纪录片-英国的一年/英伦四季/BBC.The.Great.British.Year-英国的一年-英伦四季-1to4-含花絮-中英双语字幕/BBC The Great British Year-纪录片字幕/外挂字幕/srt字幕下载 -外挂字幕/srt字幕下载
字幕语种:英 简 双语
发布时间:2014-01-28 17:01:03
匹配视频:BBC The Great British Year
贡献者:制作:MinJun,ybmj@vip.163.com 校订:MinJun,ybmj@vip.163.com 上传:MinJun,ybmj@vip.163.com
BBC.The.Great.British.Year-英国的一年-英伦四季-1to4-含花絮-中英双语字幕 BBC美轮美奂的英伦四季 字幕翻译:MinJun,ybmj@vip.163.com,仅供学习交流 记录片之家倾情奉献 http://www.jlpzj.net/ 对应视频文件 BBC.The.Great.British.Year.1of4.Winter.720p.mkv BBC.The.Great.British.Year.2of4.Spring.720p.mkv BBC.The.Great.British.Year.3of4.Summer.720p.mkv BBC.The.Great.British.Year.4of4.Autumn.720p.mkv BBC.The.Great.British.Year.Learning.Zone.mkv 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美 ◎译 名 英国的一年 ◎片 名 The Great British Year ◎年 代 2013 ◎国 家 英国 ◎类 别 纪录片 ◎语 言 英语 ◎官 网 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01db10t ◎IMDB评分 N/A ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3232102 ◎集 数 4集全 ◎片 长 约60分钟 ◎简 介 本系列记录了英国一年内的变化。 第一部分:冬季 温度比较稳定,大风和雨水天气比零度以下寒冷和晴朗的天气常见。除了在高地地区,下雪相对来说不太常见。 第二部分:春季 用一个词来描述,就是“多变”。做好天气突变的准备!四月的雨水是家常便饭,但通常是阵雨。曼彻斯特的别名就是“雨城”。每年的复活节都会让英国的度假者感到为难,他们无法预测此时进行户外活动,天公是否会作美。 第三部分:夏季 夏天的气候温暖炎热,特别是在内陆地区,但海岸地区受海风的影响,气候仍然会比较凉爽。尽管七月份名义上归属于夏季,但这个月份里仍有大量的雨水天气,记住这一点相当明智。如果气温上升到27摄氏度以上,那么此时期在英国就快称得上是“热浪”了。同样要记住的是,在英国与在任何其它的国家一样,直接接受阳光曝晒仍存在危险。 第四部分:秋季 在这个季节里,树叶伴随着潮湿和刮风的天气翩然而落,零度以下的寒潮不是很普遍。和春天一样,这个季节处于气候交替阶段,所以要做好一切应对天气变化的准备! 引用 Part 1: Winter Starting on New Year's Day, Britain is in the grip of winter. Time-lapses show a magical country shrouded in frost and mist swirling in hollows. Water becomes the enemy as it freezes, and the wildlife must cope. Red squirrels resort to subterfuge, and kites track a farmer ploughing to get at the worms beneath the frost. As winter fades, adders bask in the sun and the woodland floor erupts with snowdrops. On a lake in Wiltshire, new hope is captured in the evocative dance of the great crested grebe. Part 2: Spring Spring marks the start of an epic race forlife where timing is everything; trees explode with blossom and mornings fill with the magical chorus of bird song. Long-tailed tits frantically build nests, whilst in our oceans, seahorses sway to a graceful courtship dance. As we celebrate Easter, a stoat mother hunts the young rabbits to feed her own playful young. As spring becomes summer, Guillemot chicks leap from their cliffs to begin life at sea, and this year's young prepare for life alone. Part 3: Summer Whilst the human population of Britain kicks back, summer is boom time for the animals. More sun means more food, but animals arearriving from afar to share, and competition is high. Hunters time their arrival from Africa to feast on the huge glut of flying insects, hobbies race after dragonflies, and thermal cameras reveal nightjars on a Dorset heath. Will the weather hold? One day harmful UV rays force sea urchins to coverup; the next, thunderstorms bring out hordes of hungry snails. Part 4: Autumn The fading sun brings an energy change to Britain: a time of storms and unpredictable weather. The trees go dormant, but not before a final fling of colour. For animals, the shortening days are a cue to prepare, hibernating and hoarding for the dark times ahead. For some, its still a time to breed; deer rut, seals give birth and the Atlantic salmon leaps waterfalls in order to lay its eggs. Beneath the fallen leaves, slime moulds, earthworms and fungi take advantage of autumn's spoils.