[BBC系列]:狩猎(BBC)The Hunt (BBC)-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)主持的自然纪录片,由英国广播公司(BBC)于2015年出版-英语旁白Nature Documentary hosted by David Attenborough, published by BBC in 2015- English narration
狩猎对猎人采用的捕捉猎物的策略以及被猎物逃脱的方法进行了深入细致的研究。掠食者和猎物之间的竞赛是自然界中最戏剧性的事件。[编辑]???最艰巨的挑战本集揭示了掠食者用来捕食猎物的各种技术-从豹子利用其全部隐身能力到在光天化日之下跟踪黑斑羚给野狗,他们的战术是在远距离消灭猎物;从尼罗河鳄鱼(也许是地球上最耐心的捕食者)到虎鲸,他们利用团队合作和智慧来承担座头鲸。但是,即使采用了这些经过微调的策略,结果仍然不确定。大多数掠食者大多数时候都失败。[编辑]??在四季的抓地力(北极)中此集着眼于在地球上最季节性的北极地区狩猎的挑战。对于捕食者而言,季节性变化是一个问题。这意味着狩猎的所有参数-条件,策略,猎物-也会改变。北极的顶级掠食者,狼,北极狐和北极熊的唯一选择就是不断适应他们不断变化的世界,利用好时光,忍受不利。??捉迷藏(森林)这一集讲述了老虎,凶猛的鹰,黑猩猩,蚂蚁和其他掠食者在森林中狩猎的挑战-一个密集,混乱的三维世界,其中甚至可以找到猎物。一项艰巨的任务。成功获得自然界伟大的捉迷藏游戏所获得的奖励是值得赢得的奖项。森林覆盖了陆地表面的三分之一,并且隐藏在地球上超过一半的物种之中。[编辑]??海上饥饿(大洋洲)此情节追踪蓝鲸,鲨鱼,海狮,护卫舰鸟,海豚和信天翁,以揭示他们用来在大蓝中寻找猎物的策略。开放的海洋是一个巨大的荒野,覆盖了我们星球一半以上的表面,但在大多数情况下,它是一片水汪汪的沙漠,基本上没有生命。捕食者面临寻找和捕捉食物的无休止的搜索,然而,这些巨大的海洋足迹是地球上一些最杰出的猎人的故乡。[编辑]??无处可藏(平原)所有土地的一半是沙漠或草原。在这些星球上最裸露的栖息地中,猎豹,秃头鹰和狮子等食肉动物通常都能看到它们的猎物。但这是双向的:猎物也可以看到它们。除了开放的视野之外,惊喜的元素来之不易,掠夺者必须创造自己的机会。“无处躲藏”探索开放舞台上的捕食者和被捕食者的策略。[编辑]??与时间赛跑(海岸)海岸是陆地和海洋之间的动态边界。在潮汐的推动下,波涛汹涌,这是一个不断变化的世界。机会在这里永远不会持续很长时间,因此猎人总是在与时间赛跑。海岸是地球上唯一来自空中,陆地和海洋的掠食者汇聚的地方。离开海洋安全地垂钓的海豚,八达通步行的猴子,独具匠心的猴子,垂钓的狼和喂食座头鲸的最大聚集地来到海岸打猎。对于所有人而言,时间就是一切。[编辑]???与捕食者共处(自然保护)系列的最后一集走访了与世界顶级捕食者发生冲突的第一线,会见了为拯救他们而战的科学家。穿越五连The Hunt takes an intimate and detailed look at the strategies employed by hunters to catch their prey, and the hunted to escape. Contests between predators and prey are among the most dramatic events in nature.[edit] The Hardest Challenge This episode reveals the extraordinary range of techniques predators use to catch their prey - from a leopard using all its powers of stealth to stalk impala in broad daylight to wild dogs, whose tactic is to wear down their prey over long distances; from Nile crocodiles, perhaps the planet's most patient predators, to killer whales who use teamwork and intelligence to take on humpback whales. But even with these finely tuned strategies, the outcome is far from certain. Most predators fail most of the time.[edit] In the Grip of the Seasons (Arctic) This episode looks at the challenges of hunting in the Arctic, the most seasonal place on Earth. To a predator, seasonal change is a problem. It means that all the parameters of the hunt - the conditions, the strategies, the prey - change too. The only option for the Arctic's top predators, the wolf, the Arctic fox and the polar bear, is to continually adapt to their changing world, exploiting the good times and enduring the bad.[edit] Hide and Seek (Forests) This episode follows tigers, harpy eagles, chimpanzees, army ants and other predators as they rise to the challenge of hunting within the forest - a dense, confusing, three-dimensional world, one in which even finding prey is a maddening task. The prize for succeeding at nature's great game of hide-and-seek is one worth winning. Forests cover one third of the land surface, and concealed within are over half of the species on Earth.[edit] Hunger at Sea (Oceans) This episode follows blue whales, sharks, sea lions, frigatebirds, dolphins and albatrosses to reveal the strategies they use to hunt for prey in the big blue. The open ocean is an immense wilderness that covers more than half the surface of our planet, yet for the most part it's a watery desert, largely devoid of life. Predators face an endless search to find and catch food, yet these great tracks of ocean are home to some of the most remarkable hunters on the planet.