[History Channel系列]:第五季The Universe Season Five-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
由埃里克·汤普森(Erik Thompson)主持的科学纪录片,由历史频道(History Channel)在2010年出版-英语旁白Science Documentary hosted by Erik Thompson, published by History Channel in 2010- English narration
第五个宇宙从行星到恒星,再到未知世界的边缘,历史与科学在历史上很受欢迎的系列电影《宇宙》中相撞,现在又回到了第五个季节。凭借突破性的新发现和更令人惊叹的高清计算机动画,这是穿越时空的奇妙而致命的冒险。自人类首次涉足外太空以来,已经过去了五十年,但如今,天堂才是最大的秘密。就像最近报道说的彗星或小行星对木星的破坏性影响几乎是地球的大小一样,几乎每天都在发现新现象。科学家们正在寻找新的行星,并深入到太空的最深处,从而在理解宇宙及其奥秘方面开辟了新天地。在这个新的季节??太阳系奇观???我们正处于太空探索的最伟大时代。21世纪的宇宙飞船和尖端的成像技术每天都在冒险闯入未知领域,而且许多非同寻常的现象正悄悄地出现在我们自己的宇宙后院中。对我们的太阳系七大奇观进行令人振奋的,前所未有的探索。我们的虚拟之旅始于土星外卫星之一土卫二的旅程,冰冷的间歇泉从其表面喷涌而出。然后前往土星的著名环,那里的山脉可以与阿尔卑斯山匹敌。下一步,您将深入了解太阳系中最大的风暴-木星的大红斑。在小行星带上翔,小行星带包含了数百万颗来自太阳系形成的剩余岩石。跋涉位于火星上的最大的火山奥林匹斯山。??火星的新证据???在过去的几年中,“红色星球”提出了许多新的线索,表明那里曾经存在着生命,甚至今天也存在着。现在有证据表明水曾经流过地表,火星曾经有湖泊,而且冰冻的极地大部分是水,而不是以前认为的二氧化碳。火星上有雪(极光)和沙尘暴产生的闪电。最令人着迷的是甲烷的季节性羽状流,这可能表明生活在地表以下的细菌。[编辑]???电磁风暴???它以一万枚核武器的力量从太阳中爆发出来……当它撞击我们的星球时,可能造成有记录的历史上最大的灾难。来自太阳的电磁风暴可能会破坏北半球的电力,电视,广播,军事通讯和几乎所有电子设备。这是“太阳能卡特里娜飓风”,这是一种遍及全球的磁力飓风,可能扰乱了所有21世纪的技术。是什么原因引起了这场磁性超级风暴?为什么磁力如此强大-但人们却了解甚少?我们有什么办法可以防止电磁风暴?[编辑]???时空旅行???宇宙最持久的谜团之一是时间旅行。在这一集中,我们探讨了可能性。探索为什么爱因斯坦世界中不可避免地要进行时间旅行到未来The Universe Season FiveFrom the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in History’s popular series THE UNIVERSE, now back for its Fifth season. With ground-breaking new discoveries and even more stunning high-definition computer animations, it's a wondrous yet deadly adventure through space and time. Fifty years have flown by since man first ventured into outer space, but the heavens are only now yielding their greatest secrets. Like the recent destructive impact on Jupiter reported to be by a comet or asteroid nearly the size of Earth, new phenomena are being discovered almost daily. Scientists are finding new planets and views into the deepest reaches of space, breaking new ground in understanding the universe and its mysteries. In this new season, viewers are transported to new and mysterious places including ones we didn't even know existed a year ago -- some harbouring deadly forces that may forever impact life on Earth.[edit] Wonders of the Solar System We are in the midst of the greatest era of space discovery. 21st century spacecraft and sophisticated imaging technology are venturing into un-chartered territory every day--and much of the extraordinary phenomenon is happing right in our own cosmic backyard. Take an exhilarating, unprecedented exploration of the seven most amazing wonders of our solar system. Our virtual tour begins with a trip to Enceladus, one of Saturn's outer moons, where icy geysers spout from its surface. Then venture to Saturn's famous rings, which contain mountain ranges that rival the Alps. Next dive into the eye of the biggest storm in the solar system--Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Soar through the Asteroid Belt, containing millions of leftover rocks from the formation of the solar system. Trek up Mount Olympus, the largest volcano, located on Mars. Have a close encounter with the searing surface of the sun, and finish the journey by exploring our home planet Earth.[edit] Mars the New Evidence In the last few years, the Red Planet has yielded up many new clues that life may have once existed there...and may even exist there today. There is now have proof that water once flowed on the surface, that Mars once had lakes, and that the frozen poles are mostly water, not carbon dioxide as previously thought. Mars has snow--an aurora--and lightning generated by dust storms. Most intriguing of all are the seasonal plumes of methane that just may point to bacteria living below the surface.[edit] Magnetic Storm It bursts from the sun with the power of ten thousand nuclear weapons... and when it hits our planet, it could create the largest disaster in recorded history. A magnetic storm from the sun could wipe out electrical power, television, radio, military communication, and nearly every piece of electronics in the Northern Hemisphere. It's a "Solar Katrina" -- a planet-wide "hurricane" of magnetic forces that scramble all 21st Century technology, possibly for good. What causes this magnetic superstorm? Why is magnetism so powerful -- and yet so poorly understood? And is there anything we can do to prevent the Magnetic Storm?