[SBS系列]:希特勒:简介Hitler: A Profile-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
大卫·里奇(David Ritchie)主持的传记片,由SBS在1995年发行-英语旁白Biography Documentary hosted by David Ritchie, published by SBS in 1995- English narration
在二十世纪,没有其他人比阿道夫·希特勒引起了传记学家和历史学家的更多讨论。在过去的50年中,有超过120.000本关于独裁者的书籍和文章记录了他和他的追随者所犯下的历史上最可怕的罪行。《希特勒简介》是在国际知名历史学家的帮助下开发的,使用了新发现的文件,电影,录音和对目击者,亲戚和受害者的采访,这是德国独裁者的第一幅全面的电视肖像。每集都着重介绍了一个使整个国家陷入集体疯狂和无与伦比的野蛮行为的男人的一个角色方面。执行制片人:吉多·诺普(Guido Knopp)音乐:??私人人物???探究20世纪最臭名昭著的性格的私人生活。它提出了一个问题,即这个人如何从默默无闻中站起来,使世界陷入一场血腥的战争。它探究了他的过去,并揭示了一个陷入困境的灵魂的肖像:一个不受欢迎的,痴迷的独来独往的人,认为全世界都在反对他。他的一个有魅力的男人的公众形象是远离真理,因为他讨厌被感动,有几个朋友。[编辑]???诱惑者???对1930年代德国的阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)建立自己的个性崇拜的方式的调查。他热情洋溢的演讲令人着迷,并吸引了第一次世界大战后在1920年代遭受苦难的人们。这部电影包含了希特勒青年团和德国少女运动联盟他原来演讲的片段,和外观,再加上大规模的编排上演的事件,如纽伦堡集会。[编辑]???讹诈???这一集着眼于希特勒领导下的战争滑坡,以及他试图迫使欧洲邻居陷入武装冲突的方式。他从无视凡尔赛条约开始,重新建立了自己的国家,意识到当时英国和法国没有采取任何惩罚措施。他继续占领莱茵河,并吞并了奥地利以使其成为更大的德国的一部分,然后向捷克斯洛伐克的苏台德地区宣称所有权。所有没有遇到任何抵抗,于是他开始在波兰把他的焦点之前入侵捷克斯洛伐克这些挑衅的手势-但这次的盟友有时间重新武装[编辑]???独裁者???《独裁者》考察了希特勒的种子能够结出果实的条件。这集内容包括希特勒演讲中的稀有摘录以及德国和国际档案馆的电影录像,以刻画独裁者丰富而深刻的肖像。杰出的,能干的当代事件见证人的讲话,他们自己经历了希特勒的统治,给人留下了希特勒帝国中“恐惧气候”的印象。在最新的研究结果的基础上,本文档分析整个国家如何提交几乎完全以一个疯子的发号施令。[编辑]???总司令???新闻和目击者描述了希特勒的军事战略,这表明希特勒自命为总司令,他渴望保留中央集权,因此创建了一个战争委员会,其形容为无能。更重要的是,他还具有优柔寡断的性格,导致了一系列战术上的失误-特别是未能阻止AllieNo other person in the twentieth century has triggered more discussions among biographers and historians than Adolf Hitler. More than 120.000 books and articles on the dictator that have appeared in the past 50 years have documented the full extent of the most horrible crimes in history that were committed by him and his followers. Developed with the assistance of internationally renowned historians, using newly discovered documents, films, sound recordings and interviews with eye-witnesses, relatives, and victims, 'Hitler - A Profile' is the first comprehensive television portrait of the German dictator. Each episode focuses on one character aspect of the man who plunged an entire nation into collective madness and unparalleled savagery.Executive Producer: Guido KnoppMusic: Klaus DoldingerA Broadcast of ZDF In Association with ARTE and SBS TV Australia[edit] Private Man A look into the private life of the most infamous personality of the 20th Century. It asks the question of how this man could rise from obscurity and plunge the world into a bloody war. It delves into his past and reveals a portrait of a troubled soul: an unpopular, obsessive loner who thought the whole world was against him. His public persona of a charismatic man was far from the truth, as he hated to be touched and had few friends.[edit] Seducer An investigation into the way Adolf Hitler created a cult of personality around himself in 1930s Germany. His impassioned speeches mesmerised and wooed a people who had suffered in the 1920s after the First World War. This film contains segments of his original speeches, and looks at the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls movements, plus the orchestration of massive staged events like the Nuremburg Rallies.[edit] Blackmailer This episode looks at the slide to war under Hitler, and the way he tried to force his European neighbours into armed conflict. He started by ignoring the Treaty of Versailles and rearming his country, realising at the time that Britain and France would do nothing to penalise him. He moved on to re-occupy the Rhineland, annex Austria to make it part of a bigger Germany, and then lay claim to the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. All of these provocative gestures met with no resistance, so he proceeded to invade Czechoslovakia before turning his focus on Poland - but this time the allies had had time to rearm.[edit] Dictator "The Dictator" examines the conditions under which Hitler's seeds were able to bear fruit. This episode includes rare extracts from Hitler's speeches and film footage from German and international archives to draw a richly facetted and penetrating portrait of the dictator. Statements by prominent and competent contemporary witnesses of events, who experienced Hitler's rule for themselves, convey an impression of the "climate of fear" in Hitler's Reich. On the basis of the latest findings, this documentation analyses how a whole nation submitted almost completely to the diktat of a madman.[edit] Commander in Chief Newsreel and eyewitness accounts of Hitler's military strategy, revealing that the self-appointed commander-in-chief was so anxious to retain centralised power he created a war council best described as inept. More significantly, he also had an indecisive nature which led to a series of tactical blunders - notably the failure to stop the Allied retreat at Dunkirk, and the invasion of Russia, which left Germany hopelessly overstretched fighting on two fronts.[edit] Criminal A look at the horrific policies that Hitler made flesh after his rise to the level of Fuehrer in Germany. His ideas had been formed years before when he was an alienated, penniless youth in Austria reading obscure right-wing philosophers who preached Aryan supremacy. Hitler started his cleansing on the mentally ill in his own country until the Church objected - an objection that was particularly muted when he turned his attention to the Jews. The episode also reveals that, as his power began to slip away in 1945, he issued the infamous 'Nero Order', dictating that everything in Germany was to be destroyed.
视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4
比特率: 1985 kbps
Video 分辨率: 672x520
Video 画面比例: 1.292:1
帧速率: 25.000
音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
音频比特率: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
音频串流: 2
音频语言: english
分集时长: 50 mins / average
分集数: 6
体积: 795 MB
发布人:: DocFreak08【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 1985 kbps
Video Resolution: 672x520
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.292:1
Frames Per Second: 25.000
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 50 mins / average
Number Of Parts: 6
Part Size: 795 MB
Ripped by: DocFreak08
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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