
外语原版纪录片《 Baroque Holiday with the Chamber Music Society /与室内乐协会的巴洛克式假期》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
Baroque Holiday with the Chamber Music Society
艺术纪录片,由 Fred Child 主持,由 PBS 出版,作为 2010 年 PBS Live From Lincoln Center 系列节目的一部分播出 - 英文旁白
在过去的 60 年里,音乐史上最引人注目的现象之一是人们对遥远过去的音乐,特别是所谓的巴洛克时期的音乐产生了兴趣。我们的 Live From Lincoln Center 演出是由林肯中心室内乐协会成员表演的“巴洛克式假日”音乐会。
巴洛克音乐究竟是什么?它的历史参数大致是 1600 年到 1750 年之间,在那个半世纪里,音乐走向了一个截然不同的方向。几个世纪以前,音乐主要是教会的领域,一种来自“外部”的影响被用来加强宗教遵守e.并不是说巴洛克时期的作曲家为了教堂而放弃了音乐;几乎没有,但他们创作了许多不同类型的音乐。例如,我们今天所熟知的歌剧是在 1600 年代初与蒙特威尔第 (Monteverdi) 的《奥菲欧》(Orfeo) 和雅格布·佩里 (Jacopo Peri) 的《达芙妮》(Dafne) 一起诞生的。巴洛克音乐,在大多数情况下,由单一的旋律线和伴奏组成,而不是早期的复调——几条不同的线同时演奏。这种风格似乎起源于意大利并在意大利蓬勃发展(见证上述蒙特威尔第和佩里),但它迅速传播到其他欧洲国家,特别是巴赫和亨德尔曾经是并且仍然是国际巴洛克曲目的基石的德国。
我们的林肯中心现场直播“巴洛克假期”为我们带来不少于 7 位巴洛克时代作曲家的音乐,其中大部分是意大利人。您是否注意到 Monteverdi 和 Peri 这两个名字都以字母“i”结尾?或许是为了在这期间取得作曲家的资格意大利的巴洛克时期,你的名字必须以“i”结尾!我们有 Corelli、Sammartini、Vivaldi 和 Tartini,他们都出现在我们的节目中(事实上,Corelli 和 Vivaldi 各有两次)。多种乐器的独奏和/或多重协奏曲以及独奏乐器和伴奏奏鸣曲是巴洛克作曲家最喜欢的工具。这就是我们“巴洛克假期”所有作品的形式。
在所有意大利巴洛克作曲家中,安东尼奥·维瓦尔第 (Antonio Vivaldi) 可能是最著名的,他的四首小提琴协奏曲序列统称为“四季”。但维瓦尔第是一位多产的作曲家,创作了成百上千部作品。大约 50 年前,一项庞大的项目开始录制维瓦尔第 (Vivaldi) 的全部作品。大约 70 部作品被成功雕刻,然后悲剧发生了:指挥家马克斯戈伯曼在 51 岁时在维也纳心脏病发作致命。马克斯戈伯曼是指挥家的父亲林肯中心现场直播的创作者和执行制片人约翰·戈伯曼 (John Goberman)。
代表了另外两位作曲家:巴赫,不可避免地,以及他熟悉的两把小提琴的 D 小调协奏曲。还有一首为两把小提琴和通奏低音而作的恰空,由 17 世纪一位鲜为人知的意大利本土作曲家创作,他的名字不以“i”结尾:尼古拉·马泰斯。据推测,马泰斯出生在那不勒斯,但他短暂的一生(他在 20 多岁时去世)的大部分时间都在伦敦度过。在他那个时代,他显然是一位专业的小提琴家和一位受欢迎的作曲家。
也许应该特别注意两位独奏家的客串演出:著名的竖笛演奏家 Michala Petri 和吉他手兼大琵琶演奏家 Lars Hannibal。佩特里 (Petri) 是丹麦人,作为现代长笛的先驱乐器演奏家而享誉全球。但除了她在巴洛克曲目方面的专业知识外,她还坚定地致力于我们这个时代的音乐,并委托了来自巴洛克的作品Malcolm Arnold、Gordon Jacob 和 Ezra Laderman 等许多人都喜欢。她拥有相当多的唱片,其中包括巴赫和亨德尔与基思贾勒特演奏大键琴的奏鸣曲集。由于她经常与汉尼拔先生一起出现,她对竖笛和吉他音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。
关于大长笛的最后一句话,拉尔斯·汉尼拔 (Lars Hannibal) 的另一种弹拨乐器。它是在 1600 年左右在欧洲开发的,作为更大(和更响亮)的 theorbo 和次中音琵琶之间尺寸的折衷。亨德尔是大长笛的坚定支持者,并将其纳入他的歌剧配乐中。就在上个音乐季,西班牙大长笛演奏家哈维尔·马斯 (Javier Mas) 陪同诗人兼表演者伦纳德·科恩 (Leonard Cohen) 进行了一次世界巡演,马斯重新改编了一些科恩的老歌,并用大长笛进行了独奏。
所以我们有:12 月 19 日星期日在 PBS 上的林肯中心直播中有趣的“巴洛克式假期”。节日快乐!