[edit] Nowhere to Hide (Plains) Half of all land is desert or grassland. In these, the most exposed habitats on our planet, predators like cheetahs, bald eagles and lions can usually see their prey. But it works both ways: the prey can see them too. With nothing but open vistas the element of surprise is hard-won, and predators must make their own opportunities. Nowhere to Hide explores the strategies of predator and prey in the open arena.[edit] Race Against Time (Coasts) The coast is the dynamic border between land and sea. Powered by the tides and thrashed by waves, this is a world of continuous change. Opportunities never last long here, so hunters are always in a race against time. The coast is the only place on the planet where predators from air, land and sea come together. Dolphins that leave the safety of the sea to fish, walking octopuses, ingenious monkeys, fishing wolves and the greatest gathering of feeding humpback whales come to the coast to hunt. For all, timing is everything.[edit] Living with Predators (Conservation) This final episode of the series visits the frontline of the conflict with the world's top predators, meeting the scientists fighting to save them. Crossing five continents and combining landmark natural history footage with real-life human drama, it checks the pulse of the earth's iconic animals, including lions, tigers, polar bears and blue whales. With three-quarters of the planet's carnivores now in decline, can people find ways to live with predators before they disappear forever?
视频编码: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
比特率: CRF 24 (~4000Kbps)
Video 画面比例: 16:9
Video 分辨率: 1920x1080
Frames Rate: 25 帧速率
音频编码: AAC-LC
音频比特率: 192Kbps ABR 48KHz
Audio 声道数: 6
时长: 58 mins
分集数: 7
体积: 1.80 GB (average)
来源: HDTV
编码: JungleBoy
技术参数 SD
Video: 编码: x264 CAVLC Main@L3.1)
Video: 比特率: 1514 Kbps)
Video: 分辨率: 832 x 468)
Video: 画面比例: 1.778 (16:9))
Audio: 编码: AAC LC)
Audio: 比特率: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz)
Audio: 声道数: stereo (2/0))
Audio: English)
时长: 59mins)
帧速率: 25 帧速率)
分集数: 7)
体积 681 MB)
编码器: Mp4)
来源: PDTV)
编码: Harry65
Release Notes
Merged English Subtitles【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: CRF 24 (~4000Kbps)
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Frames Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Audio Bitrate: 192Kbps ABR 48KHz
Audio Channels: 6
Run-Time: 58 mins
Number of Parts: 7
Part Size: 1.80 GB (average)
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: JungleBoy
Technical Specs SD
Video: Codec: x264 CAVLC Main@L3.1)
Video: Bitrate: 1514 Kbps)
Video: Resolution: 832 x 468)
Video: Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9))
Audio: Codec: AAC LC)
Audio: Bitrate: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz)
Audio: Channels: stereo (2/0))
Audio: English)
Run-Time: 59mins)
Framerate: 25 fps)
Number of Parts: 7)
Part Size 681 MB)
Container: Mp4)
Source: PDTV)
Encoded by: Harry65
Release Notes
Merged English Subtitles
Further Information
BBC Site
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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