[PBS系列]:苏格兰大庄园Great Estates of Scotland-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
利·劳森(Leigh Lawson)主持的社会政治纪录片,由PBS在2014年出版-英语旁白Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Leigh Lawson, published by PBS in 2014- English narration
苏格兰大庄园(Great Greats of Scotland)讲述了一些雄心勃勃的土地所有者的故事,他们获得了苏格兰最美丽的土地,面积从几英亩到数万不等。[编辑]???因弗雷里城堡???500多年来,因弗雷里卡斯尔(Castle)曾是世界上最著名的家族氏族之一坎贝尔(Clan Campbell)的酋长。现在,这里是第十三届阿盖尔公爵,格蕾丝·托奎尔·伊恩·坎贝尔及其年轻家庭的住所。每年都有成千上万的人来参观,这座城堡是《唐顿庄园》圣诞节剧集中《??邓格尔》的替身。[编辑]?邓弗里斯大厦???参观神话般的邓弗里斯之家的内部,这是一座建筑瑰宝,拥有世界上最大的齐彭代尔家具收藏之一。这座曾经一度被忽视的豪宅被威尔士亲王殿下重新焕发了生命,并为国家保存。[编辑]???金卡丁城堡金卡丁城堡???拥有70个房间,只有两个人的家,安德鲁和尼克·布拉德福德。在一个多世纪的历史中,这座城堡及其周围的3,000英亩的庄园已经从其富裕的拥有者的琐碎奢侈变成了一个热情而持续的努力,以使其为现今的居住者所用。[编辑]???Rosslyn教堂???揭开神秘的罗斯林教堂的神话传说,在那里拍摄了《狄芬奇密码》的一部分。许多人认为它是圣杯的所在地,圣杯是圣马太(St. Matthew)或施洗约翰(John Baptist)甚至耶稣基督的头骨。该程序寻求答案并做出惊人的发现。Great Estates of Scotland tells the stories of ambitious landowners who have acquired some of the most beautiful tracts of land in Scotland, areas ranging in size from a handful of acres to tens of thousands.[edit] Inveraray Castle For more than 500 years, Inveraray Castle has housed the chieftain of one of the world's best-known family clans, the Clan Campbell. It is now the home to the 13th Duke of Argyll, His Grace Torquhil Ian Campbell, and his young family. Visited by thousands every year, the castle was the stand-in for "Duneagle" in the "Downton Abbey" Christmas episode.[edit] Dumfries House Tour the interior of the fabulous Dumfries House, an architectural gem that boasts one of the largest collections of Chippendale furniture in the world. This once-neglected mansion was dramatically brought back to life and saved for the nation by HRH The Prince of Wales.[edit] Kincardine Castle The 70-room Kincardine Castle is home to only two people, Andrew and Nicky Bradford. In a little over a century, the castle and its surrounding 3,000-acre estate have gone from being a trifling extravagance for its fabulously rich owners to presenting a passionate but ongoing struggle to keep it afloat for its present-day occupants.[edit] Rosslyn Chapel Uncover myths and legends of mysterious Rosslyn Chapel, where part of The Di Vinci Code was filmed. Many believe it to be home to the Holy Grail, the skull of St. Matthew or John the Baptist or even of Jesus Christ. The program seeks answers and makes breathtaking discoveries.
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L4.0
比特率: 2277 Kbps (CRF 21)
Video 分辨率: 1280x720
Video 画面比例: 16:9
帧速率: 25 帧速率
音频编码: AAC-LC (Nero)
Audio Quality: 0.50 48KHz (~150 Kbps)
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 56mn
分集数: 4
体积: ~1 GiB Each
编码器: MP4
Released: 2014
来源: HDTV
Capper: KarMa【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.0
Video Bitrate: 2277 Kbps (CRF 21)
Video Resolution: 1280x720
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Framerate: 25 fps
Audio Codec: AAC-LC (Nero)
Audio Quality: 0.50 48KHz (~150 Kbps)
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 56mn
Number of Parts: 4
Part Size: ~1 GiB Each
Container: MP4
Released: 2014
Source: HDTV
Capper: KarMa
Further Information
PBS Program Info
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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