[BBC系列]:霍华德·古道尔的音乐故事Howard Goodall's Story of Music-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
霍华德·古道尔(Howard Goodall)主持的艺术纪录片,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2013年发行-英语旁白Arts Documentary hosted by Howard Goodall, published by BBC in 2013- English narration
霍华德·古道尔(Howard Goodall)的音乐故事霍华德·古道尔(Howard Goodall)追溯了从古代到现代的音乐故事BBC2为古道尔(Goodall)粉丝提供了一个圣诞节晚礼物:他的六个小时,记录了我们现在称之为音乐的复杂野兽的整个历史。其他每位现代演示者都将以执照支付者的身分飞遍欧洲。在可爱的地方做链接的费用?不是古道尔。他呆在一个稀疏的工作室中,解释了为什么Pérotin,阿雷佐的吉多(Guido of Arezzo)和邓斯塔普(Dunstaple)是伟大的创新者,并在键盘上展示了三合会。他认为主题比陈述更重要。他的权利。[编辑]???发现时代???作曲家首先回顾一下人类在创作音乐时所步履蹒跚的第一步,然后研究音乐的历史和发展。他认为考古证据表明音乐在石器时代晚期与现在一样重要,并绘制了格里高利圣歌如何开始于少数和尚一致演唱相同音调的开始。在过去的几百年的过程中,中世纪的音乐家精心拼凑一下变得和谐地称为基础知识,然后添加节奏-音乐积木世界享受今天[编辑]???本发明的年龄???作曲家考察了1650年至1750年之间极为肥沃的音乐时期,其中发现了包括乐团,序曲,现代调律,演说家和钢琴在内的创新作品。维瓦尔第(Vivaldi)发展了一种协奏曲形式,将一支富有魅力的独奏小提琴与乐队的其余部分相提并论,巴赫(Bach)为荣耀上帝而执行了复杂而发自内心的音乐,汉德尔(Handel)将前100年的所有技巧带给了他的演说家弥赛亚。编辑]???优雅和敏感的时代???作曲家检查了海顿,莫扎特,贝多芬,舒伯特,门德尔松,舒曼和肖邦的年龄。从1750年到1850年的这段时间里,作曲家从有薪的,王子和大主教的活泼仆人变为需要吸引新的中产阶级听众的自由职业者。那个时代也经历了巨大的社会动荡,包括美国,法国和工业革命,但是直到19世纪初,所写的音乐与社会的动荡变化都没有多大关系。[???悲剧时代]???作曲家考察了19世纪中叶至晚期,探索了欧洲对于歌剧和音乐的狂热,这些歌剧涉及死亡和命运。他建议作曲家受到柏辽兹的《幻想交响曲》的启发,写关于巫婆,食尸鬼,巨魔和地狱般的折磨的文章,而威尔第的《 La Traviata》中女主角的死是对更广泛社会虚伪的一种评论。霍华德还认为,在这一时期,作曲家作为一个被误解的天才的形象在公众的想象中得到了巩固。[编辑]???叛乱时代???霍华德·古道尔(Howard Goodall)研究了19世纪后期现代主义和录音声音的诞生如何改变了音乐的演奏,聆听和发行方式。他揭示了Mussorgsky的作品在1889年巴黎世界博览会上播出时是如何给欧洲作曲家留下深刻印象的,并讨论了如何将越来越不同的音乐影响融合在一起以创造开创性的新声音。[编辑]???流行时代???这位作曲家回顾了历史过去100年中Howard Goodall's Story of MusicHoward Goodall traces the story of music from the ancient world to the modern dayBBC2 has a late Christmas present for Goodall fans: six hours of him, charting the entire history of how the complex beast we now call music came to be. Every other modern presenter would fly around Europe at licence-payers’ expense to do links in lovely places — not Goodall. He stays in a sparse studio explaining why Pérotin, Guido of Arezzo and Dunstaple were great innovators and demonstrating triads on his keyboard. He thinks subject matter is more important than presentation. He’s right.[edit] Age of Discovery The composer examines the history and development of music, beginning by looking back at the first faltering steps humanity took toward creating it. He considers archaeological evidence showing that music was as important in the late Stone Age as it is now and charts how Gregorian chant started with a handful of monks singing the same tune in unison. Over the course of several centuries, medieval musicians painstakingly put together the basics of what has become termed harmony and then added rhythm - the building blocks of the music the world enjoys today[edit] Age of Invention The composer examines the extraordinarily fertile musical period between 1650 and 1750, which saw innovations including the orchestra, the overture, modern tuning, the oratorio and the piano. Vivaldi developed a form of concerto where a charismatic solo violin was pitted against the rest of the orchestra, Bach wrote complex and heartfelt music in his mission to glorify God, and Handel brought all the techniques of the preceding 100 years to his oratorio Messiah.[edit] Age of Elegance and Sensibility The composer examines the age of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann and Chopin. This period from 1750 to 1850 saw composers going from being paid, liveried servants of princes and archbishops to working as freelancers required to appeal to a new, middle-class audience. The era also saw tremendous social upheaval, including the American, French and Industrial revolutions, but until around the turn of the 19th century, the music that was being written bore little relevance to the tumultuous changes in society.[edit] Age of Tragedy The composer examines the middle to late 19th century, exploring the European craze for opera and music that dealt with death and destiny. He suggests that composers were inspired by Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique to write about witches, ghouls, trolls and hellish torment, and that the death of the heroine in Verdi's La Traviata was a comment on the hypocrisies of wider society. Howard also argues that the image of the composer as a misunderstood genius was cemented in the public imagination during this period.[edit] Age of Rebellion Howard Goodall examines the ways in which modernism and the birth of recorded sound in the late 19th century changed the way music was played, heard and distributed. He reveals how the works of Mussorgsky made a huge impression on European composers when aired at the 1889 Paris World Fair, and discusses how increasingly disparate musical influences were woven together to create groundbreaking new sounds.[edit] The Popular Age The composer examines the history of the past 100 years in music, known as the popular age. During this period, classical music - as it is now termed - seemed to be in decline, but Howard argues that while some cutting-edge works proved too challenging to be appreciated by the mainstream audience, the DNA of the genre is alive and well in musical theatre, cinema and popular music.
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比特率: 1644 Kbps
Video 画面比例: 1.778 (16:9)
Video 分辨率: 832 x 468
音频编码: AAC LC
音频比特率: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio 声道数: 2
时长: 59mins
帧速率: 25帧速率
分集数: 6
体积: 692 MB
编码器: mp4
编码: Harry65
来源: PDTV【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L3.1
Video Bitrate: 1644 Kbps
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9)
Video Resolution: 832 x 468
Audio Codec: AAC LC
Audio Bitrate: 128 Kbps CBR 48KHz
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 59mins
Framerate: 25fps
Number of Parts: 6
Part Size: 692 MB
Container: mp4
Encoded by: Harry65
Source: PDTV
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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