贝基·布朗(Becky Brown)和一名狙击手正在接受严厉的射击课程,以便为政府接管盐湖城做准备。[编辑]???远离无政府状态的九餐???您是否准备为世界末日做好准备?这些人是。为了准备,迈克·梅斯特(Mike Mester)让他的整个家庭都在库存食物,燃料和武器。普雷斯顿·怀特(Preston White)收集了11,000种种子,以帮助他在放射性灾难后种出自己的食物。如果世界末日到来,赖利·库克(Riley Cook)将他的积蓄投资到了一个防虫棚里,他希望这可以保护他的家人免受灾难性的两极分化的影响。??进入蜘蛛洞(Spider Hole)???与三个为世界范围内的浩劫进行拼命准备的人见面。道格·霍夫曼(Doug Huffman)在内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada Mountains)建了蜘蛛洞,以度过下一次大萧条。戴安娜·罗杰斯(Dianne Rogers)准备让家人度过环境灾难,甚至还可以训练她的6岁女儿进行侦查。埃德(Ed)和黛安娜·佩登(Dianna Peden)住在地下导弹仓中。[编辑]?布鲁斯??会变得更糟???比阿Doomsday Preppers Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties. And with our expert’s assessment, they will find out their chances of survival if their worst fears become a reality.[edit] Bullets Lots of Bullets Meet a group of people preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Texan Paul Range and his wife Gloria constructed a home out of nine shipping containers, and stockpiled over 50,000 lbs. of food in preparation for a day when the North and South Poles swap places, resulting in dramatic climate changes and natural disasters.[edit] I Hope I Am Crazy Kellene Bishop, a self-described foodie, amazes her friends by whipping up a dinner party entirely from shelf-stable foods, proving she won’t sacrifice the finer things in a financial disaster. Dennis Evers has trained his children with special skills to withstand a catastrophic financial collapse. His oldest son shows us how he can fashion bows and arrows for security, his daughters weld and stockpile fuel, his wife cans massive amounts of food, and his son-in-law is working on solar-power[edit] Back to the Stone Age Phoenix, Ariz., dad Tim Ralston is prepared for an electromagnetic pulse attack on America. He’s built a shipping container specially outfitted for survival purposes and taught his sons to defend the compound with weapons. Jason Charles is a New York fire-fighter preparing for the eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano. He’s storing meals ready to eat and water in his city apartment.[edit] Its All Gonna Hit the Fan A retired cop prepares for an economic doomsday, fearing it will bring chaos to the roads; a Florida family plan on leaving everything behind when they migrate to higher, safer sea levels; a Utah grandmother protects her family from a widespread pandemic by practicing worst-case-scenario drills.[edit] Friends Can Become Enemies Meet three Americans who give their all when it comes to preparedness. Real estate developer Larry Hall is creating luxury survival condos in an old missile silo. Michael Patrick Douglas is training his children in primitive survival skills. Becky Brown is taking sharp shooting lessons with a sniper in order to prepare herself for a government takeover of Salt Lake City.[edit] Nine Meals Away from Anarchy Are you prepared for the end of the world? These men are. To prepare, Mike Mester involves his whole family in stockpiling food, fuel and weapons. Preston White collected 11,000 types of seeds to help him grow his own food after a radioactive disaster. If doomsday arrives, Riley Cook has invested his savings into a bug out shelter he hopes will protect his family from a catastrophic polar shift.[edit] Into the Spider Hole Meet three people who are desperately preparing for a great worldwide catastrophe. Doug Huffman has built spider holes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to survive the next Great Depression. Dianne Rogers preps her family to survive an environmental catastrophe, even going so far as to train her 6-year-old daughter to bug in. Ed and Dianna Peden are living underground in a missile silo bunker.[edit] Its Gonna Get Worse Bruce Beach has constructed a 10,000-square-foot underground bunker out of 42 full-size school buses, which he calls the Ark Two. Sometimes referred to as the Doctor of Doom, Bradford Frank is a psychiatrist living in the suburbs of San Diego, California. Bradford believes that a deadly avian bird flu pandemic is fast approaching, and is preparing his family to bug out to a nearby cave.[edit] Close the Door Load the Shotgun Calamity Janet welcomes you to her Armageddon Inn. Prepper Janet Spencer prepared her home for a nuclear war, and is inviting people to bunker down with her. She has spaghetti pasta to feed 1000 people. Retired photojournalist Jack Jobe started prepping in 2010, after watching the news surrounding Haitis devastating earthquake. Now Jack is prepping for the scenario he fears most a solar flare.[edit] Disaster Doesnt Wait Explore the lives of three unique Americans, each preparing to survive an uncertain future. A retired army sargeant is preparing for an electromagnetic pulse attack A suburban mother is preparing for an avian flu pandemic. And a single dad is ready to bug into a secret underground hatch in his garage.[edit] I Suggest We Run Meet three Americans who show us how they prepare for the end of the world, as they know it. Mr. Wayne (he wishes to keep his identity a secret due to OPSEC) is preparing because he believes China will undermine the US economy. John and Christine Sellers anticipate an economic collapse, and they are purchasing a shipping container to bury in their backyard. Jason Day is determined to take his family underground if things turn as bad as he believes.[edit] Extra: American Doomsday America's Doomsday plan. It's the government's ultimate playbook, with a strategy for even the darkest hours—developed when Cold War tensions were high, but never used until 9/11. In American Doomsday, fly in an E4-B—the president's command, control, and communications centre for times of national catastrophe; go inside the secret bunker used by government officials on September 11; and witness how the luxurious Greenbrier Resort became a critical, top secret congressional bunker.
视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4
比特率: 2065 kbps
Video 分辨率: 720 x 416
Video 画面比例: (16:9)
帧速率: 29
音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
音频比特率: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz)
音频串流: 2
音频语言: English
分集时长: 45.Mins
分集数: 12
体积: 701 MB
来源: DVD
编码 Harry65
Extra 时长 46mins 701MB【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 2065 kbps
Video Resolution: 720 x 416
Video Aspect Ratio: (16:9)
Frames Per Second: 29
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz)
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: English
RunTime Per Part: 45.Mins
Number Of Parts: 12
Part Size: 701 MB
Source: DVD
Encoded by Harry65
Extra Run-time 46mins 701MB
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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