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[History Channel系列]:失落的世界Lost Worlds-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载     



历史纪录片???(History Channel)在2006年由历史频道(History Channel)发行-英语,西班牙语多国语言叙事,也称为Mundos PerdidosHistory Documentary published by History Channel in 2006- English, Spanish Multilanguage narrationalso known as Mundos Perdidos     



从真正的德古拉伯爵(Count Dracula)城堡到阿道夫·希特勒超级城市(Super City of Adolf Hitler),历史上充斥着随着时间的流逝而遗留下来的寺庙,堡垒,失落的文明和秘密世界。但是,一组现场调查人员和工程专家进入了世界,以寻找有关工程,技术和文化这些伟大壮举的线索,以使它们与现代图形技术一起重获新生。在历史频道上的全新系列《失落的世界》中,可以看到令人惊叹的细节,《失落的世界》的首映集着眼于圣殿骑士团的要塞,这些文学作品和文学作品在各个时代都有着特色,包括国际畅销书《达芬奇密码。长期笼罩在秘密,浪漫和谣言之中,圣殿骑士曾经是中东地区真正的基督教守护者,其任务是保护圣地中的基督徒旅行者,并与穆斯林勇士的无情攻击作斗争。他们的世界是宗教与战争的壮观交汇处,其堡垒可以阻挡敌人的前进,也容纳了圣殿骑士的高度机密和据称丑陋的仪式。《历史报》(Fortalezas secretas y templos ocultos que han permanecido como unlegado)人文主义。从13世纪开始的人道主义复活和反洗钱行动,在希特勒的人道主义,安提瓜大沙漠运动会,在孔德雷德·孔德德拉·德·德·库拉纳德·卡斯蒂略·德·德·维拉达·德·科拉德纳?历史上的古迹和古迹的历史研究。历史学家对历史上的古迹进行了合理的记录;de acceso privilegiado a algunas de las Ruinas y excavaciones mas Importantes del mundo;?现代化的建筑技术与工程建设部的详细资料,以及构造的破坏性建筑学。[编辑]??异教徒-Los Paganos异教徒:在石器时代晚期,不列颠群岛的异教徒建造了一些古代世界最伟大的古迹,建造了神话般的木头,泥土和石头。在这个小时中,LOST WORLDS从苏格兰的奥克尼群岛的古老石头村庄前往英格兰南部,以寻找异教徒神秘文化的灵魂。PAGANS揭示了关于巨石阵在异教徒的生活中扮演的角色的令人震惊的新理论,而计算机动画则重建了出现在他们身上的纪念碑。专家们追踪了通向巨石阵的失踪双胞胎-巨石阵-一条被遗忘的古老之路,并探索了世界上最大的人造土墩希尔伯里山(Silbury Hill)的秘密。最后,我们将参观见证异教世界终结的堡垒少女城堡。洛斯帕加诺斯面对第5个激怒金字塔的人,不动产的洛斯普韦布洛斯,不列颠岛的不列颠人,埃里耶基隆·吉安迪斯科斯·皮耶德拉纪念碑,蒂埃拉·德·马德拉,原始医学杂志。乌德尼岛上的埃德·德·德拉·德拉埃德拉·德·埃斯皮拉·德·埃斯尼西亚·德·埃斯皮亚·德·埃斯拉·科斯塔·哈斯·巨石阵和德萨帕雷西多·吉梅洛河畔的斯通亨格·德·乌斯尼??亚特兰蒂斯-LaAtlántida亚特兰蒂斯:亚特兰蒂斯的奇观被描述为From the castle of the real Count Dracula to the Super City of Adolf Hitler, history is full of temples, fortresses, lost civilizations, and secret worlds that have been left behind by the passage of time. But a team of field investigators and engineering experts went out into the world in search of clues about these great feats of engineering, technology, and culture in order to bring them back to life with modern-day graphic technology. See the past rebuilt in stunning detail in the brand new series LOST WORLDS on THE HISTORY CHANNEL.The premiere episode of LOST WORLDS looks at the fortresses of the Knights Templar, featured in literature and lore throughout the ages, including the international best-seller The Da Vinci Code. Long shrouded in secrecy, romance and rumor, the Templars were once the very real guardians of Christianity in the Middle East, given the task of protecting Christian travelers in the Holy Lands and fighting off the relentless attacks of Muslim warriors. Their world was a spectacular intersection of religion and warfare, featuring fortresses that held off enemy advance and also housed the Templars' highly secretive and purportedly scandalous rituals.La Historia esta plagada de civilizaciones perdidas, fortalezas secretas y templos ocultos que han permanecido como un legado del ser humano. A lo largo de 13 episodios reviviran ante nuestros ojos los detalles de algunos de los misterios mas interesantes de la Humanidad, desde los misterios de la antigua Stonehenge, al castillo del verdadero Conde Dracula o la Superciudad planeada por Hitler.Un apasionante viaje al pasado para desvelar algunos de los acontecimientos mas cruciales y oscuros de la Historia.Un equipo de historiadores e investigadores hace uso de las mas recientes evidencias historicas aportadas por archivos y documentos; dek acceso privilegiado a algunas de las ruinas y excavaciones mas importantes del mundo; y de las mas modernas tecnicas de ordenador para reconstruir con todo detalle emplazamientos secretos y estructuras arqueologicas en ruinas o construcciones desaparecidas.[edit] The Pagans - Los Paganos The Pagans:In the late Stone Age, the pagan people of the British Isles constructed some of the greatest monuments of the ancient world, fabulous constructions of wood, earth, and stone. In this hour, LOST WORLDS travels from the ancient stone villages of Scotland's Orkney Islands to Southern England in search of the soul of the Pagan's mysterious culture. THE PAGANS reveals a startling new theory about the role Stonehenge played in the lives of the pagans, while computer animation reconstructs the monument as it appeared to them. Experts trace a forgotten ancient pathway to Stonehenge's lost twin--Woodhenge--and explore the secrets of Silbury Hill, the world's largest man-made mound. Finally, we'll visit Maiden Castle, a fortress that witnessed the pagan world's end.LOS PAGANOSHace 5 milenios de que las piramides fueran construidas, los pueblos de las islas britanicas erigieron gigantescos monumentos de piedra, tierra y madera, con unos medios muy primitivos. Un viaje desde los antiguos poblados de la Edad de Piedra en las islas de Okney, y en la costa norte de Escocia, hasta Stonehenge en el sur de Inglaterra o su desaparecido gemelo, Woodhenge.