[Channel 5系列]:行走英国的失落的铁路系列1Walking Britain's Lost Railways Series 1-1080P高清迅雷网盘下载
罗伯·贝尔(Rob Bell)主持的旅行纪录片,由第五频道在2018年发行-英语旁白Travel Documentary hosted by Rob Bell, published by Channel 5 in 2018- English narration
罗布·贝尔重温20世纪60年代退役线和庆祝已经从他们的遗体创造新的生活。[编辑]???苏格兰,他开始了他在苏格兰的追求,沿着从埃尔金到Portsoy老路线痴痴,已投放的渔业和威士忌线行业。Rob沿强大的Elgin站一直感到坚挺,然后沿海岸追踪,对此感到疑惑。洛西茅斯曾经看到过沿路行驶的雪利酒桶大量和大量鱼类,而风景如画的码头仍然背叛了钢轨的存在,一直到水的边缘。??谢菲尔德·罗布·贝尔(Sheffield Rob Bell)在钢制小镇谢菲尔德(Sheffield)开始了他的旅程,从旧的维多利亚皇家火车站(Royal Victoria Station)穿过马路,车站酒店曾经是数百万火车乘客的临时住所。他乘坐短途火车从谢菲尔德(Sheffield)驶向伍特利(Wortley),在那里,当地的工程爱好者开着一条微型铁路,使他激动不已。罗伯(Rob)在彭尼山脉(Pennines)上追踪了曾经是同类最长的伍德海德隧道(Woodhead Tunnel)的路线,然后加入了哈德菲尔德(Hadfield)一条仍在工作的铁路线,前往他的最终目的地-曼彻斯特的工业强国。[编辑]??达特穆尔·罗伯·贝尔(Dartmoor Rob Bell)遇到一个男人,他精心地重新制作了从普利茅斯到埃克塞特的微型系列。然后,他通过Dartmoor绘制了这条封闭线。Rob在塔维斯托克(Tavistock)品尝了当地著名的兔子派蛋糕,并在Ambrosia大米布丁工厂里取样,得知该生产线对整个英国业务的成功负有重要责任。在加入花岗岩小路(现已成为人们喜爱的自行车路线)之后,Rob到达了Okehampton,然后连接到埃克塞特。这项服务现在要归功于当地的活动家-失去的战线及其曾经服务的社区取得了小小的胜利。??湖区Rob Bell重新访问了湖区退役的铁路线,在那里他寻找一条难以捉摸的路标,该路经Penrith附近一条繁忙的高速公路开始。当他追踪路线时,他了解了工程师托马斯·布奇(Thomas Bouch)的悲惨故事,他的名声因一场灾难而毁于一旦,并发现凯瑟克(Keswick)附近的一条丢失的线路曾经如何通过从矿山运送矿物和矿石来支持整个地区。[编辑]??萨默塞特郡(Somerset)和多塞特郡(Dorset)罗布·贝尔(Rob Bell)重新审视了已退役的萨默塞特和多塞特(Somerset-Dorset)线路,该线路改变了当地海滨小镇的命运,但建设和维护成本很高。罗布发现了为什么崎Some不平的萨默塞特水准公路面临如此艰巨的挑战,而当他跋涉到无情的多岩石的门迪普山丘(Mendip Hills)时,建造费用变得更加明显,在那里必须建造几个大的高架桥。Rob沿着线路的最后一个,最昂贵且悲惨的部分前进,探索了草草建造的Coombe Down隧道。[编辑]??威尔士罗伯·贝尔(Rob Bell)访问威尔士,考察鲁邦(Ruabon)和巴茅斯(Barmouth)之间失去界限的故事。这条路线代表着一个巨大的变化,维多利亚州的普通工薪家庭获得了负担得起的威尔士腹地景观和语言的使用权。他横跨庞蒂西尔特渡槽(Poncysyllte Aqueduct),这是英国最古老,最长的通航水道,也是世界上最高的渡槽,然后在巴拉湖划独木舟。在Dolgellau,Rob遇见了当地的竖琴家,听到了与威尔士形象本质上联系在一起的声音。Rob Bell revisits lines decommissioned in the 1960s and celebrates the new life that has been created from their remains.[edit] Scotland He begins his quest in Scotland, journeying along the old route from Elgin to Portsoy, a line that served the fishing and whisky industries. Rob wonders at the formidable Elgin station, which still stands strong, before tracking the line along the coast. Lossiemouth once saw sherry barrels aplenty and vast quantities of fish along its route, and the picturesque docks still betray the presence of steel track right up to the water's edge.[edit] Sheffield Rob Bell starts his journey in the steel town of Sheffield, where across the road from the old Royal Victoria Station, the Station Hotel once served as a temporary home to millions of train passengers. He takes a short ride on a freight train out of Sheffield towards Wortley, where he is thrilled by a miniature railway run by local engineering enthusiasts. Over the Pennines, Rob traces the route of the Woodhead Tunnel, once the longest of its kind, before joining a still-working stretch of the line at Hadfield, heading into his final destination - the industrial powerhouse of Manchester.