艾伦·斯科格执导;制作人林肯中心为 WNET.org 十三
LC室内乐协会,成员:Michala Petri,录音师;拉尔斯·汉尼拔,Archlute;阿尼·卡瓦菲安,小提琴; Erin Keefe,小提琴; Yura Lee,小提琴;林卓良,小提琴;理查德·奥尼尔,中提琴; Daniel McDonough,大提琴;埃德加迈耶,低音提琴;彼得·科尔凯,巴松管;约翰·吉本斯,大键琴
曲目:科雷利,D 大调格罗索协奏曲,作品。 6、4号;萨马蒂尼,F 大调协奏曲,为竖笛、弦乐和通奏低音而作;维瓦尔第 D 小调奏鸣曲 (La Follia) 为两把小提琴和通奏低音而作;塔蒂尼,G小调奏鸣曲(魔鬼颤音),为竖笛和通奏低音而作;科雷利,G 小调格拉索协奏曲 op. 6、第八号(圣诞协奏曲); Matteis,Diverse Bizzarrie Sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona for Two Violins and Continuo;巴赫,D小调协奏曲,为两把小提琴、弦乐和通奏低音而作;维瓦尔第,C大调竖笛协奏曲,弦乐与通奏低音;安可:巴赫,G 弦上的旋律。
视频编解码器:x264CABAC 高@L4.1
视频比特率:2 704 kb/s
每秒帧数:29.970 fps
音频比特率:384 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
每个零件的运行时间:1 小时 52 分钟
零件尺寸:2.48 GB
来源:HDTV 1080i MPEG2(感谢 TrollHD)
Baroque Holiday with the Chamber Music Society,Bach: A Passionate Life,David Starkey's Music and Monarchy,Documentary,God's Composer,John Eliot Gardiner and the English Baroque Soloists,La Petite Musique de Marie-Antoinette: Music for the Queens Theater,Messiah at the Foundling Hospital,Nicola Benedetti and the OAE,Sacred Music: The Story of Allegri's Miserere,Sacred Music at Christmas: A Christmas History
Arts,Fred Child,PBS,PBS Live From Lincoln Center,2010,English
General Information:
Arts Documentary hosted by Fred Child, published by PBS broadcasted as part of PBS Live From Lincoln Center series in 2010- English narration
One of the more remarkable phenomena in the history of music during the last 60 years has been the eruption of interest in music of the distant past, specifically the music of the so-called Baroque period. Our Live From Lincoln Center presentation is a "Baroque Holiday" concert performed by members of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center.
The Chamber Music Society greets the season combining the warmth and style of great Baroque masters with the intimacy and skill of the Society's artists. Bach's "Double Concerto" is featured along with Corelli's "Christmas Concerto" and recorder virtuosa Michala Petri in works by Sammartini, Tartini and Vivaldi.
What exactly is Baroque Music? Its historical parameters are roughly the years between 1600 and 1750, and during that century-and-a-half music took a radically different direction. For centuries before, music had largely been the province of the church, an influence from the "outside" employed to enhance religious observance. Not that composers of the Baroque period abandoned music for the church; hardly, but they composed music in many different genres. For example opera as we basically know it today came into being in the very early 1600s with Monteverdi's "Orfeo" and Jacopo Peri's "Dafne". Baroque music, for the most part, consists of a single melodic line with accompaniment instead of the earlier periods' polyphony---several different lines played simultaneously. The style seems to have originated and flourished in Italy (witness the above-mentioned Monteverdi and Peri), but it spread quickly to other European countries, particularly to Germany where Bach and Handel were and remain cornerstones of the international Baroque repertory.