[edit] Atlantis - La Atlántida Atlantis:The wonders of Atlantis are described at length in ancient writings, including those of the philosopher Plato. But was his description of the island civilization just shadows on the cave wall, or was there really such a place?The latest research, expert analysis, and cutting-edge technology take us back to a peaceful island that exploded with devastating force. At the dawn of the 20th Century, the remains of a palace were discovered on the island of Crete, preserved beneath volcanic ash. Our experts link the Cretan palace and a town on Santorini through the unique engineering of their buildings. Rebuilding towns, temples, and the palace of Atlantis as described by Plato, LOST WORLDS reveals the majesty and mystery of this lost world. The builders of the original palace achieved a level of engineering excellence not matched for centuries. With its massive scale, complex water-management systems, and sparkling gypsum walls, the engineering of this extraordinary palace connects it to Plato's descriptions of Atlantis.LA ATLANTIDAEn el corazon del mar Mediterraneo una pacifica isla sufrio una devastadora explosion volcanica, tres mil quinientos anos antes del comienzo de la Historia escrita. Todo lo que quedo son leyendas. En los albores del siglo XX se descubrieron las ruinas de un espectacular palacio en la isla de Creta y surgio una teoria revolucionaria: podia ser el hogar original de la civilizacion perdida de la Atlantida.Siguiendo las descripciones de Platon se reconstruyen torres, puentes, canales, templos y palacios para devolver a la vida a la magnifica ciudad de la Atlantida.[edit] Ramses' Egyptian Empire - El Imperio de Ramses Ramses' Egyptian Empire:In 1300 BC, the mighty Egyptian civilization was in its golden age. Its ruler was Ramses II, a man who intended to be the greatest of the Pharaohs. He made his mark by building vast statues, towering obelisks, temples carved from the living rock. Ramses was a giant of a man, dominating his kingdom for 67 years, pushing it on to ever greater glory.LOST WORLDS travels to Egypt to examine the remains of Ramses' accomplishments. With the aid of new research and cutting edge graphics technology, the true scale of his ambition can now be fully revealed. RAMSES' EGYPTIAN EMPIRE reconstructs the grand hypostyle hall at Karnak, explores the technical innovation and engineering skill that produced the temple at Abu Simbel, rebuilds the Ramesseum as he would have seen it, and uncovers how the extraordinary tomb that Ramses built for himself would have looked when his body was finally laid there.EL IMPERIO DE RAMSESEn 1300 a. C. la poderosa civilizacion de Egipto esta en su edad dorada. Su faraon es Ramses II. Su deseo, dejar su nombre inscrito en la Historia a traves de grandiosas construcciones: gigantescas estatuas, colosales obeliscos y sobrecogedores templos excavados en la piedra. Treinta y tres siglos despues los restos de su legado se mantienen en pie. Con la ayuda de recientes investigaciones y las imagenes desarrolladas por ordenador seremos testigos del verdadero alcance de la ambicion de Ramses: La impresionante sala hipostila del templo de Karnak, el famoso templo de Abu Simbel o el extraordinario Rameseum.[edit] Athens - Ancient Supercity - La antigua Atenas Athens - Ancient Supercity:In the 5th century BC, one man led his city to greatness and paved the way for western civilization. The city was Athens and Pericles was not a king or prince, but an elected ruler. He directed the most costly and ambitious construction campaign undertaken in the western world--creating a model city of temples, houses, market places, civic buildings, and a highly innovative sanitation system.LOST WORLDS reveals that, despite Athens' extraordinary influence and importance, Pericles' plan led to his--and the city's--downfall. It took 30 years to build, but it was laid low in one generation by war and disease. Now, 2,500 years later, LOST WORLDS restores Athens to its former glory--the first senate house, the terrifying power of the Greek navy, and one of the world's most advanced water systems. The program also details the magnificence of the Parthenon--often hailed as the most perfect building ever completed.LA ANTIGUA ATENASAtenas logro su gloria, que establecio los cimientos para el desarrollo de toda la sociedad occidental futura, en apenas treinta anos. En el siglo V a. C., Pericles, el emblematico gobernante de Atenas, tenia un gran reto por delante. Encabezo el periodo de mas renombre de una ciudad en la que no era rey ni principe, sino un mandatario elegido democraticamente. Con la ayuda de los atenienses construyo casas, templos, mercados y edificios publicos, antes de que la ciudad fuese finalmente azotada por la peste y las guerras.