[Discovery Channel系列]:鲨鱼周Shark Week-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
理查德·德弗斯(Richard Drefuss)主持的自然纪录片,由发现频道(Discovery Channel)在2009年出版-英语旁白Nature Documentary hosted by Richard Drefuss, published by Discovery Channel in 2009- English narration
鲨鱼周恐惧海洋鲨鱼周DVD套装探讨了鲨鱼如何交流以及它们为何发动攻击,并使您更接近与致命的水下掠食者最亲密接触的人。将您的牙齿沉入流行的Discovery特别系列的六个经典情节中,学习鲨鱼低语者的秘密和可怕的鲨鱼袭击幸存者的课程。2张光盘中的《鲨鱼周》 DVD使您无需离开客厅就可以在充满鲨鱼的水域中畅游。[编辑]???恐惧海洋???还记得在下颌的场景中,船上的家伙谈论第二次世界大战期间鱼雷击中一艘美国水手时,一群美国水手如何撞向大海(印第安纳波利斯号),其中许多人被鲨鱼咬伤了?没错,这部纪录片探讨了这个故事背后的现实。晚上,这九百个家伙在大洋中漂浮,许多人被吃掉了。通过这部纪录片,我们可以直接了解幸存者所发生的事情,以及他们必须经历什么才能使这种生存状况更加严峻。如果鲨鱼还不够糟糕,那么许多人就会因筋疲力尽和体温过低而丧命。这不仅是对鲨鱼阴暗面及其摄食习惯的有趣观察,而且还是人们为了生存需要的长度。??完美的掠食者???这部纪录片探讨了不同的鲨鱼如何使用不同的狩猎策略来捕捉猎物。不同的海洋环境,不同类型的所需猎物和不同的物理特征都在这里发挥作用,有趣的是,这些年来鲨鱼如何适应其各种环境以生存,以及反过来,通常被猎杀的动物也如何进化为了给自己一个更好的机会来对抗鲨鱼,举个例子,Mako鲨鱼喜欢吃金枪鱼,而金枪鱼又学会了游泳得更快,以逃脱它们。该纪录片还探讨了锤头鲨与其他鲨鱼的狩猎方式不同,以及虎鲨,公牛鲨和大白鲨如何使用不同的战术。[编辑]???鲨鱼部落???这部有趣的纪录片探讨了新几内亚土著部落(被称为坎图的鲨鱼袭击者)如何不显示对鲨鱼的恐惧-他们乘坐小独木舟闯入海洋,并用他们的手和小型手持武器捕获和捕猎鲨鱼。在大多数人害怕鲨鱼的地方,这些人几乎将整个文化都建立在它们周围。他们不使用任何诱饵诱捕鲨鱼,而是使用不同的声音来吸引它们。一路走来,我们了解了他们的独特文化以及多年来如何生存。从那里,我们实际上目睹了部落成员在狩猎,而生态学家则在争论其道德。[编辑]???活着的前五名???该纪录片探讨了五种不同但同样可怕的鲨鱼袭击背后的细节。我们从五个不同的幸存者那里得知他们经历了什么以及如何生存-一名妇女描述了被鲨鱼咬伤的肢体是什么样的感觉(“有一个流行声……然后消失了。”)。重演表明他们做对了,但同样重要的是,他们做错了什么以及如何伤害您Shark Week The Shark Week Ocean of Fear DVD set explores how sharks communicate and why they attack and gets you closer to people who've had the closest encounters possible with the deadly underwater predators. Sink your teeth into six classic episodes of the popular Discovery special series and learn the secrets of shark whisperers and lessons of survivors of grisly shark attacks. The Shark Week DVDs in the 2 disc set let you swim shark-infested waters without leaving your living room.[edit] Ocean Of Fear Worst Shark Attack Ever Remember that scene in Jaws where the guys on the boat talk about how during the Second World War a bunch of American sailors got knocked into the ocean when a torpedo hit their boat (the U.S.S. Indianapolis) and a lot of them got munched by sharks? Well it's true and this documentary explores the reality behind that story. For nights these nine hundred guys were floating around in the middle of the ocean and many of them were eaten. Through this documentary we learn first hand about what happened to the survivors and what they had to go through to make it out of this dire situation alive. If the sharks weren't bad enough, many men were dying from exhaustion and hypothermia. This is not only an interesting look at the dastardly side of sharks and their feeding habits but also a look at the lengths people will go to in order to survive. Fascinating stuff, some of the survivor testimonials are quite harrowing indeed.[edit] Perfect Predators This documentary examines how different sharks use different hunting tactics to catch their prey. Different ocean environments, different types of desired prey and different physical features all come into play here and it's interesting to learn how sharks have adapted to their various environments over the years in order to survive and how, in turn, commonly hunted animals have also evolved in order to give themselves a better chance against the sharks - case in point, Mako Sharks like to eat tuna, and tuna have in turn learned to swim faster to escape them. This documentary also explores how Hammerhead Sharks hunt differently than other sharks, and how Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks and Great White Sharks all use different tactics.