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科学纪录片《种族:幻觉的力量 Race: The Power of an Illusion》全3集 高清纪录片资源百度云盘下载-高清标清1080P720P360P网盘下载
加利福尼亚新闻社的这部三部分纪录片对于了解美国种族化的历史以及种族类别是如何产生的,这一点很重要,而我们常常不了解种族是如何将其等同于生物学的。InterVarsity已购买了在线播放此纪录片的权利,为期三年。 “将世界各国人民划分为不同的群体-“红”,“黑”,“白”或“黄”族-已深深扎根于我们的心理之中,受到了如此广泛的接受,许多人会立即驳斥任何关于“民族主义”的建议。其虚假然而,这也正是这种挑衅,新三小时系列由加州新闻短片索赔。 种族-的错觉电源 问题种族作为先天生物学的想法,这表明天生的种族差异的信念是没有更多声音比认为围绕地球太阳旋转。但比赛仍然很重要。仅仅因为种族在生物学上不存在并不意味着它是不是很现实,帮助塑造生活的机会和机遇“。这些剪辑包含一些图形图像和敏感内容。
通过问“什么是所谓的“种族”?”,这个非常基础的问题很少被问到,“ 种族-幻象的力量” 有助于设定术语,任何关于种族的进一步讨论都必须首先考虑。是人类生物学,人类学,社会学,美国历史,美国研究和文化研究的理想选择。
Race: The Power of an Illusion Documentary
This three-part documentary by California Newsreel is important for understanding the history of racialization in America and how racial categories came about that we often innacurately equate with biology. InterVarsity has purchased the rights to stream this documentary online for three years.
Race: The Power of an Illusion
(From California Newsreel)
"The division of the world's peoples into distinct groups - 'red,' 'black,' 'white' or 'yellow' peoples - has became so deeply imbedded in our psyches, so widely accepted, many would promptly dismiss as crazy any suggestion of its falsity. Yet, that's exactly what this provocative, new three-hour series by California Newsreel claims. Race - The Power of an Illusion questions the very idea of race as innate biology, suggesting that a belief in inborn racial difference is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth.
Yet race still matters. Just because race doesn't exist in biology doesn't mean it isn't very real, helping shape life chances and opportunities."
These clips contain some graphic images and sensitive content.
Visit the documentary website for more resources.
Episode 1- The Difference Between Us
This episode examines the contemporary science - including genetics - that challenges our common sense assumptions that human beings can be bundled into three or four fundamentally different groups according to their physical traits.
Episode 2- The Story We Tell
Lean about the roots of the race concept in North America, the 19th century science that legitimated it, and how it came to be held so fiercely in the western imagination. The episode is an eye-opening tale of how race served to rationalize, even justify, American social inequalities as "natural."
Episode 3- The House We Live In
If race is not biology, what is it? This episode uncovers how race resides not in nature but in politics, economics and culture. It reveals how our social institutions "make" race by disproportionately channeling resources, power, status and wealth to white people.
By asking, What is this thing called 'race'?, a question so basic it is rarely asked, Race - The Power of an Illusion helps set the terms that any further discussion of race must first take into account. Ideal for human biology, anthropology, sociology, American history, American studies, and cultural studies.
科学纪录片《种族:幻觉的力量 Race: The Power of an Illusion》全3集 高清纪录片资源百度云盘下载-高清标清1080P720P360P网盘下载