[edit] Jesus' Jerusalem - El Jerusalen de Jesus Jesus' Jerusalem:Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims travel to Jerusalem to trace Jesus' footsteps. But since his death, the city has been destroyed and rebuilt more than 20 times. So what did it look like when Jesus was alive?LOST WORLDS draws on the expertise of a cadre of archeologists, historians and computer graphics professionals to find out. They rebuild Herod's Temple Mount--in its time the world's largest man-made structure. They explain the manipulation of light and stone that let the Holy Sanctuary "sparkle like a snow-capped mountain in the sun." They explore the network of aqueducts, pipes, tunnels, and pools that kept this desert city from thirst and enabled it to handle an influx of pilgrims that routinely swelled its population from 30,000 to 300,000. They seek the places where Jesus performed miracles. And they map his final hours: including the real route of the "Via Dolorosa." JESUS' JERUSALEM reveals a world hidden for more than 20 centuries.EL JERUSALEN DE JESUSAhora podemos contemplar la autentica ciudad que visito Jesus. El templo de Herodes, en su tiempo la mayor estrctura construida por el hombre. El Sagrado Santuario y su extraordinaria manipulacion de piedra y luz que le confiere un halo de misticismo sobrecogedor. Las redes de acueductos, tuneles, canerias, pozos y estanques que mantenian las necesidades de agua de una ciudad en medio del desierto y permitian alojar a la ingente cantidad de peregrinos, que aumentaba la poblacion total de treinta mil a trescientos mil habitantes.[edit] The First Christians - Los primeros cristianos The First Christians:In the aftermath of Jesus' crucifixion, only a hundred or so of his followers survived. But within a few decades, Christianity had spread around the Mediterranean and across the Roman Empire. In large measure, this was due to the efforts of one man, a man who had once devoted himself to squashing the nascent faith--St. Paul.LOST WORLDS draws on the expertise of a team of field investigators using the latest research, expert analysis, and cutting-edge graphic technology to return to the earliest years of Christianity. From the port of Tarsus, where St. Paul was born, the program follows the systems of trade and transport that helped him travel 20,000 miles. In the Turkish desert city of Cappadocia, LOST WORLDS finds evidence of how the new religion reached a mysterious community of cave-dwellers. These persecuted Christian communities sought refuge by literally heading underground to vast subterranean cities which THE FIRST CHRISTIANS explores.LOS PRIMEROS CRISTIANOSExpertos en diversas disciplinas reconstruyen los primeros anos tras la muerte de Jesus, cuando apenas un poco mas de 100 de sus seguidores sobrevivian. Aunque el cristianismo comenzo como un culto de muy pocos creyentes, con el tiempo se transformaria en la religion dominante. Para comprender el proceso, visitamos los lugares en que predico San Pablo, quien primero fue un perseguidor implacable de cristianos y mas tarde se transformo en artifice del crecimiento y expansion de la Iglesia.[edit] Palenque Palenque:Palenque was a majestic city of the Mayan empire, the pre-Columbian superpower that dominated Central America. It flourished as a center for government, arts, trade and ceremony for centuries, attaining a peak around the 6th and 7th centuries AD, when it produced the best architecture and art in Mayan culture. But by 800 AD, the site was abandoned. This is the enigma of Palenque.Continuing its journey through time to relive the most crucial events in world history within the walls where they occurred, LOST WORLDS plumbs the secrets of this great Mayan city. Join a team of historical detectives using evidence from recent excavations, state-of-the-art scientific studies, and historical documents, to answer the challenging questions of Palenque: How was this gigantic metropolis built? What purpose did the temples and palaces serve? How did the extraordinary city look at its peak? As clues accumulate, the city is rebuilt, wall by wall, building by building, and the result is a historically accurate and stunningly beautiful vision of an ancient city.PALENQUEEn medio de la selva mexicana y con mas de 1.500 a de antiguedad, la ciudad de Palenque permanece oculta entre enredaderas, testigos mudos de su perdido esplendor. Los palacios, templos y edificaciones de este centro de la civilizacion maya se reconstruyen gracias a los ordenadores, revelando toda la grandeza de la que gozaron hace mas de 1500 a. La investigacion de las estructuras de la ciudad nos desvelara la obsesion del pueblo maya por la astronomia y los sacrificios humanos.