[Others系列]:火星-生死存亡Mars - Dead or Alive-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
Neil Ross主持的科学纪录片,2003年由Others发行-英语旁白Science Documentary hosted by Neil Ross and published by Others in 2003- English narration
通过对MER降落伞系统的严格测试和最初的失败,再到著名的“ Spirit”着陆点原始照片的传输,我们看到了任务的复杂性和情感牵动性,特别是对于康奈尔大学的天文学家和MER科学家首席Steve Squyres和他在帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室的敬业团队。随着技术问题的不断积累,职业生涯日渐临近,人们感受到的恐惧,焦虑和兴高采烈与阿波罗13号的历史性回归相伴。接受火星任务先驱唐娜·雪莉(Donna Shirley)的专访使一切成为共鸣,庆祝科学MER任务是人类必不可少的工作。我们看到了任务的复杂程度和情感上的牵动,特别是对于康奈尔大学的天文学家和MER首席科学家Steve Squyres及其在帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室的热心同事。随着技术问题的不断积累,职业生涯日渐临近,人们感受到的恐惧,焦虑和兴高采烈与阿波罗13号的历史性回归相伴。接受火星任务先驱唐娜·雪莉(Donna Shirley)的专访使一切成为共鸣,庆祝科学MER任务是人类必不可少的工作。我们看到了任务的复杂程度和情感上的牵动,特别是对于康奈尔大学的天文学家和MER首席科学家Steve Squyres及其在帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室的热心同事。随着技术问题的不断积累,职业生涯日渐临近,人们感受到的恐惧,焦虑和兴高采烈与阿波罗13号的历史性回归相伴。接受火星任务先驱唐娜·雪莉(Donna Shirley)的专访使一切成为共鸣,庆祝科学MER任务是人类必不可少的工作。The great PBS science series Nova scores another hit with Mars: Dead or Alive, capturing all the excitement surrounding the Mars rover landings of early 2004. Originally broadcast just as the first of the twin rovers ("Spirit" and "Opportunity") was experiencing temporary communication problems with Earth-bound mission controllers, this riveting hour-long episode chronicles the risky $820 million Mars Exploration Rover (MER) project from design to touchdown, dramatically illustrating (through the use of detailed simulations and sophisticated computer animation) the considerable chances of failure--a nail-biting gamble considering that fully two-thirds of all previous Mars missions never reached their destination. Through rigorous testing and initial failure of the MER parachute system to the celebrated transmission of pristine photos from the "Spirit" landing site, we see just how intensely complex and emotionally involving the missions are, especially for Cornell University astronomer and lead MER scientist Steve Squyres and his devoted team of colleagues at Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Careers are on the line as technical problems accumulate, and one feels the same mixture of dread, anxiety, and elation that accompanied the historic return of Apollo 13. A bonus interview with Mars-mission pioneer Donna Shirley puts everything into resonant perspective, celebrating science and the MER missions as an essential human endeavor.
视频编码: XviD 1.0.3
Video Format: 1504kbit/sec avg.
Audio Format: MP3 230kbit avg.
分辨率: 640 x 352
画面比例: 1.78:1 Widescreen
分集时长: 61 mins
帧速率: 29.971 帧速率
Subtitles: English
Language: English (USA)
Genre: Space / Documentary
IMDb Rating: N/A
Theatre Rel.: N/A
DVD Release: 30th March 2004
XviD Release: 25th January 2005
Release size: 1CD (700MB)【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD 1.0.3
Video Format: 1504kbit/sec avg.
Audio Format: MP3 230kbit avg.
Resolution: 640 x 352
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen
Runtime: 61 mins
Framerate: 29.971 fps
Subtitles: English
Language: English (USA)
Genre: Space / Documentary
IMDb Rating: N/A
Theatre Rel.: N/A
DVD Release: 30th March 2004
XviD Release: 25th January 2005
Release size: 1CD (700MB)
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
Phantom P2P.com
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