[edit] Time Travel One of the Universe's most enduring mysteries is Time Travel. In this episode, we explore the possibilities. Discover why Time Travel into the future is unavoidable in the Einsteinian world of Relativity. As for the past... the laws of physics do not tell us it's impossible, but the bizarre consequences of going into the past and altering the future make for mind-bending science. Finally, we go for the future by traveling to the nearest star, 4.3 light years away... in only 45 days. Our destination may be an Earth-like planet; a planet scientists are now hunting for, and may find in the next 3 to 4 years.[edit] Secrets of the Space Probes They've discovered water on other planets, and snatched the actual building blocks of life from a comet's tail. But can space probes find a new Earth...and even make contact with alien life? In the 21st century, space probes are photographing, drilling and even sniffing new worlds in the quest for life, and scanning thousands of distant suns trying to detect Earth-like planets. It's only a matter of time before space probes unlock the secrets to extra-terrestrial life and the universe itself.[edit] Asteroid Attack What are the latest discoveries in the deadly world of asteroids? Will a recently returned Japanese spacecraft become the first to bring an asteroid sample back to our planet? What would happen to America's East Coast if the massive asteroid impact that helped form Chesapeake Bay 35 million years ago struck today? And why did President Barack Obama choose an asteroid as the destination for the next great manned mission into space? Learning about these huge space rocks isn't just about science, it's about survival.[edit] Total Eclipse Once they were dreaded and thought to be dragons eating the sun--but modern science has dispelled mythology and we now look forward to total Solar Eclipses as one of the most spectacular phenomena in the heavens. Explore the complex movements of Earth, Moon and Sun that produce these unusual events and hear details why we may be the only intelligent beings in the known Universe to witness eclipses like we see on Earth. Man-made eclipses also figure into the science in the form of instruments called "coronagraphs." They blot out the sun and reveal its corona, uncovering secrets which, while enlightening, also warn of a disaster that could make our advanced technology crash and burn. Finally, travel into deep space, where the tiny eclipses caused by planets circling distant stars is now beginning to reveal hundreds more stars where "exoplanets" exist... perhaps even those in habitable zones like the Earth.[edit] Dark Future of the Sun Our Sun has served Earth well for almost five billion years. It's bathed us with heat and energy. But like humans, our home star is mortal. In five billion years, it will stop nurturing its planetary offspring. The aging star will bloat out beyond the orbit of our planet incinerating all living things--including humans if we're still around.
视频编码: XviD ISO MPEG-4
比特率: 2021 kbps
Video 分辨率: 720 x 416
Video 画面比例: 1.731 (16:9)
帧速率: 25帧速率
音频编码: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
音频比特率: 192 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz
音频串流: 2ch
音频语言: English
分集时长 46.mins
分集数: 8
体积: 701 MB
来源: DVD
编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 2021 kbps
Video Resolution: 720 x 416
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.731 (16:9)
Frames Per Second: 25fps
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3)
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s AC3 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2ch
Audio Languages: English
RunTime per Part 46.mins
Number Of Parts: 8
Part Size: 701 MB
Source: DVD
Encoded by: Harry65
Further Information
The Universe
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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