[edit] Dartmoor Rob Bell meets a man who has meticulously recreated the beginning of the Plymouth-to-Exeter line in miniature. He then charts this closed line through Dartmoor. In Tavistock, Rob samples the famous local rabbit pie and at the Ambrosia rice pudding factory, learns that the line was largely responsible for the UK-wide success of the business. After joining the Granite Way, which has now become a much-loved cycle route, Rob arrives in Okehampton before linking on to Exeter. This service exists now thanks to local campaigners - a small victory for lost lines and the communities they used to serve.[edit] Lake District Rob Bell revisits decommissioned railway lines in the Lake District, where he looks for elusive signs of a route that begins over a busy motorway near Penrith. As he traces the route, he learns the tragic tale of engineer Thomas Bouch, whose reputation was ruined by a disaster, and discovers how a lost line near Keswick once supported the whole region by transporting minerals and ore from the mines.[edit] Somerset and Dorset Rob Bell revisits the decommissioned Somerset-and-Dorset line, which transformed the fortunes of local seaside towns, but proved costly to build and maintain. Rob discovers why the boggy Somerset Levels presented such challenge to lay track upon, and the expense of construction becomes even more apparent as he treks into the unforgivingly rocky Mendip Hills, where several grand viaducts had to be built. Heading through the final, most expensive and tragic part of the line, Rob explores the hastily constructed Coombe Down Tunnel.[edit] Wales Rob Bell visits Wales to examine the story of a lost line between Ruabon and Barmouth. The route represented a sea-change in how ordinary Victorian working families were granted affordable access to the landscape and language of the Welsh heartlands. He takes a trip across the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct - the oldest and longest navigable aqueduct in Great Britain and the highest in the world - and goes canoeing in Lake Bala. In Dolgellau, Rob meets a local harpist and hears the sounds that became intrinsically tied to the image of Wales.
视频编码: x265 CABAC Main10@L4
比特率: CRF 25 (~2817Kbps)
Video 分辨率: 1920x1080
Video 画面比例: 16:9
帧速率: 25 帧速率
音频编码: HE-AAC
音频比特率: 160Kbps CBR 24KHz
Audio 声道数: 6
时长: 43 mins
分集数: 6
体积: 925 MB (average)
来源: HDTV
编码: JungleBoy【Technical Specs】——
Video Codec: x265 CABAC Main10@L4
Video Bitrate: CRF 25 (~2817Kbps)
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: HE-AAC
Audio Bitrate: 160Kbps CBR 24KHz
Audio Channels: 6
Run-Time: 43 mins
Number Of Parts: 6
Part Size: 925 MB (average)
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: JungleBoy
Further Information
Channel 5
Release Post
MVGroup.org (torrent)
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