Our Live From Lincoln Center "Baroque Holiday" bring us the music of no fewer than 7 composers of the Baroque era, most of them Italian. Have you noticed that the names Monteverdi and Peri both end with the letter "i"? Perhaps in order to qualify as a composer during the Baroque period in Italy your name HAD to end in "i"! We have Corelli, Sammartini, Vivaldi and Tartini, all of whom are represented on our program (Corelli and Vivaldi twice each as a matter of fact). The solo and/or multiple Concerto for diverse instruments was a favorite vehicle for Baroque composers, along with Sonatas for solo instrument and accompaniment(s). Those are the forms of all the works on our "Baroque Holiday".
Of all the Italian Baroque composers it is Antonio Vivaldi who is probably best-known, and that through his sequence of four violin concertos known collectively as "The Four Seasons". But Vivaldi was an incredibly prolific composer, with hundreds and hundreds of works to his credit. Some 50 years ago a massive project was undertaken to record the entire output of Vivaldi. Some 70 works were successfully engraved, and then tragedy struck: the conductor, named Max Goberman, suffered a fatal heart attack in Vienna at the age of 51. Max Goberman was the father of the creator and Executive Producer of Live From Lincoln Center, John Goberman.
Two other composers are represented: Bach, inevitably, with his familiar D Minor Concerto for Two Violins. And a Chaconne for Two Violins and Continuo by a little-known native-born Italian composer of the 17th century whose name does NOT end in "i": Nicola Matteis. It is presumed that Matteis was born in Naples but he spent most of his short life (he died in his late 20s) in London. He apparently was an expert violinist as well as a popular composer in his time.
Special attention, perhaps, should be attached to the guest appearances of two of the soloists: the renowned recorder player Michala Petri, and guitarist and archlute player Lars Hannibal. Petri, a native of Denmark, has achieved world-wide fame as a player on the instrument that is the precursor of our modern flute. But in addition to her expertise in Baroque repertory, she is also firmly committed to music of our time and has commissioned works from the likes of Malcolm Arnold, Gordon Jacob and Ezra Laderman among many others. She has a considerable discography to her credit, among which is a collection of Sonatas by Bach and Handel with Keith Jarrett playing harpsichord. And as a result of her frequent appearances with Mr. Hannibal she has taken a keen interest in music for recorder and guitar.
A final word about the archlute, Lars Hannibal's other plucked instrument. It was developed in Europe around 1600 as a compromise in size between the larger (and louder) theorbo and the tenor lute. Handel was a staunch supporter of the archlute and included it in his opera scores. And just last season the Spanish archlute player, Javier Mas, accompanied the poet and performer, Leonard Cohen, on a world tour in which Mas rearranged some old Cohen songs and played solos on the archlute.
So there we are: an intriguing "Baroque Holiday" on the Live From Lincoln Center, Sunday December 19 on PBS. Happy Holidays!
Directed by Alan Skog; A Production of Lincoln Center for WNET.org Thirteen
Chamber Music Society of LC, members: Michala Petri, Recorder; Lars Hannibal, Archlute; Ani Kavafian, Violin; Erin Keefe, Violin; Yura Lee, Violin; Cho-Liang Lin, Violin; Richard O’Neill, Viola; Daniel McDonough, Cello; Edgar Meyer, Double Bass; Peter Kolkay, Bassoon; John Gibbons, Harpsichord
Programme: Corelli, Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 6, No. 4; Sammartini, Concerto in F Major for Recorder, Strings & Continuo; Vivaldi, Sonata in D Minor (La Follia) for Two Violins & Continuo; Tartini, Sonata in G Minor (Devil’s Trill) for Recorder & Continuo; Corelli, Concerto Grasso in G Minor op. 6, No. 8 (Christmas Concerto); Matteis, Diverse Bizzarrie Sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona for Two Violins and Continuo; Bach, Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins, Strings & Continuo; Vivaldi, Concerto in C Major for Recorder, Strings & Continuo; ENCORE: Bach, Air on the G string.
Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: 2 704 kb/s
Video Resolution: 1918x1074
Display Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 29.970 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 384 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 6
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 1 h 52 min
Number Of Parts: 1
Part Size: 2.48 GB
Source: HDTV 1080i MPEG2 (Thanks to TrollHD)
Encoded by: DocFreak08
外语原版纪录片《 Baroque Holiday with the Chamber Music Society /与室内乐协会的巴洛克式假期》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
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