[Discovery Channel系列]:护照到冥王星Passport to Pluto-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
科学???频道(Discovery Channel)在2006年发行的科学纪录片-英语旁白Science Documentary published by Discovery Channel in 2006 - English narration
当NASA的“新视野”任务开始其向冥王星的10年航行时,它将完成其旅程的第一个(可能也是最痛苦的)一半。自首席科学家艾伦·斯特恩(Alan Stern)开始倡导对当时最后一颗未被访问的行星进行近距离观测以来,已有17年了。New Horizo??ns的《奥德赛》在科学频道和NASA TV上目前正在运行的节目“ Passport to Pluto”中得到了出色的编年史。但是“ Passport to Pluto”不仅仅对经常令人费解的作品有敏锐的印象,而且还吸引着个性-现代太空科学计划的内容。这项非凡的表演远远超出了探测器本身,为观众提供了对太阳系“第三境界”的两个重要见解:我们清楚地了解到为什么在柯伊伯带进行的发现会从根本上改变我们对起源的了解。对于这些冷酷而又令人惊讶地动态的“矮行星”及其周围的奇特条件,我们经历了深刻的直觉。我们现在只能猜测其总数的世界。在整个程序中,罗恩·米勒(Ron Miller),丹·达达(Dan Durda),大卫·哈迪(David A. Hardy)和马克·加里克(Mark Garlick)的作品照亮了人类和机器人眼迄今尚未看到的东西,它距太阳还很远。想象中的,”哈尔·韦弗说,他与斯特恩最近一起使用哈勃太空望远镜微调了新视野的飞行轮廓,同时发现了另外两个新的冥王星卫星。该节目首次揭示了其神秘表面上的含义,自1990年代初期以来(随着天文学家使用CCD和软件为更多望远镜配备望远镜),冥王星状球体的目录不断增加。不管您称它们为行星,柯伊伯带天体,冰矮星还是“等待发生的杀手彗星”,当我们最终近距离观察它们时,这些物体肯定会让我们感到惊讶。“实际上,我们在每个地方都派出了航天器来执行这样的第一次侦察任务。”?斯特恩说:“我们发现基于地球的观念是完全错误的。”作家,制片人杰夫·海恩斯·斯蒂尔斯(Geoff Haines-Stiles)导演,他的科学电视节目包括卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)的《宇宙》,蒂莫西·费里斯(Timothy Ferris)的《宇宙的创造》。和莉莉·汤姆林(Lily Tomlin)的“寻找智能生活的迹象”,让我们沉迷于对品质科学的常有情感的追求。该节目内容丰富:第一人称与克莱德·汤博(Clyde Tombaugh)冥王星的发现;吉姆·克里斯蒂(Jim Christy)惊奇地发现了冥王星的搭档Charon。与麦克·布朗一起发现了一个新星球。我们还可以看到冥王星的大气向科学家展示自己的真实瞬间。由17岁的博客作者Ted Nichols发起的强烈抗议来拯救冥王星;飓风威尔玛对任务的影响。还有悬崖峭壁:如果新视野号脱离地球;飞行轨迹是否完美;如果没有设计缺陷,工程错误或装配失误消失;如果在寒冷的黑暗深处十年的飞行时间不会造成损失,那么……到2015年7月的一天,飞船将仅在冥王星上获得几小时的科学飞行。”When NASA's New Horizons Mission lifts off for its 10-year voyage to Pluto, it will have already completed the first--and likely most harrowing--half of its journey. It's been 17 years since lead scientist Alan Stern began advocating for a close-up look at what was then the last unvisited planet. New Horizons' odyssey is brilliantly chronicled in the program "Passport to Pluto" currently running on both The Science Channel and NASA TV.But "Passport to Pluto" offers much more than just an incisive look into the often-convoluted workings - and engaging personalities - of a modern space science program. This remarkable show flies out far ahead of the probe itself, giving viewers two critical insights into the "third realm" of the Solar System: We gain clear understanding of why discoveries to be made out there in the Kuiper Belt could fundamentally change what we know about our origins. And we experience a deep gut-feeling for the odd conditions on and around these hard-cold, yet surprisingly dynamic, "dwarf planets"; worlds whose total number we can now only begin to guess. Throughout the program, artwork by Ron Miller, Dan Durda, David A. Hardy and Mark Garlick illuminate what human--and robot--eyes have yet to see, so far from the Sun."Pluto is an even more interesting place than we imagined," says Hal Weaver who, along with Stern recently discovered two new additional Plutonian moons while using the Hubble Space Telescope to fine-tune New Horizons' flight profile. Hints of what lies on its mysterious surface are revealed for the first time in this show, animated in true color by astronomer Marc Buie.Since the early 1990s (as astronomers fit more telescopes with CCDs and software) the catalog of Pluto-like orbs has been piling up. And whether you call them planets, Kuiper Belt Objects, ice dwarfs, or "killer comets waiting