剧组以真人秀/纪录片的形式跟随探险者在科州落基山脉找矿挖矿,深入海拔4000米左右的安特罗山,面对高海拔,稀薄空气,极端天气等等,探险者们是如何在艰苦的条件和环境下寻找矿物的。科州安特罗山(Mt Antero, Chaffee Co., Colorado, USA)以出产海蓝宝、长石、烟晶、托帕石、石榴石等等许多的矿物宝石为名。
At 14,000 feet above sea level, there’s 50% less oxygen, twice as many lightning strikes, hurricane force winds and riches just waiting to be found. Colorado’s Mount Antero is home to North America’s richest, most abundant gem fields.But finding these gems is no easy feat. Armed with little more than their two hands and a crowbar, these modern day prospectors follow in the footsteps of their predecessors from 150 years ago. They battle Mother Nature, rockslides and thieves in the hope of striking it rich. Tune in as they search for topaz, aquamarine and smoky quartz on North America’s highest, most dangerous gem fields.