[BBC系列]:跟随亚历山大大帝的脚步In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
历史纪录片,由迈克尔·伍德(Michael Wood)讲述,??并由英国广播公司(BBC)于1997年出版-英文,中文多国语言解说History Documentary narrated by Michael Wood and published by BBC in 1997 - English, Chinese Multilanguage narration
公元前335年,马其顿的亚历山大(Alexander of Macedonia)出发征服世界。亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)的航行在十年间超过了22,000英里,从希腊到印度,再经过一些最困难,最不可原谅的地形。1996年,超过2000年,迈克尔·伍德(Michael Wood)步履蹒跚,他尽可能地跟随亚历山大和他为实现不可能而开车的军队的脚步。他确实具有现代交通的优势。在一定程度上。他乘坐吉普车,公共汽车,卡车,火车,退休的俄罗斯救护车以及偶尔乘坐直升飞机旅行时发现,除了骆驼,mu子,马或人的脚以外,世界上某些地方仍然完全无法通行。检查站后卫,机组人员穿越了16个国家。他们越过海湾战争后的伊拉克,在塔利班崛起期间进入阿富汗。他们穿越了沙海,大盐沙漠和死亡沙漠,并攀登了世界上最高的山口。[编辑]??上帝之子在这个节目中:黎巴嫩的提尔城,亚历山大最绝望的战斗现场;巴勒斯坦“两角亚历山大”的传说;还有埃及的锡瓦绿洲,亚历山大被誉为法老和上帝之子。[编辑]???亚洲之王在这个节目中,迈克尔穿越伊朗走向里海。他遇到了游牧民族,这些游牧民族讲述了亚历山大与一名亚马逊女王的try节,以及亚历山大的波斯敌人的活后裔,他们都有自己的故事,被称为“被诅咒的亚历山大”。[编辑]???在印度教中,库什伍德穿越饱受战争tor的阿富汗,穿越进入中亚的奥克斯河(Oxus River)和丝绸之路城市撒马尔罕(Samarkand),亚历山大在一次醉酒斗殴中杀死了先前挽救了生命的朋友。[编辑]??走向世界的尽头最后一腿将他从开伯山口穿过巴基斯坦,带到旁遮普邦,亚历山大的军队在这里进行了mut变,他被迫穿越马克兰沙漠回到巴比伦,在那里他仅32岁就去世了。In 335 BC Alexander of Macedonia set off on an expedition to conqueror the world. The voyage of Alexander the Great covered more than 22,000 miles in ten years, from Greece to India and back, through some of the most difficult and unforgiving terrain.In 1996, more than 2000 years later, Michael Wood was hot on his trail, following, as closely as possible, in the footsteps of Alexander and the armythat he drove to achieve the impossible.He did have the advantages of modern transport. Up to a point. Travelling by jeep, bus, truck, train, retired Russian ambulance and occasional lifts in helicopters, he discovered that some parts of the world are still completely inaccessible to anything but the feet of camels, mules, horses or occasionally humans.Leaving countless baffled border checkpoint guards in their wake, the crew travelled through 16 countries. They crossed post-Gulf War Iraq and entered Afghanistan during the rise of the Taleban. They crossed the Great Sea of Sand, the Great Salt Desert and the Desert of Death and climbed some of the highest mountain passes in the world.[edit] Son of God In this programme: the Lebanese city of Tyre, scene of Alexander's most desperate battle; the Palestinian legend of `Two-Horned Alexander'; and the Egyptian oasis of Siwa, where Alexander was proclaimed pharaoh and son of God.[edit] Lord of Asia In this programme, Michael crosses Iran towards the Caspian Sea. He meets nomads who tell of Alexander's tryst with an Amazon queen, and the living descendants of Alexander's Persian enemies, who have their own tales of `Alexander the Accursed'.[edit] Across the Hindu Kush Wood travels through war-torn Afghanistan, crossing the Oxus River into Central Asia and the Silk Road city of Samarkand where, in a drunken brawl, Alexander killed the friend who had previously saved his life.[edit] To the Ends of the World The final leg takes him from the Khyber Pass through Pakistan to the Punjab, where Alexander's army mutinied and he was forced to return across the Makran Desert to Babylon, where he died at only 32 years of age.
视频编码: XviD MPEG-4 编码
比特率: 1391 kb/s
Video 画面比例: 1.33:1
Video 分辨率: 576x432
音频编码: MP3 DualAudio
音频比特率: 133 kb/s
Audio 声道数: 2 Ch
分集时长: 00:58
帧速率: 29.970 帧速率
分集数: 4
体积: 697 MB
Subtitles: English , Romanian
发布人:: KiSS【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: XviD MPEG-4 codec
Video Bitrate: 1391 kb/s
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Video Resolution: 576x432
Audio Codec: MP3 DualAudio
Audio BitRate: 133 kb/s
Audio Channels: 2 Ch
RunTime: 00:58
Framerate: 29.970 FPS
Number Of Parts: 4
Part Size: 697 MB
Subtitles: English , Romanian
Ripped by: KiSS
Release Post
MVGroup.org (ed2k)
MVGroup.org (torrent)
Official Website
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