to happen", these objects are certain to surprise us when we finally get to see them up close. "Virtually every place we have sent a spacecraft on a first reconnaissance mission like this." says Stern, "we find out that out Earth-based notions were flat wrong."Writer, Director, Producer Geoff Haines-Stiles, whose science television credits include "Cosmos" with Carl Sagan," "Creation of the Universe" with Timothy Ferris and "Search for Signs of Intelligent Life" with Lily Tomlin, immerses us in this often-emotional quest for quality science. This show has it all: first person recounting of Pluto's discovery with Clyde Tombaugh; Jim Christy's surprise uncovering of Pluto's partner Charon; the discovery of a new planet with Mike Brown. We also see the actual instant when Pluto's atmosphere reveals itself to scientists; the rescue of Pluto exploration by popular outcry begun by 17-year old blogger Ted Nichols; hurricane Wilma's impact on the mission.And a cliff-hanger: If New Horizons gets clear of Earth; if the flight trajectory is perfect; if no design flaws, engineering errors or fit-up foul-ups have slipped by; if ten years of flight time into the cold dark depths don't take a toll... The spacecraft will only get a few hours of science at Pluto on a single day in July of 2015. "This is going to be incredibly nerve-wracking," says Hal Weaver, "terrifying...and also very exhilarating." Watch "Passport to Pluto" and you'll live through the nail-biting moments of a critical "sim" as the data acquisition team tries to stay sharp for a date with destiny a decade in their future.What began as a race against time to get to the "last planet" before its atmosphere freezes out onto its surface, now approaches perhaps its most agonizing moment: Launch! And when the booster engines ignite, New Horizons will really haul potatoes; a kick to the hardware of 13G's; the fastest departure from Earth of any human-built object. It'll cross in only 9 hours the distance traveled by the Apollo crews in three days. "We built a very light spacecraft and bought a very large launch vehicle. And the combination is ferocious!" says Alan Stern.It'll need to be. The paradigm-shifting science that's waiting for the team in the Pluto / Charon system is a ferociously long way from home. "Passport to Pluto" will get you there ten years ahead of time.
Name.........: Discovery.Science.Passport.To.Pluto.PDTV.XviD-AERiAL.avi
Filesize.....: 346 MB (or 354,314 KB or 362,817,536 bytes)
分集时长......: 00:45:14 (67,840 fr)
视频编码..: XviD
比特率: 951 kb/s
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音频比特率: 110 kb/s (55/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.90.?°
Frame Size...: 512x320 (1.60:1) [=8:5]
Language.....: English【Technical Specs】——
Name.........: Discovery.Science.Passport.To.Pluto.PDTV.XviD-AERiAL.avi
Filesize.....: 346 MB (or 354,314 KB or 362,817,536 bytes)
Runtime......: 00:45:14 (67,840 fr)
Video Codec..: XviD
Video Bitrate: 951 kb/s
Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate: 110 kb/s (55/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.90.?°
Frame Size...: 512x320 (1.60:1) [=8:5]
Language.....: English
Release Post
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Official Website
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