[edit] Shark Tribe This interesting documentary explores how a tribe of New Guinea natives (known as the Sharkcallers of Kantu) show no fear of sharks whatsoever - they head out into the ocean in small canoes and capture and hunt the sharks using their hands and small, handheld weapons. Where most people fear sharks, these guys have based pretty much their entire culture around them. They lure the sharks in without using any bait, instead using different noises to attract them. Along the way we get a look at their unique culture and how they've managed to survive over the years. From there, we actually witness the tribesmen out hunting while ecologists debate the morality of it.[edit] Top Five Eaten Alive This documentary explores the details behind five different but equally grisly shark attacks. We hear from the five different survivors about what they went through and how they survived - one woman describing what it was like to have a limb bitten off by a shark ("there was a pop... then it was gone."). Re-enactments demonstrate what they did right, but equally important, what they did wrong and how they wound up in these life threatening situations in the first place. We learn about how the sharks reacted and how a few different heroic bystanders interjected to save lives.[edit] Shark Feeding Frenzy With this entry in the series, we learn how food and the need for food control almost every facet of a shark's life. In turn, this leads to feeding frenzies. We learn about Reef, Tiger, Hammerhead, Lemon and Great White Sharks feeding habits. From there, we learn how to best survive a feeding frenzy or, preferably, how to avoid them. Some fantastic footage peppers this documentary quite nicely and really helps drive home just how dangerous and intense a feeding frenzy can get - at one point we witness a shark latch onto a cameraman's arm (thankfully he's wearing a chain mail suit, so he doesn't lose the limb). The documentary also explores the reality behind whether or not sharks really do or do not like to eat people.[edit] Sharkman The last documentary in the collection explores the interesting life of a man named Michael Rutzman, who enjoys swimming (unprotected) with Great White Sharks. He believes they have a passive and non-aggressive side and to prove this he tries to hypnotize them. The results of Rutzman's experiments and theories are varied but surprisingly not invalid. We see, on camera, how Rutzman does succeed in getting the sharks to appreciate his touch and to react to it - now, this doesn't mean they get friendly and want to cuddle, but it does give his theories some basis in reality.
Video: 编码: x264 CABAC High@L4.0
Video: 比特率: 1340 Kbps
Video: 画面比例: 1.778 (16:9)
Video: 分辨率: 832 x 468
Audio: 编码: AAC LC
Audio: 比特率: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz
Audio: 声道数: stereo (2/0)
Audio: English
时长: Parts 1, 2, 6 = 84mins 3, 4, 5 42mins
帧速率: 29帧速率
分集数: 6
体积: average Parts 1, 2, 6 =812 MB - 3, 4, 5= 637 MB
编码器: mp4
来源: DVD
编码: Harry65【Technical Specs】——
Video: Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.0
Video: Bitrate: 1340 Kbps
Video: Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9)
Video: Resolution: 832 x 468
Audio: Codec: AAC LC
Audio: Bitrate: 128 Kbps VBR 48KHz
Audio: Channels: stereo (2/0)
Audio: English
Run-Time: Parts 1, 2, 6 = 84mins 3, 4, 5 42mins
Framerate: 29fps
Number of Parts: 6
Part Size: average Parts 1, 2, 6 =812 MB - 3, 4, 5= 637 MB
Container: mp4
Source: DVD
Encoded by: Harry65
Further Information
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
Related Documentaries
Hammerhead Highway
The Whale that Ate Jaws
Shark Girl
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever
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