[edit] Knights Templar - Los Caballeros Templarios Knights Templar:They defended the Holy Land through bloodshed and prayer. Founded in the 12th century, these Christian warrior monks reigned supreme for nearly 200 years before suffering a spectacular fall from grace. Branded heretics, they were disbanded and their Grand Master was burned at the stake.LOST WORLDS probes behind the legend for the lost world of the Knights Templar. Walk the streets of the city they knew as Tortosa-now hidden among modern homes in the Syrian city of Tartus. Visit the site of their Jerusalem headquarters in the Temple Mount, where underground vaults were said to stable 1,000 horses. Experts re-create their mysterious initiation rites in a London church modeled on the Templar's long-demolished home, and the tale of the Templar's last stand is told on the Mediterranean island where they met their end.LOS CABALLEROS TEMPLARIOSLos Caballeros Templarios tenian la mision de defender Tierra Santa. Fundada en el siglo XII, esta orden cristiana de monjes guerreros mantuvo durante doscientos anos una influencia determinante, cayendo repentinamente en desgracia. Acusados de herejes, la orden fue deshecha. El programa recrea la ciudad de los caballeros en Tortosa, actualmente escondida entre edificios. Conoceremos los secretos de su cuartel general en Jerusalen y de la extraordinaria iglesia circular de Londres.[edit] Braveheart's Scotland - La Escocia de Braveheart Braveheart's Scotland:Scotland, the end of the 13th century, a country under attack. Invaded by the greatest army in Christendom, defeat seems inevitable. But from nowhere emerges a man who will become Scotland’s greatest hero. William Wallace, later known as Braveheart, he is an inspirational leader who will give his life for Scotland’s freedom. New research allows us to journey back to the lost world that Braveheart fought for. A violent age when magnificent castles were built to withstand a new generation of weapons, where kings built heavily fortified towns. This is also a golden age of culture and sophistication. Traveling down secret pathways that still lie beneath modern Scotland, we reveal a world that has not been seen for 700 years. This is the lost world of Braveheart, the world he died to protect.LA ESCOCIA DE BRAVEHEARTA traves de caminos secretos que todavia existen bajo las tierras de Escocia, redescubrimos una cultura sorprendentemente sofisticada que ha permanecido oculta durante 700a: un mundo por el que Braveheart murio. Gracias a las tecnicas graficas mas avanzadas, se revelan los misterios que se encuentran bajo Eldersie. Asimismo veremos el Castillo de Lanark, y el puente de Stirling, para revivir la famosa batalla de William Wallace contra el ejercito ingles, momento decisivo en la historia de Escocia.[edit] The Real Dracula - El autentico Dracula The Real Dracula:In a country torn by bloody civil war, a young man seizes power. In his native tongue, he is called Dracula. This is not the vampire, Count Dracula, but a real historical figure: a Romanian prince. Dracula was a warlord who became known all across Europe for both his breathtaking courage and his terrifying cruelty. But he also left an enduring legacy. Not just in blood, but also in brick, mortar, and stone. He constructed palaces. He founded the city that was to become his country's capital. He also built one of Eastern Europe's most breathtaking mountaintop castles. Now, with state-of-the-art computer animation, we'll bring Dracula's lost world back to life: his birthplace in the fortified town of Sighisoara; the gothic splendor of Transylvania's Bran Castle; the sumptuous palace of Targoviste; and the real castle Dracula, Poenari.EL AUTENTICO DRACULAEn un pais arrasado por la guerra civil un joven se hizo con el poder. En su lengua nativa se llamaba Dracula. Lejos de la imagen de vampiro que le ha hecho tan popular, Dracula fue un principe rumano cuyo nombre se hizo legendario gracias a su extraordinario valor y a su terrorifica crueldad. Pero su legado no reside solo en sangrientas matanzas. Dracula fundo la ciudad que se convirtio con el paso del tiempo en capital de su pais. Ahora podemos contemplar reconstruida la ciudad fortificada de Sighisoara, su lugar de nacimiento o el verdadero Castillo de Dracula: Poenari.[edit] Churchill's Secret Bunkers - Los Bunkeres secretos de Churchill Churchill's Secret Bunkers:During World War II a vast complex of secret bunkers was constructed under the streets of London. This world, now lost to time, was once an important refuge from the nightly onslaught of Nazi air raids. This subterranean labyrinth kept the British government led by Prime Minister Winston Churchill safe through the darkest days of the war.This secret network also sheltered American General Dwight Eisenhower, but very little else has ever been revealed to the public. Now we head underground and bring this lost world back to life. We will use cutting edge computer graphic technology to peel back that layers and reveal a hidden city. Deep below the sidewalk, we will expose wartime secrets we were never meant to know.LOS BUNKERS SECRETOS DE CHURCHILLDurante la Segunda Guerra Mundial un vasto complejo de bunkers fue construido bajo las calles de Londres. Durante los bombardeos nazis sirvieron de refugio para la poblacion. Sin embargo eran mucho mas. Constituian una autentica ciudad subterranea. Solo ahora se desvela el verdadero alcance y utilidad de la red de bunkers de Churchill, hasta los niveles mas profundos con las camaras de maxima seguridad.[edit] Hitler's Supercity - La Superciudad de Hitler Hitler's Supercity:On the outskirts of Berlin stand traces of the supercity that Adolph Hitler planned. Forgotten and abandoned, they are what remains of his attempt to build a new world capital. Hitler may have been responsible for more death and destruction than any individual in history, but he didn’t only want to destroy, he wanted to build, to remodel his country according to his own vision. And this new city would be the project’s showpiece.Hitler planned to create buildings bigger and better than anything that had gone before. A domed hall so large that the Eiffel Tower could be fitted inside it. A stadium that would hold 400,000 people. But his dream was never fully realized and it died with him at the end of World War II. Only now after six decades of research and using new computer graphic technology is it possible to recreate the city that Hitler had intended for his people. This is Hitler’s lost world.LA SUPERCIUDAD DE HITLERHitler provoco la mayor destruccion de la Historia. Pero tambien tenia planes de construccion a gran escala. La reconstruccion de la nueva Alemania debia ser grandiosa y monumental. Lo que quedo en planes se hace ahora realidad gracias a los ordenadores. Se recrea el espectacular Zeppelin Tribune, donde sesenta mil personas podian contemplar un area de desfiles que podia acoger a un millon mas; el colosal estadio olimpico Speer o la Sala del Pueblo, una gigantesca estructura cuya cupula podia albergar la Torre Eiffel.[edit] Secret Cities of the A-Bomb - Las ciudades secretas de la Bomba atomica Secret Cities of the A-Bomb:This might be the story of history’s biggest secret. A hidden world of secret cities and classified nuclear facilities built inside America. 400,000 people were part of it, though only a handful really knew the truth. It took up half a million acres of land, it saw the construction of the largest building in the world, it cost billions of dollars and all these resources were focused on one goal: Brining an end to World War II by building the world’s first atomic bomb.Six decades on a team of experts return to the once classified sites where the course of history was decided. In green valleys and dry deserts they will uncover and rebuilt this lost world. Using the latest in computer technology and new evidence, the team will uncover the most complex feat of engineering ever taken. This is the Lost World of the Manhattan Project.LAS CIUDADES SECRETAS DE LA BOMBA ATOMICAEn 1939 un grupo de cientificos, que incluia a Albert Einstein, alerto al presidente de los Estados Unidos de la posibilidad de que la Alemania Nazi pudiese desarrollar la bomba atomica. En 3 a., cuatrocientas mil personas construyeron un secreto complejo de ciudades y silos nucleares. Con un coste de billones de dolares y albergando el edificio mas grande del mundo, se levantaron tres ciudades secretas en zonas desiertas de Tenesse, Nuevo Mexico y Washington.     





Example with ripping details of Epis. 8:     

Quality: DVDRip     

视频编码: XviD 1.1.2 Final (比特率: 1.458 kbps a Double pass)     

分辨率: 672 x 384.     

Audio Dual (Spanish-English): AC3 - (比特率: CBR 192 kbps 2 声道数)      

Subtitles: Not available.     

Covers: Yes [available in the rar file]     

Run time: 45,17 minutes.     

Size: 601 MB.【Technical Specs】——     


Example with ripping details of Epis. 8:     

Quality: DVDRip     

Video Codec: XviD 1.1.2 Final (Bitrate: 1.458 kbps a Double pass)     

Resolution: 672 x 384.     

Audio Dual (Spanish-English): AC3 - (Bitrate: CBR 192 kbps 2 channels)      

Subtitles: Not available.     

Covers: Yes [available in the rar file]     

Run time: 45,17 minutes.     

Size: 601 MB.     







Release Post      

MVGroup.org (ed2k)     





Related Documentaries      

Lost Worlds Series 2     


Lost Worlds: Series 1     

Out of Egypt     

Lost World: Volume 3 WWII     

San Francisco Tai Chi     

Ancient Voices     

Atlantis (NG)     

Crystal Skull Legend     

Dark Circle     

Jerusalem: Within these Walls     

Knights Of Malta     

Legacy - The Origins of Civilization     

Lost Kingdoms of the Maya     

Secrets of Lost Empires 2     

Secrets of the Maya Underworld     

The Crusades (HC)     

The Crusades - Crescent and the Cross     

The Knights Templar     

Trinity and Beyond - The Atomic Bomb Movie     

US Atomic Bomb Tests     

Who Built Stonehenge     








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